
McHenry Times

Saturday, September 28, 2024

City of Crystal Lake Sustainability Committee met May 15

Webp 18

Ellen Brady, Re-Elect Ellen Brady Help Ellen with her re-election campaign by clicking Donate Now Crystal Lake City Council Member | https://www.ellenbradycrystallakecitycouncil.com/

Ellen Brady, Re-Elect Ellen Brady Help Ellen with her re-election campaign by clicking Donate Now Crystal Lake City Council Member | https://www.ellenbradycrystallakecitycouncil.com/

City of Crystal Lake Sustainability Committee met May 15

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at Crystal Lake City Hall by Carol Elkins.

2. Roll Call/Attendance

Present were the following Committee members: Amy Olson, Terry Dieckhoff, Steven Platt, Carol Elkins, and Emilie Hoffman. Members of the public in attendance: Deputy City Manager Nick Hammonds.

3. Public Comment

No members of the public provided comments.

4. Approval of Minutes from the March 20, 2024 Meeting

Amy Olson made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 20, 2024 Sustainability Committee meeting. Terry Dieckhoff seconded the motion. Upon voice vote, motion passed.

5. Litter Clean Up Initiatives

A. School Partner Litter Collection Programs

The Committee reviewed the status of the litter collection initiative and emphasized the need to complete the objectives of placing signs and trash cans in strategic areas. Carol Elkins stated that the Committee focused on Central and South High Schools for the placement of cans and signage.

The Committee agreed that the area of Walkup Road heading north to the Downtown area would be the ideal location for a can and signage. In addition, Terry Dieckhoff stated that the corner near Tony’s Café by South High School would be an ideal location. Amy Olson and Emilie Hoffman discussed potential phrasing on the signs, including “Be Green, Keep Your Neighborhood Clean.”

6. Strategic Plan Discussion

A. Mission Statement

Amy Olson reviewed her proposed strategic plan vision statement. Steve Platt stated that he thinks the statement about future generations is powerful. Emilie Hoffman stated that she also included a statement regarding future generations in her proposed vision statement. Amy Olson said she thinks the statement should be broad, covering today, tomorrow, and for the good of the community.

Carol Elkins discussed how the strategic plan should state what the Committee is currently working on, including the Green Business Designation, the litter clean up initiative, and the Mayor Monarch Pledge. Amy Olson agreed, and stated that the plan could state how the Committee is supporting green practices in the business community. Emilie Hoffman inquired if the Committee should be  specific or more broad regarding goals. She proposed that the message include the promotion of native plants and sustainable habitats. Amy Olson added promoting sustainability through a cleaner environment, clean neighborhoods, clean streets, and clean water. Steve Platt agreed that the statement should cover all aspects of sustainable needs, including air, land, and water.

Carol Elkins discussed the need to contact Homeowner’s Associations to engage them in more sustainable practices, including the installation of native gardens to reduce the need for landscaping maintenance. She proposed that the Committee generate social media posts to highlight the locations of litter collection areas.

Carol Elkins further discussed whether City ordinance can be modified to require certain percentages of green space or pollinators and rain gardens in new developments. The Committee engaged in a discussion of the new developments in town, impacts on traffic, loss of green space, and the impact to the environment. Carol Elkins stated that tree ordinances are important to ensure that the trees removed for developments are replaced with new plantings.

Amy Olson led the Committee through a review of each action item from the Mayor’s Monarch Pledge. The City website and social media has been used to launch or maintain public communication. The Committee is working on engaging with local gardening groups and homeowner’s associations to encourage the planting of natives.

Amy Olson discussed the monarch event hosted at Main Beach in August. Carol Elkins stated that she already has a booth for the event, and the event has been well attended. Steve Platt also discussed the Environmental Defenders event on June 18, 2024 for pollinator week. Amy Olson proposed that the Sustainability Committee meeting schedule for June 19th may need to be cancelled if the Committee members plan to attend the June 18th event. Carol Elkins stated that the intent of the event is to engage the local mayors who have signed the Mayor’s Monarch pledge.

7. Open Discussion

No items presented.

8. Next Meeting: June 19, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

9. Adjourn

There being no further business, Carol Elkins moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:59 p.m. Amy Olson seconded the motion. Upon voice vote, all voted aye. Meeting adjourned.