
McHenry Times

Friday, January 31, 2025

Village of Cary Board of Trustees met July 2

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Cary Village Mayor Mark Kownick | Village of Cary Website

Cary Village Mayor Mark Kownick | Village of Cary Website

Village of Cary Board of Trustees met July 2

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


Village Board of Trustees

Mayor Mark Kownick, Trustee Dale Collier, Trustee Rick Dudek, Trustee Ellen McAlpine, Trustee Anthony Stefani, Trustee Rick Walrath, Trustee Jennifer Weinhammer

Others Present

Village Administrator Morimoto, Assistant Village Administrator Sage, Community Development Director Simmons, Public Works Director Noonan, Police Chief Finlon, Village Attorney Uhler

I. Call to ORder

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Kownick at 6:00 p.m.

II. Roll Call

The roll was called and all were present.


Mayor Kownick entertained a motion to allow Trustee Dudek and Trustee Walrath to attend the meeting via remote teleconference.

Motion moved by Trustee McAlpine and motion seconded by Trustee Stefani.

Motion Passed.

AYES: Collier, McAlpine, Stefani, Weinhammer

NAYS: None.


III. Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Kownick led in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.

IV. Open Forum

Martha Ritter, 239 N. School Street, stated she had trouble getting through to Village staff via the main phone line the previous weekend when heavy rains caused water to accumulate on her street.

Mayor Kownick stated in the future Ms. Ritter should call the non-emergency police line when Village Hall is closed.

Randall Kohler, 352 Claire Lane, stated he feels the Cary Police Department and the McHenry County State's Attorney Office have not adequately addressed his concerns.

Mayor Kownick stated he will reach out to State's Attorney Kenneally regarding Mr. Kohler's concerns.

Chris Reike, 446 Lloyd Street, stated he does not support the incentive agreement with Ridgefield Homes that is being considered at the meeting. Mr. Reike also stated he feels there is not enough green space in the Village due to residential development.

Mayor Kownick stated almost all of the subdivisions in Cary have their own park, and the Board has been clear with potential developers about the need to incorporate green space into proposals brought to the Village.

There being no further comments, Mayor Kownick closed Open Forum at 6:14 p.m.

V. Mayor's Report

A. Proclamation - National Recreation and Parks Month - July 2024

VI. Consent Agenda


I will entertain a motion to approved Consent Agenda Items A-J as shown on the Village's website and as displayed on the video monitor during the Village Board meeting.

Motion moved by Trustee McAlpine and motion seconded by Trustee Weinhammer.

Motion Passed.

AYES: Collier, Dudek, McAlpine, Stefani, Walrath, Weinhammer

NAYS: None.


A. Consider for Approval the Warrant Dated July 2, 2024

B. Consider for Approval the June 18, 2024, Village Board Meeting Minutes

C. Consider for Approval the June 18, 2024, Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes

D. Consider for Approval a Resolution Approving a Contract with Prime Rinse, LLC, Leitchfield, KY, in an Amount Not to Exceed $13,000.00 for Services Associated with the Cleaning of Water Towers 2 and 3 and Authorizing the Village Administrator to Approve a 10% Contingency for Unforeseen Changes in Scope for a Total Project Budget of $14,300.00

E. Consider for Approval an Ordinance Amending Title 5 (Business Taxes, Licenses and Regulations), Chapter 5.08 (Alcoholic Liquor Sales) Allowing for the Issuance of a Class J Liquor License to Armanetti Express Cary, Located at 3106 Three Oaks Road, Unit H, Cary, IL

F. Consider for Approval a Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Execute a Sole Source Purchase Agreement with Critex, LLC, Delphos, Ohio, for Manhole Repair Equipment in an Amount Not to Exceed $42,900

G. Consider for Approval a Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Execute a Purchase Agreement for a Peterbilt 548 Plow Truck from JX Truck Center, Bolingbrook, IL, and Outfitted by Henderson Products, Inc., Huntley, IL, for a Total Amount Not to Exceed $296,243.02

H. Consider for Approval a Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Reject All Bids for the Downtown Depot Plaza Project

I. Consider for Approval a Resolution Waiving the Competitive Bidding Requirements and Authorizing the Village Administrator to Execute a Contract for the Emergency Replacement of the Pump and Motor Equipment at Well #13 with Municipal Well & Pump, Waupun, Wisconsin, in an Amount Not to Exceed $72,330.00 and Authorizing the Village Administrator to Approve a 10% Contingency for Unforeseen Changes in Scope for a Maximum Project Budget of $79,563.00

J. Consider for Approval the Authorization of the Village Administrator to Enter Into a Tolling Agreement on Behalf of the Village Board of Trustees with the Board of Education of the Cary Community Consolidated School District No. 26 McHenry County State's Attorney Office have not adequately addressed his concerns.

VII. Items for Separate Action

A. Consider for Approval a Resolution Entering Into an Incentive Agreement with Ridgefield Homes, LLC, in an Amount Not to Exceed $37,997.00 for Public Infrastructure Improvements to the Property Located at 106-124 E. Main Street

Mayor Kownick requested a motion to approve a resolution entering into an incentive agreement in an amount not to exceed $35,600, which excludes any reimbursement for landscaping.

Director Simmons provided an overview of the amended resolution. Director Simmons stated at the June 18, 2024, Village Board meeting, the Board voted 3-2 to approve a resolution to enter into an incentive agreement with Ridgefield Homes. Director Simmons stated after further legal review, it was determined four affirmative votes were necessary for the passage of a resolution related to an expense of funds. Director Simmons stated one of the topics discussed at the meeting was the utilization of TIF funds for proposed landscaping for the Ridgefield Landing development. Director Simmons stated the current item before the Board has been revised to exclude costs associated with landscaping.

Trustee McAlpine stated she supports the revised request and feels the use of TIF funds for the costs associated with the unexpected requirements by IDOT is appropriate.

Trustee Stefani does not support the request because the proposed development was approved prior to the adoption of the TIF agreement. Trustee Stefani stated he feels the developer should have allotted additional funds for unexpected costs, such as the ones associated with the IDOT requirements.

Trustee Collier asked Director Simmons what the financial benefit for the Village will be once the project is completed.

Director Simmons stated approximately $80,000-90,000 of revenue will be generated annually towards the TIF fund. Director Simmons stated approximately $2,000,000 will be generated over the life of the TIF fund.

Trustee Stefani asked how many units will be built as part of the Ridgefield Landing development.

Director Simmons stated 10 units will be built.

Trustee Dudek stated he also feels the developer should have built in a greater amount of contingency funds. Trustee Dudek does not support the Village contributing the total amount requested; however, he would support an amended motion to cover a portion of the requested funds.

Attorney Uhler stated if the Board were to vote on the current motion and it failed, an amended motion could be proposed and voted upon.

Mayor Kownick stated the IDOT requirements were unexpected and would have been difficult for the developer to account for in his reserves. The Mayor stated using the TIF funds for this type of expense does benefit the Village.

Trustee Walrath stated the developer was previously asked to revise his request and he has done so. Trustee Walrath stated he supports the current request by the developer.

Trustee McAlpine stated the developer has provided the revised request based on previous Board feedback. Trustee McAlpine stated the requirements by IDOT are greater than an overrun caused by construction, because it was an unanticipated infrastructure improvement required by the State.


I will entertain a motion to approve an amended resolution entering into an incentive agreement with Ridgefield Homes, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $35,600.00, which excludes any reimbursement for landscaping.

Motion moved by Trustee Collier and motion seconded by Trustee Walrath. Motion Passed.

AYES: Kownick, Collier, McAlpine, Walrath

NAYS: Dudek, Stefani, Weinhammer


VIII. Administrator's Report


IX. Department Head Reports

Chief Finlon stated the Stars N' Stripes event hosted by the Cary Park District was a success. Chief Finlon stated the Cary Police Department and the Cary Fire Department provided support for the event. Chief Finlon reminded everyone there will not be a Cary Cruise Night event on July 3rd.

Director Noonan stated due to the July 4th holiday, refuse pick-up for those whose regular pick-up day is Thursday will take place on, July 5th.

X. Future Agenda Items and Discussion by Village Board


XI. Adjourn


There being no further items to discuss, Mayor Kownick entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:31 p.m.

Motion moved by Trustee Colliers and motion seconded by Trustee Stefani.

Motion Passed.

AYES: Collier, Dudek, McAlpine, Stefani, Walrath, Weinhammer

NAYS: None

