
McHenry Times

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Village of Algonquin Committee of the Whole met July 9

Webp 7

Debby Sosine, Village President | Village Of Algonquin Website

Debby Sosine, Village President | Village Of Algonquin Website

Village of Algonquin Committee of the Whole met July 9

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Trustee Glogowski, Chairperson, called the Committee of the Whole meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

AGENDA ITEM 1: Roll Call to Establish a Quorum

Present: Trustees, Jerry Glogowski, John Spella, Laura Brehmer, Brian Dianis, Bob Smith, President, Debby Sosine and Clerk, Fred Martin.

Absent: Trustee, Maggie Auger

A quorum was established

Staff in Attendance: Tim Schloneger, Village Manager; Nadim Badran, Public Works Director; Patrick Knapp, Community Development Director; Dennis Walker, Chief of Police; and Kelly Cahill, Village Attorney.

AGENDA ITEM 2: Public Comment

Chris Kious, Kane County District 23 Board Member, updated the Village Board on Kane County events.

AGENDA ITEM 3: Community Development

Mr. Knapp:

A. Consider a Public Event License for Art on the Fox September 7 and 8, 2024

The Village of Algonquin is seeking approval of a Public Event License for the Art on the Fox art festival that will take place in downtown Algonquin on September 7 and 8, 2024. This event is being put on by the Village of Algonquin and is being organized by Amdur Productions, Inc. The Art on the Fox is a free public cultural event that features original art of all medias and also live music. The Art on the Fox last occurred in 2023 on South Main Street.

This year, the festival is planned to take place on South Main Street between Algonquin Road and Madison Street. Police and Fire have given preliminary approval of the event map and Public Works has preliminarily approved the street closure. The Art on the Fox will have two 8x8 platform stages with live music from 10 am – 5 pm on September 7 and September 8, 2024. One of the stages will be located near the north end of Main Street near Algonquin Road and the other stage will be located at the south end of Main Street at Madison Street and or Washington Street. Along with the platform stages, approximately 75 artist and sponsor booths are planned to be located along Main Street. Staff will assess the need to provide shuttle bus service for off site parking as we get closer to the event and the construction in the downtown area.

The village is not planning to serve liquor as part of the art festival. Instead, the village plans to utilize a pending new liquor policy that would permit downtown restaurants to sell alcohol for consumption off premises, within an enclosed area. This policy would allow attendees to patronize downtown businesses that have a valid liquor license to purchase an alcoholic beverage and then walk through the art festival with their food and beverage. If a current liquor license holder wishes to serve outside of their establishment they will need to obtain a Special Use Permit from the State of Illinois and need approval from the Village Board.

The Village Board hereby approves a Public Event Permit for Art on the Fox for September 7 and 8, 2024, waiving the serving and consumption of alcohol restrictions, within the designated area, for certain permitted licensees, Bold American Fare, Whiskey and Wine, Cucina Bella, Bullseye, Cattleman’s Burgers and Brew, Riverbottom Ice Cream, Garden on Main, Bella Pizzeria, and The Black Bear Bistro. It will be the responsibility of the current liquor license holder to apply to the State of Illinois for the Special Use Permit. Food will be provided by the local businesses in the footprint of the Art Festival. If the local restaurants do not provide food options during the festival hours, Amdur shall have the right with the approval of the Village to bring in outside food vendors.

To prove that customers have been carded, the businesses serving alcohol will provide wristbands when the customer purchases alcohol. The wristband will be one color with the Art on the Fox logo. All drinks leaving the premises must be served in a signature Art on the Fox plastic cup. If any of the businesses wish to sell outside of their licensed area, they will need to obtain a Special Event Permit from the State of Illinois. The festival may also include food vendors that would sell products different from those offered by downtown restaurants. Staff has reviewed the request and recommends approval with the following conditions:

• The applicant shall abide by all provisions of the Algonquin Municipal Code with specific attention to the Public Event/Entertainment section along with all provisions/requirements of the Public Event/Entertainment License Application checklist and the application provided.

• Temporary Food Service permit(s) shall be obtained from the McHenry County Health Department by all food vendors and the necessary inspections shall be allowed.

• The required electrical and fire inspections shall be allowed to be conducted by Village and Fire Department staff.

• A Public Event Liquor Permit to sell alcoholic liquor must be obtained from the Village and State Liquor Commissioners OR proof of Village permission to have downtown restaurants sell alcohol for consumption off-premises.

• In the event of unfavorable weather conditions, the tent area(s) shall be vacated if there is a severe thunderstorm, if there is a tornado warning/watch issued, or in the case of high winds or gusts in excess of 40 mph.

• Final site and circulation plans are subject to review and approval by CD Staff, Police, Fire, and Public Works as needed.

It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval.

B. Consider a Public Event/Entertainment License for the Downtown Algonquin Association; Algonquin Wine Walk on Main Street Downtown Algonquin August 17, 2024

Julie Callahan, on behalf of the Downtown Algonquin Association (DAA), is seeking approval of a public event/entertainment license for the Algonquin Wine Walk on Saturday, August 17, 2024. The event will occur in Downtown Algonquin along Main Street. The setup will begin at noon and the event will occur from 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm. No street closure is requested.

There will be up to 17 participating businesses with 15 planned wine stops and 3 planned food/water stops.

Each wine stop will serve two - 1/2 oz pours totaling a 1 oz pour of wine at each stop. The food/water stops can be located on the sidewalk which will include a 6-foot table and a required minimum 5-foot width of unobstructed sidewalk. The event fee will be $50 per participant if purchased by July 15th and $60 per participant if purchased after July 15th. Approximately 300 participants are expected with each participant given a punch card on a lanyard. Each business will then mark off their stop on the punch card. The DAA will be hosting a raffle during the event. The DAA is seeking a waiver of the Public Event License Fee of $50/day.


Staff has reviewed the request and recommends approval with the following conditions outlined below.


Approval is contingent upon the following:

• This Special Event Permit shall be visible at all times;

• The applicant shall obtain a raffle license;

• Village Police officers and other officials shall have free access to the event at all times to ensure that the event is in compliance with the Municipal Code;

• Final site and circulation plans are subject to review and approval by CD Staff, Police, Fire, and Public Works as needed. The coordinator shall notify the Village of any changes in location or operations, which may be subject to further review and approval by the Village;

• A minimum five-foot (5’) sidewalk clearance shall be kept at all times;

• All Village fees must be paid prior to the event unless they are waived by the Village Board;

• A Special Event Permit to sell alcohol must be obtained from the Village and State Liquor Commissioners;

• Prior to commencing any of the activities approved by the Public Event License, the applicant, at no expense to the Village, shall obtain and file with the Village, no less than 30 days prior to the event, evidence that its insurance meets the minimum requirements;

• All servers shall be Basset certified. Basset Certification training will be made available by the Algonquin Police Department;

• Each participating business serving alcohol shall have signage at the exit stating that all alcohol needs to be consumed before leaving. In addition, each stop shall have an attendant at the door to ensure all alcohol is consumed prior to participants exiting;

• A pre-meeting with the Liquor Compliance is required;

• The event coordinator is responsible for suspending or canceling the event in case of structural concerns, electrical malfunctions, or storms that may include wind in excess of 40 mph, lightning, tornado warnings, unruly crowds, or any other issues that may pose a risk or danger to the public.

It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval.

AGENDA ITEM 4: General Administration


AGENDA ITEM 5: Public Works & Safety

Mr. Badran:

A. Consider an Agreement with Busy Beaver Inc. for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Floor Replacement

It has been determined that the tile floors in the Wastewater Treatment Plant have reached the end of their useful life. The floors were installed in 2002 when the building was renovated. Over the past twenty-two years, the tile has become cracked, chipped, scratched, and discolored.

Staff recommends replacing the tile with epoxy flooring, which is durable enough to last twenty-plus years.

Staff is recommending Busy Beaver Inc. remove all old tile and replace it with epoxy floors for $40,656, which is $7,656 above the $33,000 in the FY 24/25 budget. Additional funds will be moved from other projects that have come in under budget.


1. The original tile floors were installed twenty-two years ago when the building was renovated.

2. Busy Beaver Inc. is a reputable company that has completed numerous high-quality epoxy floor projects for the Village, including PD locker rooms, Public Works fleet garage, supervisor offices, and numerous water/sewer division jobs.

3. The $7,656 budget shortfall will be made up of surplus funds from other projects under budget in the FY 24/25 budget.

It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval.

B. Consider an Agreement with Busy Beaver Inc. for the Public Works Facility Floor Replacement

It has been determined that the tile floors in the Public Works Building have reached the end of their useful life. The floors were installed in 2005 when the building was newly built. Over the past nineteen years, the tile has become cracked, chipped, scratched, and discolored.

Staff recommends replacing the tile with epoxy flooring, which is durable enough to last twenty-plus years. Staff is recommending Busy Beaver Inc. remove all old tile and replace it with epoxy floors for $40,077 which is under the $56,000 that was budgeted in the FY 24-25 budget.


1. The original tile floors were installed nineteen years ago when the building was newly built.

2. Busy Beaver Inc. is a reputable company that has completed numerous high-quality epoxy floor projects for the Village, including PD locker rooms, Public Works fleet garage, supervisor offices, and numerous water/sewer division jobs.

3. The $40,077 is $15,923 below the $56,000 budgeted in the FY 24-25 budget. It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval.

C. Consider an Agreement with Brothers Asphalt Paving, Inc. Broadsmore Drive and Stonegate Road Improvements

The Broadsmore Drive and Stonegate Road Improvements project aims to address the distressed and failing roadway in the southeast corner of Longmeadow Parkway and Randall Road. The first phase of this project will include all work north of Broadsmore Drive: Stonegate Road, Sandy Creek Drive, Shade Tree Court, Loop Road, Tracy Lane, Poets Lane, and Joyce Court. This comes to a total of 0.96 miles. Highlighted below is the comprehensive scope of this project:

• Full-depth reclamation (FDR) and new asphalt pavement on ~0.82 miles of local streets

• Two-inch asphalt resurfacing on ~0.16 miles of local streets

• ADA compliance at sidewalk crossings

• New on-street bike lane on Stonegate Road from Broadsmore Drive to Longmeadow Parkway

• Curb & gutter, sidewalk, and driveway apron removal and replacement where needed

• Underground utility repairs and replacements to improve overall street drainage.

Upon completion of the design in late spring, the project was advertised for bid during June. Bids were opened on June 27th, 2024, with seven (7) bids received. Brothers Asphalt Paving, Inc. was the low bidder in the amount of $1,271,521.96, which is below the engineer’s estimate of $1,426,878,50. The Village will be utilizing its remaining Rebuild Illinois (RBI) monies with the remainder coming from the Street fund to cover the cost of this phase of the project.

The Village has not worked with Brothers Asphalt Paving, Inc. on previous projects. However, upon reaching out to other municipalities and consultants, this contractor had favorable reviews. Given the track record of Brothers Asphalt Paving, Inc., staff recommends the Committee of the Whole take necessary action to move forward with the award of this project to the Village Board for approval in the amount of 1,271,521.96 to Brothers Asphalt Paving, Inc.

To manage this project, staff requested the attached proposal from Civiltech Engineering, Inc. to perform construction oversight. This project will require an experienced construction engineer with excellent communication skills. Civiltech is proposing a Professional Engineer with over 18 years of construction oversight experience, including more than seven years in the Village of Glen Ellyn, and successfully managed over $100 million in construction as a Resident Engineer. Staff is confident that Civiltech will deliver a quality product for the Village on this project. The submitted proposal is a not-to-exceed amount of $134,392.00, which is under the budgeted amount of $175,000.00.

Staff recommends that the Committee of the Whole take the necessary action to move forward on the agreement with Civiltech Engineering, Inc. to provide construction oversight on the Broadsmore Drive and Stonegate Road Improvements project.

1. The considerable scope of this improvement will require thorough project management and construction oversight. The recommended low bidder and proposed Resident Engineer both have completed successful projects of this type and size.

2. This will be the first phase of the improvement in the area, with the second phase taking place next spring.

3. Sufficient funds are proposed within the Street Improvement Fund to cover both the construction and construction oversight for this project.

It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval.

D. Consider an Agreement with Civiltech Engineering, Inc. for the Construction Oversight of the Broadsmore Drive and Stonegate Road Improvements

The Broadsmore Drive and Stonegate Road Improvements project aims to address the distressed and failing roadway in the southeast corner of Longmeadow Parkway and Randall Road. The first phase of this project will include all work north of Broadsmore Drive: Stonegate Road, Sandy Creek Drive, Shade Tree Court, Loop Road, Tracy Lane, Poets Lane, and Joyce Court. This comes to a total of 0.96 miles. Highlighted below is the comprehensive scope of this project:

• Full-depth reclamation (FDR) and new asphalt pavement on ~0.82 miles of local streets

• Two-inch asphalt resurfacing on ~0.16 miles of local streets

• ADA compliance at sidewalk crossings

• New on-street bike lane on Stonegate Road from Broadsmore Drive to Longmeadow Parkway

• Curb & gutter, sidewalk, and driveway apron removal and replacement where needed

• Underground utility repairs and replacements to improve overall street drainage.

Upon completion of the design in late spring, the project was advertised for bid during June. Bids were opened on June 27th, 2024, with seven (7) bids received. Brothers Asphalt Paving, Inc. was the low bidder in the amount of $1,271,521.96, which is below the engineer’s estimate of $1,426,878,50. The Village will be utilizing its remaining Rebuild Illinois (RBI) monies with the remainder coming from the Street fund to cover the cost of this phase of the project. The Village has not worked with Brothers Asphalt Paving, Inc. on previous projects.

However, upon reaching out to other municipalities and consultants, this contractor had favorable reviews. Given the track record of Brothers Asphalt Paving, Inc., staff recommends the Committee of the Whole take necessary action to move forward with the award of this project to the Village Board for approval in the amount of 1,271,521.96 to Brothers Asphalt Paving, Inc. To manage this project, staff requested the attached proposal from Civiltech Engineering, Inc. to perform construction oversight. This project will require an experienced construction engineer with excellent communication skills. Civiltech is proposing a Professional Engineer with over 18 years of construction oversight experience, including more than seven years in the Village of Glen Ellyn, and successfully managed over $100 million in construction as a Resident Engineer. Staff is confident that Civiltech will deliver a quality product for the Village on this project. The submitted proposal is a not-to-exceed amount of $134,392.00, which is under the budgeted amount of $175,000.00.

Staff recommends that the Committee of the Whole take the necessary action to move forward on the agreement with Civiltech Engineering, Inc. to provide construction oversight on the Broadsmore Drive and Stonegate Road Improvements project.

1. The considerable scope of this improvement will require thorough project management and construction oversight. The recommended low bidder and proposed Resident Engineer both have completed successful projects of this type and size.

2. This will be the first phase of the improvement in the area, with the second phase taking place next spring.

3. Sufficient funds are proposed within the Street Improvement Fund to cover both the construction and construction oversight for this

It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval.

E. Consider the Purchase of Two Ford F-450 Flat Bed Trucks from Knapheide of McHenry

Staff recommends purchasing two new Ford F-450 flat bed trucks to replace truck #613 (a 2008 Ford F-450) and truck #617 (a 2009 Ford F-450). Both trucks have reached the end of their serviceable life with the village.

The identical chassis will be purchased through The Suburban Purchasing Cooperative’s dealer, Sutton Ford of Matteson, Illinois, for $55,395 each, totaling $110,790. The upfitting will be completed by Knapheide of McHenry, Illinois, for $27,788 each, totaling $55,576. The total cost per truck will be $83,183, with a combined total of $166,366 for both trucks. These prices are subject to market adjustments, so we propose a not-to exceed amount of $90,000 per truck, for a total of $180,000. $194,000 has been budgeted in the 2024/2025 fiscal year budget for the purchase of these two trucks. Staff recommends approval.

It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval.

AGENDA ITEM 6: Executive Session


AGENDA ITEM 7: Other Business

Public Works Director Badran stated that the Village is having the five new F-250s outfitted with a 9' Western Pro Plus Plow/Liftgate at a cost of $11,333 each. This expenditure will be coming to a future agenda for Village Board approval. It was important to authorize the work now to avoid delays in receiving the vehicles.

AGENDA ITEM 8: Adjournment

There being no further business, Chairperson Glogowski adjourned the meeting at 8:04 p.m. 




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