
McHenry Times

Thursday, September 19, 2024

City of Woodstock Police Pension Fund Board of Trustees met July 9

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Nick Weber, Library Director | Woodstock Public Library

Nick Weber, Library Director | Woodstock Public Library

City of Woodstock Police Pension Fund Board of Trustees met July 9

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Approval of Remote Attendance and Full Participation by Certain Trustees (if any)

4. Public Comment

5. Election of Officers

6. Minutes

a. Review/Approval – April 15, 2024 Regular Meeting

b. Review/Approval – Remote Open Meeting Recordings Destruction

7. Treasurer’s Report/IPOPIF Statement

a. Review of Financial Statements

b. IPOPIF Statement

c. Payment of Bills

d. Status of DOI Annual Statement

e. Status of City Audit

8. Communications and Reports

9. Applications for Membership/Withdrawals from Fund

10. Applications for Retirement/Disability Benefits

a. Andrew Reitz

b. Sharon Abrahamsen

11. Old Business

12. New Business

a. Approval of Actuarial Agreement with Foster & Foster

b. Approval of Resolution for Signatory Authority

c. Approval of Resolution Appointing Authorized Agents for IPOPIF

d. Approval of Resolution Appointing eCFM Account Representatives for IPOPIF and eCFM Access Form

e. Approval of Resolution of Appreciation for Dennis Leard

13. Attorney’s Report – Ottosen

a. Pension Insights for Third Quarter 2024 (Special Risk)

b. Board Insights - June 2024 (U.S. Supreme Court weighs in on Public Official Social Media Use)

c. Fiduciary Insights – July 2024 (Fiduciary Duty: A Short History)

d. IAFPD Fire Call Pension Pointers Spring 2024 (Statutory Minimum Funding of Firefighter and Police Pension Funds: The Unfinished Business of Pension Reform)

e. NAPPA Conference Presentation June 2024 (Send Lawyers, Guns and Money: Enrollment Disputes and Alternate Pension Entanglements)

14. Trustee Training Updates

a. Certification of Trustee Training Records and Acknowledgement of Training Time from Meeting

15. Closed Session, if needed

16. Adjournment
