
McHenry Times

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Village of Cary Board of Trustees met July 2

Webp 6

Jennifer Weinhammer, Village Trustee | Village of Cary Website

Jennifer Weinhammer, Village Trustee | Village of Cary Website

Village of Cary Board of Trustees met July 2

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

I. Call to Order 

II. Roll Call 

III. Pledge of Allegiance 

IV. Open Forum 

The public is invited to make an issue-oriented comment on any matter of public concern not otherwise on the agenda. 

V. Mayor's Report 

A. Proclamation - National Recreation and Parks Month - July 2024 

VI. Consent Agenda 

I will entertain a motion to approve Consent Agenda items A-J as shown on the Village website and as displayed on the video monitor during the Village Board meeting. 

A. Consider for Approval the Warrant Dated July 2, 2024 

B. Consider for Approval the June 18, 2024, Village Board Meeting Minutes 

C. Consider for Approval the June 18, 2024, Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes 

D. Consider for Approval a Resolution Approving a Contract with Prime Rinse, LLC, Leitchfield, KY, in an Amount Not to Exceed $13,000.00 for Services Associated with the Cleaning of Water Towers 2 and 3 and Authorizing the Village Administrator to Approve a 10% Contingency for Unforeseen Changes in Scope for a Total Project Budget of $14,300.00 

E. Consider for Approval an Ordinance Amending Title 5 (Business Taxes, Licenses and Regulations), Chapter 5.08 (Alcoholic Liquor Sales) Allowing for the Issuance of a Class J Liquor License to Armanetti Express Cary, Located at 3106 Three Oaks Road, Unit H, Cary, IL 

F. Consider for Approval a Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Execute a Sole Source Purchase Agreement with Critex, LLC, Delphos, Ohio, for Manhole Repair Equipment in an Amount Not to Exceed $42,900 

G. Consider for Approval a Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Execute a Purchase Agreement for a Peterbilt 548 Plow Truck from JX Truck Center, Bolingbrook, IL, and Outfitted by Henderson Products, Inc., Huntley, IL, for a Total Amount Not to Exceed $296,243.02 

H. Consider for Approval a Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Reject All Bids for the Downtown Depot Plaza Project 

I. Consider for Approval a Resolution Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Authorizing the Village Administrator to Execute a Contract The Village of Cary is subject to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who require certain accommodations so that they can observe and/or participate in this meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of the meeting or the Village’s facilities, should contact Village Hall at (847) 639-0003 [TDD (630) 845-2180] promptly to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations for those persons. 1 for the Emergency Replacement of the Pump and Motor Equipment at Well #13 with Municipal Well & Pump, Waupun, Wisconsin, in an Amount Not to Exceed $72,330.00 and Authorizing the Village Administrator to Approve a 10% Contingency for Unforeseen Changes in Scope for a Maximum Project Budget of $79,563.00 

J. Consider for Approval the Authorization of the Village Administrator to Enter Into a Tolling Agreement on Behalf of the Village Board of Trustees with the Board of Education of the Cary Community Consolidated School District No. 26

VII. Items for Separate Action 

A. Consider for Approval a Resolution Entering Into an Incentive Agreement with Ridgefield Homes, LLC, in an Amount Not to Exceed $37,997.00 for Public Infrastructure Improvements to the Property Located at 106-124 E. Main Street 

VIII. Administrator's Report 

IX. Department Head Reports 

X. Future Agenda Items and Discussion by Village Board 

XI. Adjourn 
