
McHenry Times

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Village of Johnsburg President and Board of Trustees met June 18

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Johnsburg Village Board: Left to Right: Trustee Greg Klemstein, Trustee Jamie Morris, Trustee Josh Hagen, Village President Ed Hettermann, Trustee Beth Foreman, Trustee Scott Letzter, Trustee Mike Fouke. | Village of Johnsburg Website

Johnsburg Village Board: Left to Right: Trustee Greg Klemstein, Trustee Jamie Morris, Trustee Josh Hagen, Village President Ed Hettermann, Trustee Beth Foreman, Trustee Scott Letzter, Trustee Mike Fouke. | Village of Johnsburg Website

Village of Johnsburg President and Board of Trustees met June 18

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

President Hettermann called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. in the Village Hall.


Trustee Beth Foreman

Trustee Mike Fouke

Trustee Josh Hagen

Trustee Greg Klemstein

Trustee Scott Letzter

Trustee Jamie Morris

Village Administrator Claudett Sofiakis

Assistant Village Administrator Vinny Lamontagna

Chief of Police Jason Greenwald

Attorney Michael Smoron

Village Engineer Tim Hartnett (absent)

Special Projects Coordinator Rick Quinn

AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION – Cheryl Markunas of 1310 Hayden Drive questioned why the camera in the roundabout was removed. Chief Greenwald explained that the roundabout is a County roadway and there was a permitting issue related to the camera’s placement in the roundabout.

OMNIBUS AGENDA - Trustee Hagen moved to approve the Omnibus Agenda. Trustee Klemstein seconded the motion. All Trustees voted aye on the roll. Motion carried.

• Move to approve the minutes of the June 4, 2024 Regular Meeting of the President and Board of Trustees

• Disbursements

• General Fund $116,667.31

• Waterworks & Sewage Fund $ 14,844.48

• Golf Course Fund $ 580.71

• Debt Service/SSA Fund $

• Total All Funds $132,092.50

PRESIDENT’S REPORT – President Hettermann reported that the next Board meeting will be held on June 27th prior to the Committee of the Whole meeting and the July 2nd meeting will be canceled due to holiday scheduling conflicts.


NON-HIGHWAY VEHICLES - President Hettermann raised a concern regarding trailers attached to non-highway vehicles used to carry passengers. He recommended that the board consider an amendment to the ordinance prohibiting them. All concurred and the ordinance will be included on the next meeting agenda for action.

Trustee Hagen reported a concern that was brought to his attention by a property owner who is experiecing non-highway vehicles crossing over their private property without authorization. He  questioned what assistance the Village can provide. President Hettermann suggested blocking off the access and placing signage. Additionally it was recommended that the non-highway vehicle organizations help to get the word out to the non-highway vehicle community.

Trustee Fouke reported that the Community Affairs Committee is proposing to change the date for Celebration in the Park to September 21st due to Homecoming conflicts. The Board concurred and suggested that a discussion take place with the school to determine if the change in the date of Homecoming this year is temporary due to the construction taking place this year.

RECESS FOR CLOSED SESSION - Trustee Foreman moved to recess the meeting to go into closed session to discuss pending litigation regarding the Pistakee Yacht Club vs. the Village of Johnsburg.

Trustee Fouke seconded the motion. Trustee Hagen stated that he will be refrain from participating in the closed session as he has a conflict of interest in the matter. Trustees Foreman, Fouke, Klemstein, Letzter and Morris voted aye. Trustee Hagen abstained. Motion carried at 7:34 pm

RETURN TO REGULAR - Trustee Foreman moved to return to regular session. Trustee Fouke seconded the motion. Motion was carried with Trustees Fouke, Foreman, Klemstein and Morris voting aye. Trustee Hagen abstained. Motion carried at 8:04 p.m.

ADJOURNMENT – Trustee Fouke moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Hagen seconded the motion.

All Trustees voted aye on the roll. Motion carried at 8:04 p.m.
