
McHenry Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Fox River Grove Village Board met June 6

Village of Fox River Grove Village Board met June 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


Village President McLaughlin called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Municipal Center. Present at roll call were Trustees Curtiss, Hester, Knar, Migdal, Schladt, and Wall. Also, present were Administrator Soderholm, Assistant Administrator Bechler, Chief Waitrovich, and Village Clerk Caesar.


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Gayle Price, 197 Orchard St. - Ms. Price addressed barking dogs, that are outside year-round for hours at a time, unattended and disturbing the peace of neighboring residents. Ms. Price sited section 5-9 from the code of ordinances regarding noisy animals prohibited if they disturb the peace by loud noises any time of the day or night. Ms. Price said there are a couple of neighbors in her area that are in violation of this ordinance and requested enforcement actions to be taken.

President McLaughlin stated that Staff would follow up to discuss the enforcement process.

Charlie Price, 197 Orchard St. Mr. Price stated he was there for the same reason and would like some help from the Village communicating the ordinance.

Jake Fleischman, 722 Barberry Trl. - Mr. Fleischman stated he wanted to address the Board regarding the Picnic Grove Park over Memorial Day weekend. He stated the park was the busiest and craziest he has ever seen and public safety concerns were his reasons for coming to speak. Mr. Fleischman said there were twenty-five (25) to thirty (30) cars parked on Birch, the parking lot was full, the smell of cannabis was present, alcohol was being used in the park, and he heard second hand that a car burglary was thwarted by police officers and that the police had to deal with verbal abuse while attempting to enforce violations. Mr. Fleischmann suggested the Board consider voting to eliminate parking on Birch, Windsor, Ski Hill etc., institute a resident only parking and a golf cart only parking area within the park. Prohibit any kind of trailer parking in the park and install a gate at the park entrance. He stated fees should be charged to enter park, similar to how Three Oaks Beach in Crystal Lake operates.

Kelly Nemec, 384 Bristol Ln., - Ms. Nemec asked for an update on the Grove Residences building. She stated people are seeing materials being delivered and construction worker on site.

President McLaughlin stated that the only permit issued to Grove Residences to date is the foundation permit. President McLaughlin stated that building materials have been showing up at the job site, but due to a stop work order in place and no additional permits being issued, there is no building taking place and that the Village inspector is aware of the current status.

Diana Durso, 424 Concord - stated she was there to inquire about the activity at Grove Residences and asked what time construction hours were allowed in the ordinance.

President McLaughlin stated that construction is allowed sunrise to sunset in the Village and reiterated that the only permit issued to date is the foundation permit and no other work is being done at the site.


Village President Report - None

Trustee Curtiss thanked Chief Waitrovich and his officers that worked the Memorial Day weekend and dealing with the over crowded Parks and addressing violations.

Trustee Wall state the Parks fundraiser tickets are now on sale. She also showed examples of the different Parks swag that was also on sale including t-shirts, sweatshirts and the Koozie.


A. Village Board and Executive Session Meeting Minutes - May 16, 2023

B. Accounts Payable - June 6, 2023

C. Ordinance 2023-09, Approving Variance to Allow 11,100 Square Feet of Excess Impervious Area to Remain in Place at 1050 Northwest Highway

D. Intergovernmental Agreement, McHenry County American Rescue Plan of 2021 (ARPA) Funded Projects

E. Grant Agreement, Funding the Completion of the Picnic Grove Park Bike Path

Trustee Knar made a motion to approve consent agenda items A - E. Trustee Curtiss seconded. Roll Call: Trustee Curtiss, Hester, Knar, Migdal, Schladt, and Wall-all "yes." MOTION PASSED.

President McLaughlin requested to amend the agenda, moving item #7. the Picnic Grove Parks discussion up before item #2.


Administrator Soderholm stated that the Picnic Grove Park discussion was added to the agenda at the request of Trustees.

Trustee Schladt asked Chief Waitrovich for a brief overview of Picnic Grove Park over the holiday weekend since she was out of town.

Chief Waitrovich described Picnic Grove Park activity on Sunday as very busy, lots of cars, which created parking challenges. Boats were pulled up to the beach, and boaters were off their boats and hanging out in the park. Chief Waitrovich stated his officers had to endure verbal abuse when issuing tickets for parking violations and that many of the patrons were from out of town. Jet skis were also present. Park patrons with jet ski's on trailers were turned away.

Trustee Curtiss stated she did not go down to the park over the holiday weekend, however she noticed the overflow of cars parked along Birch starting from the park entrance all the way to Windsor Ct. and when the park was closing at sunset, people were lingering and not vacating the area.

Trustee Knar stated he requested last year for the Board to prepare for over crowdedness in Picnic Grove Park in the coming summers. Trustee Knar stated the Park is gaining in reputation and that the majority of the park patrons do not live in the area, are not respecting the park, they are damaging stuff and that they just don't care. He said officers are not going to continue to volunteer to cover extra shift if they have to continue to deal with the type of unruly crowd present over the holiday weekend. Knar stated the park is over capacity, officers are outnumbered and if an emergency call comes in officers must respond to it, which then leaves the park unsupervised and more vulnerable to damage.

Resident Jacob Fleischman added that residents avoid the parks with their families due to all the chaos happening.

Trustee Wall thanked Chief Waitrovich and his staff for dealing with the parks over the holiday weekend and also stated that a friend's child was told they had to get off the sand volleyball court because other children were there playing in the sand.

President McLaughlin stated that the OSLAD grant used to purchase the park, does no allow the Village to make it a private park, and the only other option to explore would be to see if the Village could buy out the grant, which would eliminate the restrictions in place or defer to the Oslad grant restrictions to see what they can do versus what they cannot do.

Additional discussion was held on different ideas on how to manage the crowds and ensure public safety for all residents and non-residents while at the Village parks.

Trustee Knar requested staff investigate the ideas discussed with the OSLAD grant team and see what options are available to the Board to buy out of the grant.

The general consensus of the Village Board was to direct staff to research the steps to buyout the OSLAD grant for $400,000, research the cost of private security, and obtain costs for a gate installation.

APPROVAL: ORDINANCE 2023-10, VARIANCES AT 1001 ROUTE 22 Administrator Soderholm briefed the Board on the fence and previous conditions discussed with regards to Petitioner James Corty's request for a variance at 1001 Route 22, to allow the storage of vehicles and equipment in the open between the hours of 6:00 p.m. an 8:00a.m. and to allow business to be conducted outside of a completely enclosed building on the property. Administrator Soderholm stated that the Board was considering allowing a fence to be constructed along Doyle Rd. up to where the first property entrance/exit is located and then the fence would angle in and run along the inside of the back berm of the 1001 Rte. 22 property

Trustee Migdal made a motion to recommend for approval the Ordinance 2023-10, granting variances at 1001 Route 22, to allow the storage of vehicles and equipment in the open between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m., and to allow business to be conducted outside of a completely enclosed building on the property. Trustee Hester seconded.

A discussion was held.

Trustee Knar stated that he had a change of heart after paying closer attention to his surroundings when driving down Route 22 to and from work each day and he stated that everyday there is a lot of junk outside

1001 Route 22 and he is not in favor of approving this particular variance since there isn't any tax revenue generated from the business.

Trustee Migdal asked again what the parts store would be selling and stated that so far there has not been a definitive answer provided to the question. Roll Call: Trustee Migdal - Yes. Trustee Curtiss, Hester, Knar, Schladt, and Wall - all "No." MOTION FAILED.


Trustee Migdal made a motion to approve denying a request to modify the conditions of the variances granted by ordinance 2021-05 relating to allowing temporary parking of trucks and trailers in front of the fence at 1005 Route 22 during daylight hours. Trustee Schladt seconded. Roll Call: Trustee Curtiss, Hester, Knar, Migdal, Schladt, and Wall—all "yes." MOTION PASSED.


Administrator Soderholm introduced Mr. David Joseph who was present to answer any questions the Board may have regarding his request to operate a Coffee Shop in the Metra station. Administrator Soderholm provided the previous coffee shop vendor agreement for the Boards review, highlighting in the agreement where the Village provided the space for the business and the vendor in return would be responsible for cleaning the Metra station.

Mr. Joseph provided a soft opening vision for the coffee shop, providing some limited grab-n-go food items that fall under the allowable items under the food permit requirements that he holds. Mr. Joseph stated that he has twelve (12) years of experience in the hotel and restaurant business. He feels quality and the fresh aroma of the coffee flavors will appeal to the commuting clientele and he hopes over time reputation will draw non-commuters in for a good cup of coffee. Hours of operation will be Monday through Friday's, morning shift 5:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and eventually will add weekend mornings. The name of the business has not been confirmed yet.

The general consensus of the Board was positive and directed Staff to prepare an agreement for approval.


Administrator Soderholm introduced petitioner Angelica Cress, business owner of From Spore to More located at 406 Northwest Highway. Ms. Cress is requesting a $1,000 Façade grant to cover the cost of a sign. From Spore to More supplies freshly grown gourmet mushrooms to restaurants and is looking to expand the business to direct consumer sales. Program guidelines call for the project costs to be split 50/50 with the applicant, however the Board may consider awarding the entire amount given the smaller amount being requested.

A discussion was held.

The general consensus of the Board was to recommend staff draft an ordinance for approval for a 50/50 split for the $1,000 grant request for the new sign proposed.


Administrator Soderholm introduced petitioner Mr. John Raviolo owner of Lincoln Avenue Market, formerly Peacetime Traders, whom was present to address any questions the Board may have regarding his $8,000 Business Capital Assistance Program request submitted.

Mr. Raviolo, former owner of Peacetime Traders, stated he established a new business license under the

Lincoln Avenue Market name as of May 1, 2023 after Peacetime Ice Cream business owner retired from the location they were sharing. Mr. Raviolo stated he is requesting $8,000 in grant funding to focus on expanding his retail store selling collectibles, crafts and thrift items to a retail store with food. Mr. Raviolo stated he would like to, increase his menu items by establishing a grilling area on the back sidewalk of the building, once he is able to secure a two-risk level food permit v his current one-risk level. Additional improvement Mr. Raviolo would like to make include, a new business sign on the front door, removing old interior carpet, installing additional seating near the front window, and expanding his staff to include 2-5 part time employees, as the food service grows. Mr. Raviolo stated current business hours are Wednesday - Saturday, 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

A discussion was held. The Board request Mr. Raviolo prepare and submit a list of items the request amount would fund.

The consensus of the Board was to direct staff to prepare an agreement for Village Board consideration.




Trustee Knar made a motion to adjourn the Village Board meeting at 8:32 p.m. to go into Executive Session. Seconded by Trustee Migdal. A voice vote was taken. Trustees Curtiss, Hester, Knar, Migdal, Schladt, and Wall - all "yes". MOTION PASSED.

Village President McLaughlin called the meeting to order at 9:30 p.m. in the Municipal Center. Present at roll call were Trustees Curtiss, Hester, Knar, Migdal, Schladt, and Wall.

Trustee Hester made a motion to adjourn the Village Board meeting at 9:30 p.m. Seconded by Trustee Migdal. A voice vote was taken. Trustees Curtiss, Hester, Knar, Migdal, Schladt, and Wall - all "yes". MOTION PASSED
