
McHenry Times

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Village of Fox River Grove President and Board of Trustees met May 16

Village of Fox River Grove President and Board of Trustees met May 16.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


Village President McLaughlin called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Municipal Center. Present at roll call were Trustees Curtiss, Knar, Migdal, Schladt, and Wall. Also, present were Administrator Soderholm, Assistant Administrator Bechler, Operations Manager Reese, Chief Waitrovich, and Village Clerk Caesar. 


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 


Trustee Schladt made a motion to approve Devin Hester's nomination for the vacant Trustee seat with a two (2) year term. Trustee Curtiss seconded. Roll Call: Trustee Curtiss, Knar, Migdal, Schladt, and Wall- all "yes." MOTION PASSED. 

Village President McLaughlin administered the swearing in of Village Trustee Devin Hester. 




Trustee Schladt stated the Parks fundraiser decided to go with another golf cart as the grand prize for the raffle. Trustee Schladt missed the May 3 Parks Commission meeting and was curious as to why the original plan to raffle something different like a jet ski was abandoned. 

Trustee Curtiss inquired as to when it went back to the golf cart shared some concern related to the amount of time to sell raffle tickets. She stated the event is five and a half weeks away and the raffle tickets are not advertised for sale as of tonight's meeting. 

Trustee Wall stated that she was at the May 3 Parks meeting and the reason for going back to the golf cart was due to the additional licensing expenses that would be incurred by the winner of a jet-ski had they gone that route. Trustee Wall also mentioned that the golf cart selected was seen prior to negotiating the price and that the price offered was too good to pass up. 

Trustee Curtiss announced that the May Special Events meeting was cancelled due to overlapping community activities and that the Vintage Baseball Game is the next big event coming up Sunday, August 6th at the Algonquin Road School baseball field beginning at 1:00 p.m. 

Trustee Knar asked Operations Manager Reese about the graffiti and vandalism picking up in the Parks and inquired if adding more lights at the park would be helpful. Operations Manager Reese stated that the new LED lights installed have the area lit up fairly well and wasn't sure adding more lights was the answer. 

Trustee Curtiss asked if Staff had heard whether or not the Memorial Day Parade was a go this year. Clerk Caesar stated that it is scheduled for Saturday, May 29. Parade Route will line up at Algonquin Road School at 8:00 a.m. with an approximate kick off time of 8:15 down to the baseball diamond near Lions Park. 


A. Village Board Meeting Minutes – May 2, 2023 

B. Accounts Payable - May 16, 2023 

C. Treasurer's Report - March 2023 

Trustee Curtiss made a motion to approve consent agenda items A-C. Trustee Hester seconded. Roll Call: Trustee Curtiss, Hester, Knar, Migdal, Schladt, and Wall-all "yes." MOTION PASSED. 


Village President McLaughlin opened the Public Hearing at 6:46 p.m. for the Stormwater Ordinance Variance request at 1050 Northwest Highway. 

Administrator Soderholm introduced petitioner and business owner Mr. George Kalkounos whom was present to answer questions from the Board. Administrator Soderholm stated that the variance request was in relation to 10,700 square feet of impervious asphalt paving that was installed in 2017, where according to plans, only permeable pavers were permitted. Administrator Soderholm stated that Mr. Kalkounos was looking for leniency from the Board when considering their solution to bring his situation into compliance with the McHenry County Stormwater Management Ordinance as well as the Village's ordinance. The Village's Stormwater Enforcement Officer, Kurt Baumann, reviewed the findings asserted by the petitioner's engineers and had no objection to the petitioner's variance request, as the additional impervious area already constructed will not result in an appreciable stormwater impact either upstream or downstream of the project site. 

A discussion was held. 

Trustee Hester made a motion to recommend for approval the Stormwater Ordinance Variance request, 1050 Northwest Highway, with the following: The variance should only apply to impervious areas already constructed and no more; Gravel parking areas to the south and west of the parking lot on the west side of the building (see attached aerial) must be removed. Gravel is considered impervious under the SMO, and gravel parking lots are not permitted under the Village Code; The bioswales proposed in the Petitioner's request must be constructed in order to mitigate the potential increase in runoff from the additional asphalt parking area; An as-built survey of the development must be provided and final inspection performed, prior to closing out the project; all work to be completed within the next twelve (12) month calendar year. Trustee Schladt seconded. Roll Call: Trustee Curtiss, Hester, Knar, Migdal, Schladt, and Wall - all "yes." MOTION PASSED. 

Village President McLaughlin closed the public hearing at 7:13 p.m. 


Administrator Soderholm stated that changes selected by the Board gathered from the feedback received from the Parks Commission, and the residents public open house have been incorporated into both park master plans. The latest renditions have been reviewed by the Parks commission and the plans are now ready for formal adoption. Administrator Soderholm said changes can still be made moving forward, that the adoption of the plans works as a guiding tool for future projects to move forward and grants to be applied for when opportunities arise over the next 10-15 years. 

Trustee Knar would like to see the trail in Picnic Grove Park prioritized and feels the utilization of the North side of Lions Park for pickleball/tennis courts and basketball half courts is a great idea. 

Administrator Soderholm suggested the Board consider advising staff to move forward gathering rough costs on each project to help with future budgeting and decision making. 

Trustee Schladt made a motion to approve the Picnic Grove Park & Lions Park Master Plans. Trustee Wall seconded. Roll Call: Trustee Curtiss, Hester, Knar, Migdal, Schladt, and Wall-all "yes." MOTION PASSED. 


Trustee Schladt addressed resident concerns and sightings of her own of coyotes roaming the Village during the day and night. 

President McLaughlin stated that this concern has been discussed previously. He stated that we live in their wilderness and that there are not available options to stop them from roaming within their habitat. The Board directed staff to send out a notice to residents with safety precautions they can stake to deter coyotes withing the neighborhood. 


Trustee Knar made a motion to adjourn the Village Board meeting at 7:33 p.m. to go into Executive Session. Seconded by Trustee Migdal. A voice vote was taken. Trustees Curtiss, Hester, Knar, Migdal, Schladt, and Wall - all "yes". MOTION PASSED. 

Village President McLaughlin called the meeting to order at 7:53 p.m. in the Municipal Center. Present at roll call were Trustees Curtiss, Hester, Knar, Migdal, Schladt, and Wall. 

Trustee Hester made a motion to adjourn the Village Board meeting at 8:15 p.m. Seconded by Trustee Migdal. A voice vote was taken. Trustees Curtiss, Hester, Knar, Migdal, Schladt, and Wall - all "yes". MOTION PASSED
