
McHenry Times

Thursday, September 19, 2024

City of Woodstock Parks & Recreation Commission met July 9

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Melissa McMahon, City Council Member - City of Woodstock | LinkedIn

Melissa McMahon, City Council Member - City of Woodstock | LinkedIn

City of Woodstock Parks & Recreation Commission met July 9

Here is the agenda provided by the commission:

A. Call to Order

B. Roll Call

C. Floor Discussion: Anyone wishing to address the Commission on an item not on the agenda may do so at this time.

1. Public comments

2. Commission Member comments for any item not on the agenda

D. Approval of April 9, 2024 Minutes

E. Transmittals: The following items have been transmitted to the Commission for information and there is no discussion expected or action recommended.

1. Recreation Department Report for May & June 2024

2. Parks Division Report for May & June 2024

F. Old Business

1. Discuss Request by Midwest Cricket Conference to Become an Approved User Group – pending response from MCC to move forward

G. New Business

1. Splash Bash and Splashpad Project Update

2. Review Draft of Parks Master Plan

3. Recommendation to Council to Award Contract: Architectural professional services for Parc Grant Recreation Center Renovation Project/Master Planning Services

H. Future Agenda Items

1. Tentative agenda items identified by Administration

a. Annual Review of Park Policies & Practices

2. Requested by Commission: Any member may suggest an item to be considered by the Commission at a future meeting, but must be approved by a majority of the Commission to be included as a future agenda item.

I. Adjourn
