
McHenry Times

Friday, March 14, 2025

Village of Huntley Board of Trustees met Jan. 26

Village of Huntley Board of Trustees met Jan. 26.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


A meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Huntley was called to order on Thursday, January 26, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Complex, Village Board Room, 10987 Main St., Huntley, Illinois 60142.


PRESENT: Mayor Timothy Hoeft; Trustees: Ronda Goldman, Mary Holzkopf, Niko Kanakaris, Curt Kittel, and JR Westberg.

ABSENT: Trustee Harry Leopold

IN ATTENDANCE: Village Manager David Johnson, Deputy Village Manager Lisa Armour, Director of Development Services Charles Nordman, Chief of Police Robert Porter, Deputy Chief of Police Amy Williams, Deputy Chief of Police Linda Hooten, Economic Development, Marketing & Recruitment Specialist Melissa Stocker, Management Assistant Barbara Read, Village Clerk Rita McMahon, and Village Attorney Betsy Gates-Alford.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Hoeft led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Chief Porter shared Sgt. Griffith’s professional background and introduced his family. Village Clerk Rita McMahon administered the Oath of Office. Chief Porter congratulated Sgt. Griffith and asked if he would like to say a few words. Sgt. Griffith thanked his family, friends, fellow officers, Mayor Hoeft, Village Board and Staff and concluded saying he is excited to continue his career with the Huntley Police Department.

Trustee Holzkopf entered the meeting at 7:06 pm.



All items listed under Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Village Board and may be approved and/or accepted by one motion with a Roll Call Vote. If further discussion is needed, any member of the Board may request that an item be moved off of the Consent Agenda to Items for Discussion and Consideration.

a) Consideration – Approve, but not for public release, the Executive Session Minutes of May 19, 2021, May 26, 2021, August 12, 2021, August 26, 2021 #1, August 26, 2021 #2, September 23, 2021, October 14, 2021, October 28, 2021, January 13, 2022, January 27, 2022, March 24, 2022, August 11, 2022, October 13, 2022, October 27, 2022, December 8, 2022

b) Consideration – Approval of the January 26, 2023 Bill List in the Amount of $1,668,113.05 

c) Consideration – Approval of Payout Request No. 4 to Manusos General Contracting for the East WWTP UV Disinfection System Replacement in the amount of $14,085

d) Consideration – Resolution Waiving Competitive Bid and Approving the Purchase of a 2022 Ford Escape from Bull Valley Ford in the Amount of $33,629.26

Mayor Hoeft stated the Executive Session Minutes listed were reviewed during a previous Executive Session and a determination was made that the need still exists to retain confidentiality. He said the motion for approval on the Consent Agenda for the Executive Session is to approve the minutes but not for public release. Mayor Hoeft asked if any of the Trustees would like anything removed or changed on the Consent Agenda. There were no comments.

A MOTION was made to approve the January 26, 2023 Consent Agenda including the listed Executive Session Minutes for approval but not for public release. 

MOTION: Trustee Kittel 

SECOND: Trustee Westberg 

AYES: Trustees: Goldman, Holzkopf, Kanakaris, Kittel, and Westberg 

NAYS: None 

ABSENT: Trustee Leopold 

The motion carried: 5-0-1 


a) Consideration – Resolution Approving Reimbursement for a Façade Improvement Assistance Program Grant for Infinite Thermal Solution, 10802 Route 47 Director of Development Services Charles Nordman stated that Infinite Thermal Solutions (ITS) was approved for a Façade Improvement Assistance Program Grant on October 8, 2020, in the amount of $10,000 for proposed improvements to 10802 Route 47 that included façade changes to the primary building and garage, constructing a 400 square-foot addition to the garage, paving the parking area, and the installation of new landscaping. The construction cost was estimated at $76,500.


A final certificate of occupancy was issued for the project on November 22, 2022, and the owner submitted paid invoices and lien waivers to the Village on January 6, 2023. The Façade Improvement Assistance Program Agreement requires that improvements be completed within six (6) months from the date of approval. The owner may request a six (6) month extension provided there is a demonstrated hardship.

The final work was completed and paid invoices/lien waivers were submitted to the Village outside of the timeframe required by the Agreement; therefore, staff was unable to process the request for reimbursement. The Village Board’s approval is required to reimburse ITS the $10,000 originally awarded on October 8, 2020.


If approved, the $10,000 would be reimbursed from the FY22 budget. The FY22 budget included $50,000 for the Façade Improvement Assistance Program in the Downtown Tax Increment Finance District No. 2 Fund.


Village Board approval is required for reimbursement.

Mayor Hoeft asked if there were any questions. There were none.

A MOTION was made to approve a Resolution Approving Reimbursement for a Façade Improvement Assistance Program Grant for the Infinite Thermal Solutions, 10802 Route 47. 

MOTION: Trustee Kanakaris 

SECOND: Trustee Goldman 

AYES: Trustees: Goldman, Holzkopf, Kanakaris, Kittel, and Westberg 

NAYS: None 

ABSENT: Trustee Leopold 

The motion carried: 5-0-1 

b) Consideration – Ordinance Approving Relief from the Village’s Sign Regulations to Allow for the Installation of an Electronic Message Center as a Component of the Monument Sign for The Huntley Area Public Library, 11000 Ruth Road

Director of Development Services Charles Nordman said the Huntley Area Public Library (the “Library”) proposes to install a freestanding monument sign at the northeast corner of Main Street and Ruth Road. As part of the project, the petitioner has submitted a request for relief to allow for an Electronic Message Center (“EMC”) to be installed as a component of the sign.


The site plan includes the construction of a 7’-6” tall, 80 square-foot monument sign that faces the intersection of Main Street and Ruth Road. The 10’-9” X 7’-6” single face monument sign is located 20 feet from either property line and is subject to the regulations set forth by vision clearance triangle. The sign complies with the Village’s sign code which regulates the size, height, number, and location of ground signs.

The monument is comprised of a tan flagstone brick veneer base which serves as the backdrop for aluminum channel lettering. The 5” tall Bookman Old Style font will announce “Huntley Area Public Library” just beneath a cast concrete cap. Above, a composite wood frame will support another expanse of tan brick as well as a 7’ X 2’-9” EMC. It is intended that the 19.25 square-foot EMC will announce Library programs and special events hosted by the Library. The Library has submitted a request for relief from the Village’s sign code which prohibits the use of flashing or blinking signs. No other illumination is proposed.

Landscape plans have been submitted which show seven large arborvitae planted behind the sign to offer a natural green backdrop. Varieties like the rose glow barberry and the limelight hydrangea have been chosen to provide a medium scale on either end of the sign. Low rise plantings like the blue fescue and Japanese spurge are planted in front so as not to obstruct the view of the sign. The landscaping provided at the base of the monument sign is compliant with the Village’s sign ordinance.

Staff recommends the following conditions be applied should the Village Board approve the relief for the proposed electronic message center:

1) The electronic message center sign shall contain static messages only and shall not have movement or the appearance or optical illusion of movement, of any part of the sign structure, design, or pictorial segment of the sign, including the movement or appearance of movement of any illumination or the flashing, scintillating or varying of light intensity other than that provided through an automatic dimming system to control overall illumination intensity. Each message on the sign shall be displayed for a minimum of 10 seconds. The change of messages must be accomplished immediately.

2) All landscape beds are required to be mulched on an annual basis and dead plantings must be replaced immediately upon decline.

3) No building plans, permits, sign permits, or Certificates of Occupancy are approved as part of this submittal.


The Strategic Plan identifies “Engaged Community” as a strategic focus and the following goals: “Community Events” which foster community pride and “Enhanced Community Partnerships” with other community organizations. The installation of the monument sign will allow the Village’s community partner, the Library, to promote their own engaging community events.

Mayor Hoeft asked if the Village Board had any comments or questions. There were none.

A MOTION was made to approve an Ordinance Approving Relief from the Village’s Sign Regulations to Allow for the Installation of an Electronic Message Center as a Component of the Monument Sign for the Huntley Area Public Library, 11000 Ruth Road. 

MOTION: Trustee Holzkopf 

SECOND: Trustee Kittel 

AYES: Trustees: Goldman, Holzkopf, Kanakaris, Kittel, and Westberg 

NAYS: None 

ABSENT: Trustee Leopold 

The motion carried: 5-0-1 

c) Consideration – Ordinance Approving a Final Planned Unit Development, including any necessary relief, for the Construction of a ±39,120 square-foot Warehouse Building upon Lot 2 in the Duke Realty Corporation Huntley DC Subdivision, generally located at the southwest corner of Freeman Road and Weber Drive Director of Development Services Charles Nordman said in January 2022, Universe Carrier Inc. received Village Board approval for phase one of the project to construct its logistics headquarters located at 14351 Weber Drive. With phase one under construction, Universe Carrier Inc. formed UC Huntley LLC who has submitted plans for phase two of the project located upon the neighboring Lot 2 in the Duke Realty Corporation Huntley DC Subdivision.

The subject parcel is generally located at the southwest corner of Freeman Road and Weber Drive, directly west of the Weber Distribution Center. The ±15.69-acre site is proposed to accommodate the construction of a ±39,120 square foot multi-tenant warehouse building that could potentially be divided in up to four tenant spaces. Staff notes that no users for the tenant spaces have been identified at this time. UC Huntley LLC intends to own and maintain the property while leasing the warehouse space to suitable users.

The parcel is zoned “ORI” PUD, Office/Research/Industrial Planned Unit Development, and was annexed into the Village with the Weber parcel to the east on May 8, 2014. The annexation agreement provides for the entire development to follow the “ORI” zoning regulations that were in place at the time of annexation.

In 2014, the “ORI” zoning allowed Warehouse (storage) as a permitted use. The Warehousing use also allows for outdoor storage of trucks and tractor trailers as associated with and accessory to the user. Warehousing, storage, and distribution uses now require a special use permit in the “ORI” District, but the aforementioned Weber annexation agreement requires the Village to allow the use as permitted for this development. 


Site Plan 

The proposed ±39,120 square-foot building is located in compliance with all building setback requirements provided for the ORI zoning district. Principle access to the site is provided from Freeman Road with two access aprons on Weber Drive (a private roadway). The building is positioned with the main entrances to the four tenant spaces facing northeast toward Weber Drive. The truck court and 14 loading docks will face southwest overlooking the detention pond and Eakin Creek.

The building proposes ±31,480 square feet dedicated to warehousing and the remaining ±7,640 square feet for future office area. The plan provides 56 standard 10’ X 19’ parking spaces at the front of the building along Weber Drive. The petitioner has requested relief to accommodate the proposed parking count which is seven passenger parking stalls short of the 63 required by the Zoning Ordinance. A total of 59 semi-trailer parking stalls are provided along the south side and west rear property lines; 37 trailer stalls measuring 12’ X 55’ located adjacent to the rear loading docks and 22 trailer stalls measuring 12’ X 75’ located along the south lot line which abuts the existing trailer parking provided upon the neighboring phase one lot. The tractor-trailer parking spaces will be for tenants of the building only. The tractor-trailer parking spaces will not be leased to any off-premise businesses.

An 8-foot tall, black vinyl coated, chain link fence with coded access gates is proposed to surround the entire improved area. The petitioner has requested relief to allow a fence in the front yard setback, and to allow the fence to be 8-foot tall. The requested relief is the same relief granted for phase one. The fencing style, height, and location will align with the existing fence installed upon the neighboring Universe Carrier lot. The request for relief has been submitted to accommodate potential future tenant security needs; however, the fence will not be installed unless a tenant expresses the need. No outdoor dumpsters are proposed at this time.

Building Elevations 

The proposed building elevations utilize precast panels with the same blue, white, and gray paint scheme to match the phase one building. The building frontage facing Weber Drive will include the main entrances to each tenant’s office space adorned with two story spandrel glass and an awning. The southwest facing elevation includes 10 drive in doors and four depressed loading docks. The plans indicate a panel height of 32’ and propose pre-fabricated equipment screens installed around the roof top mechanical equipment.


The parking lot lighting plan indicates the use of Lithonia D Series LED light fixtures mounted on poles at a 28’ in total height within the passenger parking areas and 30’ in total height within the truck parking areas. All pole style and mounting heights match those used in phase one. Lithonia wall pack lighting will also be utilized on the building and all lighting will be full cut off.


The proposed landscape plan includes four varieties of evergreens and six varieties of shade trees. In total, 47 shade trees will be planted around the perimeter of the improvement area with all 21 evergreen trees planted to the north of the building. An additional 24 shade trees are proposed to replace the dead trees along the west side of Weber Drive. Landscaped islands are provided in the passenger parking areas as required. The building frontage along Weber Drive and foundation plantings on the north and east sides of the building have been sufficiently planted with 176 shrubs including a mix of perennials and grasses. The remainder of the site, including the two detention ponds, will remain open natural prairie area as existing.


No signage has been proposed at this time. Any future signage must conform to the Village’s Sign Ordinance.

Village Board Concept Review 

The Village Board reviewed conceptual plans for Universe Carrier Phase II on August 25, 2022 and provided the following comments:

1. It was emphasized that all mechanicals on the roof top are to be screened. The plans indicate a panel height of 32’ and propose pre-fabricated equipment screens installed around the roof top mechanical equipment. 

2. It was recommended that the building be well lit. Full cut off Lithonia wall pack lighting will be utilized around the entire building. 

3. It was stressed that the west side of Weber Drive needs to be properly maintained and landscaped as viewable from Freeman Road. An additional 24 shade trees are proposed to replace the dead trees along the west side of Weber Drive. Conditions of approval include the petitioner’s obligation for continued maintenance of this area including mowing, mulching, and replacement of declining landscaping. 

Plan Commission Recommendation 

The Plan Commission conducted a public hearing to consider the petitioner’s request on January 9, 2023, and, with no members of the public offering testimony in favor or opposition to the request, unanimously recommended approval of the petition by a vote of 6 to 0, subject to the following conditions:

1. All public improvements and site development must occur in full compliance with the submitted plans and all applicable Village codes, ordinances, and Municipal Services (Engineering, Public Works, Planning and Building) site design standards, practices and permit requirements.

2. The petitioner is required to meet all development requirements of the Huntley Fire Protection District.

3. The outdoor storage of shipping/cargo containers shall be prohibited.

4. Tractor trailer parking spaces shall be for occupants of the building only. The tractor trailer parking spaces shall not be leased to an off-premise business by the owner or tenant of the building. 

6. If a dumpster is added to the exterior of the building, a dumpster enclosure shall be constructed and approved in accordance to the standards provided by the Development Services Department. 

7. The petitioner is responsible for mowing the grass and the continued maintenance of the landscape areas upon its property adjacent to Weber Drive and Freeman Road.

8. All landscape beds are required to be mulched on an annual basis and dead plantings must be replaced immediately upon decline.

9. No building plans, construction permits, sign permits, or Certificates of Occupancy are approved as part of this submittal.

The Plan Commission added the following conditions: 

10. No parking shall be allowed on Weber Drive.

11. No loading or unloading activity is permitted to take place from Weber Drive.


The Strategic Plan identifies “Strong Local Economy” as a strategic focus and the following goal: “Location of Choice for New and Expanding Businesses of all Sizes.” 


The required public hearing was conducted by the Plan Commission.

Mayor Hoeft asked if the Village Board had any comments or questions. Trustee Goldman asked when the petitioner anticipated breaking ground and when the building would be completed. Mr. Mike Hawryluk, managing real estate agent for the property, said the site work is approximately 80% complete with a targeted building completion date of hopefully September 2023. Trustee Goldman said she likes the buildings that they have built on the south side of town and appreciates their business in Huntley. Mr. Hawryluk thanked Trustee Goldman for her support and said this new building will match the existing Universe Carrier building, so it will be another nice building. Trustee Westberg questioned the traffic exiting the property and turning right onto Freeman Road and who would maintain the road from the building. Director Nordman said signage is already in place as required from Phase I prohibiting traffic from turning right onto Freeman Road. Village Manager Johnson said the road is a private road.

Trustee Kanakaris said he liked the appearance of the building and asked if the fence is planned to go around the entire piece of property. Mr. Hawryluk said the fencing matches the Phase I property and is planned to go around the perimeter of the property. Trustee Kanakaris asked if that was for safety reasons. Mr. Hawryluk said the fence will not be installed until the tenant requests it be installed and then depending on what the tenant requires for safety requirements, the fence may be in the front or only in the back of the building. Trustee Kanakaris said he thought the building would look better without a fence, but said he likes the look of the building. Trustee Kittel said he also liked the look of the building and appreciates the work they have done in the past and appreciates them being in Huntley. There were no further questions or comments.

A MOTION was made to approve an Ordinance Approving a Final Planned Unit Development, Including any Necessary Relief, for the Construction of a ±39,120 Square-Foot Warehouse Building upon Lot 2 in the Duke Realty Corporation Huntley DC Subdivision, generally located at the Southwest Corner of Freeman Road and Weber Drive. 

MOTION: Trustee Holzkopf 

SECOND: Trustee Kanakaris 

AYES: Trustees: Goldman, Holzkopf, Kanakaris, Kittel, and Westberg 

NAYS: None 

ABSENT: Trustee Leopold 

The motion carried: 5-0-1

d) Resolution Adopting the 2023 Economic Development Work Plan

Deputy Village Manager Lisa Armour stated as part of the FY23 Budget, one of the goals of the Village Board was to adopt an Economic Development Work Plan for 2023. The Village board approved an Economic Development Plan framework in 2022, with specific work plan items for 2022. The framework of the plan remains and provides an overall economic development strategy. New work plan items for 2023 have been identified consistent with goals included in the FY23 Budget.


The 2023 Work Plan action items are as follows:

• Finalize agreements for redevelopment of the former Village Hall building on Coral Street to attract a new restaurant

• Finalize planning, commence construction and begin operation of the Small Business Incubator Shops on Main Street

• Promote Small Business Assistance Program and Façade Improvement Program 

• Develop and promote branding of logistics and e-commerce corridor in area near the I-90/Rt. 47 interchange including gateway signage at the southeast corner of Route 47 and Freeman Road 

• Host an Economic Roundtable for businesses and investors

• Conduct retention visits with local businesses

• In conjunction with The Retail Coach, host a Huntley Retail Workshop for existing retail businesses seeking industry data and tips

• Continued partnership with The Retail Coach to implement retail marketing and recruitment program


The Strategic Plan identifies “Strong Local Economy” as a strategic focus, and the following goal: “Location of Choice for New and Expanding Businesses of All Sizes.”


The budgeted amount for Economic Development activity in FY23 is $100,000 per line item 100-70-00-6387. Mayor Hoeft asked if the Village Board had comments or questions. There were none.

A MOTION was made to approve a Resolution Adopting the 2023 Economic Development Work Plan. 

MOTION: Trustee Westberg 

SECOND: Trustee Holzkopf 

AYES: Trustees: Goldman, Holzkopf, Kanakaris, Kittel, and Westberg 

NAYS: None 

ABSENT: Trustee Leopold 

The motion carried: 5-0-1 

e) Consideration – Ordinance Amending Gross Vehicle Weight Rating Restrictions for Traffic on Freeman Road

Village Manager David Johnson stated that the Village Board approved Ordinance (O) 2022-04.21 updating truck weight roadway restrictions throughout the Village. Prior to the ordinance, a limited number of roadways had posted weight restrictions and the remaining roadways were “undesignated” or had a 12,000 pounds or less GVWR.


Freeman Road is currently an “undesignated” roadway from the eastern Village limits east of the Weber and Amazon facilities west to Route 47. While both facilities have signage indicating that use of Freeman Road to the east is prohibited, there have been several instances in which trucks have been observed travelling to and from the east. As a result, an amendment is proposed to the truck weight ordinance that would limit the “undesignated” portion of roadway to the area from IL Route 47 east to a point approximately 950 feet east of Weber Drive to accommodate truck ingress and egress from the Weber and Amazon facilities. Beyond that point to the end of Village limits, the weight limit would be 26,000 pounds. The restrictions are illustrated on the attached exhibit.


The Strategic Plan identifies “Healthy, Safe, and Attractive Community” as a strategic focus and the following goal: “A Safe Community.” Truck restrictions will regulate over-weight trucks from traveling on local roadways thereby enhancing roadway traffic safety.


Minimal costs would be associated with additional signage.


Chapter 15 of the Illinois Vehicle Code (625 ILCS 5/Ch. 15 heading) governs vehicle requirements for size, weight, load and permits. Sec. 15-316 regulates “when the Department or local authority may restrict right to use highways.” To summarize, the Village has the authority to restrict trucks on local roads with passage of a resolution or ordinance and proper public notice in accordance with these regulations.

Mayor Hoeft thanked Village Manager Johnson for the presentation and added that he, personally, has had six or seven residents send him pictures of trucks within their subdivision including one truck that was actually turning around in a resident’s driveway. He said that this has not been a problem with Weber and thinks the best action the Village could take would be to amend the code for the weight traffic and add additional signage to help protect the neighbors from the traffic using Freeman Road. Village Manager Johnson said that Chief Porter, Director Nordman, and Director Farrell have also identified that there are some roads, north of Freeman Road, by Amazon that are mismarked on GPS and Google Maps. He added that staff has had conversations with the manager of the Amazon Facility, and she has been extremely responsive and is also trying to have the roads changed to be correctly identified on GPS and Google Maps.

Trustee Goldman said she recently received an email from a friend that lives in the neighboring subdivision that has asked to meet with her but said she would not meet without Village staff present. She added that meeting is being planned to take place at a resident’s house at the end of February or early March. Village Manager Johnson thanked Trustee Goldman and added that the Police and Public Works Departments have been very responsive to their calls and in addition to the permanent signs already in place, a message board has been placed at Carriage Way as well. Village Manager Johnson added that it is shocking that the Village Board is needing to address this problem, since Weber has been in the Village for over 20 years and there has never been a problem like this with trucks. He said it is obviously an Amazon issue, and as discussed earlier, permanent signage will be added, hopefully within the next couple of days, to point the trucks in the right direction and to not turn onto Freeman Road to go east.

A MOTION was made to approve an Ordinance Amending Gross Vehicle Weight Rating Restrictions for Traffic on Freeman Road. 

MOTION: Trustee Westberg 

SECOND: Trustee Goldman 

AYES: Trustees: Goldman, Holzkopf, Kanakaris, Kittel, and Westberg 

NAYS: None 

ABSENT: Trustee Leopold 

The motion carried: 5-0-1 

f) Consideration – Resolution Waiving Competitive Bid and Authorizing the Purchase of Office Furniture from Rieke Office Interiors (ROI) In the Amount of $39,315.10 for the Sergeants’ Office Reconfiguration in the Police Department

Chief of Police Robert Porter said there are currently six patrol sergeant workstations within the sergeants’ office. Two sergeant positions have been added to the department. Due to the increase, the sergeants’ office requires reconfiguration to create eight similarly sized and spaced workstations.


The sergeants’ office was originally designed with five workstations. In 2022, an additional patrol sergeant was added, requiring an increase of one workstation. Adjustments were made at that time to accommodate the additional sergeant position, but with two more workstations needed, the space needs to be better designed to provide adequate work space for each sergeant.

Staff reached out to ROI and two other vendors; however, the other two vendors did not submit any information regarding the reconfiguration. ROI developed a design for the workstations and two customized counter height cabinet work areas. The colors that were selected for the space are similar in nature to the existing workspaces.


The Strategic Plan identifies “Organizational Excellence” as a strategic focus and the following goal: “Highest Level of Customer Service.” The renovation of the sergeants’ office will ensure the sergeants have the space within their workstation to perform the administrative duties of the position in a manner that provides the best customer service to the public.


Total cost for the furniture will be $39,315.10. Funds of $50,000 are included in the Facilities and Ground Maintenance Capital Fund line item: 410-00-00-8003. Remaining funds will be utilized to complete the space.


In accordance with State Statute, a bid waiver shall be approved by a vote of two-thirds of all the trustees then holding office, thus requiring an affirmative vote of four trustees, with the mayor not voting.

Mayor Hoeft asked if the Village Board had comments or questions. There were none.

A MOTION was made to approve a Resolution Waiving Competitive Bid and Authorizing the Purchase of Office Furniture from Rieke Office Interiors (ROI) in the amount of $39,315.10 for the Sergeants’ Office Reconfiguration in the Police Department.

MOTION: Trustee Kanakaris 

SECOND: Trustee Kittel 

AYES: Trustees: Goldman, Holzkopf, Kanakaris, Kittel, and Westberg 

NAYS: None 

ABSENT: Trustee Leopold 

The motion carried: 5-0-1 

g) Consideration – Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Two 2023 Ford Police Interceptor SUV Vehicles through the Illinois Department of Central Management Services (CMS) Procurement Program in the Total Amount of $82,860.00

Chief of Police Robert Porter said the FY23 Budget provides for the replacement of two Police Patrol Division vehicles. Vehicle replacement was based on the condition, high mileage and current repair costs of the vehicles, as well as the allocated staffing increase within the department.


The FY23 replacement plan addresses the replacement of Squad #40, a 2015 Ford Interceptor SUV, with 82,000 miles; and Squad #42, a 2015 Ford Interceptor SUV, with 90,402 miles used in the Patrol Division. The Village will purchase these vehicles through the Illinois Department of Central Management Services (CMS) Procurement Program. Total cost for the two vehicles is $82,860.00.

Once the vehicles are received and in service, authorization to dispose of the current vehicles will be requested.


The Strategic Plan identifies “Healthy, Safe and Attractive Community” as a strategic focus and the following goal: “A Safe Community.” Reliable, safe squad cars are needed to maintain a professional image while ensuring the ability to properly respond to all calls for service in order to maintain a safe Village to those who live, visit, and enjoy the Village.


Funds for replacement of the vehicles are budgeted for in the Equipment and Replacement Fund line item 480-50-00-8132. Total cost budgeted for the two vehicles is $125,000. Remaining funds will be utilized to equip the vehicles with emergency equipment after delivery.

Mayor Hoeft asked if the Village Board had comments or questions. There were none.

A MOTION was made to approve a Resolution to Authorize the Purchase of Two 2023 Ford Police Interceptor SUV Vehicles through the Illinois Department of Central Management Services (CMS) Procurement Program for $82,860.00. 

MOTION: Trustee Goldman 

SECOND: Trustee Kittel 

AYES: Trustees: Goldman, Holzkopf, Kanakaris, Kittel, and Westberg 

NAYS: None 

ABSENT: Trustee Leopold 

The motion carried: 5-0-1



VILLAGE PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Mayor Hoeft said he did not have any updates at this time, and asked Trustee Goldman to report on the McCOG meeting held Wednesday evening. Trustee Goldman said the meeting focused on lead water pipes and infrastructure that municipalities are having to deal with around McHenry County. She said there is not an issue with new construction, it is the older infrastructure in the towns that is costing the communities so much money to update or replace. Village Manager Johnson added that Huntley is very fortunate because there are only 16 or 17 homes in town that have lead pipes and that these homes are in the older section of town.


NEW BUSINESS: Trustee Holzkopf mentioned that Huntley hosted a suicide prevention and awareness training program for the first time on Wednesday and wanted to thank everyone involved that made the event a huge success. She said she was extremely pleased of the way it was conducted, especially acknowledging Huntley Police Department Social Worker Meghan Mumenthal who coordinated the event along with Inv. Sgt. Tiffany Decker from the Village of Lake in the Hills Police Department and Ms. Lachell Jeffries Aaroneaux from the National Alliance on Mental Illness of McHenry County who were the co presenters of the program. Trustee Holzkopf said she hopes this becomes an ongoing program.

Trustee Goldman asked Chief Porter if Meghan Mumenthal from the Police Department would be attending the People In Need forum at McHenry County College this Saturday. She said it is a very informative forum and will be bringing back information and brochures to share from the event. Chief Porter thanked Trustee Goldman for her interest.


A MOTION was made at 7:42 p.m. to Enter into Executive Session for discussion of Property Acquisition, Purchase, Sale or Lease of Real Estate 

MOTION: Trustee Westberg 

SECOND: Trustee Holzkopf 

AYES: Trustees: Goldman, Holzkopf, Kanakaris, Kittel, and Westberg 

NAYS: None 

ABSENT: Trustee Leopold 

The motion carried: 5-0-1 

A MOTION was made at 8:05 p.m. to Exit Executive Session. 

MOTION: Trustee Kanakaris 

SECOND: Trustee Kittel 

AYES: Trustees: Goldman, Holzkopf, Kanakaris, Kittel, and Westberg 

NAYS: None 

ABSENT: Trustee Leopold 

The motion carried: 5-0-1



There being no further items to discuss, a MOTION was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 p.m. MOTION: Trustee Kanakaris 

SECOND: Trustee Westberg 

The Voice Vote noted all ayes and the motion carried. 




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