
McHenry Times

Saturday, September 28, 2024

City of Harvard City Council met June 25

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City of Harvard City Hall | City of Harvard / Facebook

City of Harvard City Hall | City of Harvard / Facebook

City of Harvard City Council met June 25

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

1. Call meeting to order

2. Roll Call

3. Public Comment

4. Consent Agenda

Items under the Consent Agenda are acted upon in a single motion. There is no separate discussion of these items prior to the Council vote unless a Council Member or member of the public requests that an item be removed from the consent agenda for separate action.

Motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented:

a. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of May 28, 2024

b. Park Board Meeting Minutes of May 20, 2024

c. Administrators Report

d. Community Development Department Report

e. Harvard Diggins Library Directors Report

f. Police Department Report

g. Public Works Department Report

h. Utilities Department Report

i. Proclamation Designating August 4th - 10th as Community Health Center Week

j. Proclamation Designating June as Pride Month

5. Individual Action Consent Agenda Items

• City Council Action on any item removed from the consent agenda.

6. Payment of Bills

• Action requested is to approve payment of the bills in the amount of $633,283.04

7. Home Occupation Permit Application

• The petitioner, Juana Ramirez, is seeking a Home Occupation Permit to operate a cosmetologist business at 206 E. Thompson St. Action requested is to approve or deny the application.

8. Special Event Liquor License Application

• Carl Opper is requesting a Special Event Liquor License for Saturday, August 24, 2024, at the Boy’s League Shelter. The fees have been paid. Action requested is to approve or deny the license pending submission of dram shop insurance.

9. Extended Sunday Hours Liquor License

• R & R Alehouse LLC currently has a Class A Liquor License and is requesting an Extended Sunday Hours Liquor License. The fees have been paid. Action requested is to approve or deny the license.

10. Community & Economic Development Committee Recommendation – Broadband Internet

• Agenda item was tabled from the last City Council Meeting. The Committee’s consensus was to forward the permitting process for Surf Internet to the City Council to approve or deny. Surf Internet is requesting a blanket permit and permission for door-to-door solicitation during construction.

11. Parks & Rec Board Recommendation – Adult Lap Swim

• Action requested is to approve the Parks & Rec Board recommendation to add a New Adult Lap Swim season pass for $30 and a daily pass for $5.

12. Committee of the Whole Recommendation – Non-Elected Committee Members

• Action requested is to discuss non-elected members of City Committees.

13. Committee of the Whole Recommendation - Realignment and Strategic Vision Task Assignments

• Action requested is to approve the Committee’s recommendation as presented.

14. Committee of the Whole Recommendation – Proposed Ordinance Amending Section 2.05, Meetings

• Action requested is to approve the Committee’s recommendation to approve the proposed ordinance amending Section 2.05.F.3 relating to Public Comment at Meetings.

15. Dept. Head Reports

16. Committee Reports

17. Treasurer’s Report

18. Attorney’s Report

19. Administrator’s Report

20. Clerk’s Report

21. Mayor’s Report

22. Adjournment
