
McHenry Times

Thursday, September 19, 2024

City of Crystal Lake City Council will meet Sept. 3

Webp 15

Crystal Lake Mayor Haig Haleblian | https://www.haigformayor.com/

Crystal Lake Mayor Haig Haleblian | https://www.haigformayor.com/

City of Crystal Lake City Council will meet Sept. 3

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Approval of Minutes – August 20, 2024

5. Accounts Payable

6. Public Presentation

The public is invited to make an issue oriented comment on any matter of public concern not otherwise on the agenda. The public comment may be no longer than 5 minutes in duration. Interrogation of the City staff, Mayor or City Council will not be allowed at this time, nor will any comment from the Council. Personal invectives against City staff or elected officials are not permitted.

7. Mayor’s Report

8. City Council Reports

9. Consent Agenda

a. Special Event Request and Street Closure - St. Thomas the Apostle School Trunk or Treat, October 25, 2024

b. Special Event Request and Police Assistance Fee Waiver – Break Spooktacular 5K Fun Run and Walk, October 12, 2024

c. Special Event Request, Street Closure for Pierson Street and Class 16 Temporary Liquor License – St. Thomas the Apostle Church Oktoberfest, Saturday, October 5, 2024

d. Cable Franchise Renewal Agreement

10. 840 Country Club Road - Simplified Residential Zoning Variations to allow an addition five (5) feet from the interior side yard, an encroachment of three (3) feet into the required 8-foot side yard setback, five (5) feet from the rear yard, an encroachment of 15 feet from the required 20-foot rear yard setback, and a second-story addition to a non-conforming structure 16.25 feet from the rear yard setback, an encroachment of 3.75 feet into the required 20-foot rear yard setback

11. 4 E. Terra Cotta Avenue, Monster Ink Tattoo - Comprehensive Land Use Plan Map Amendment from O Office to Commerce, rezoning from O PUD Office Planned Unit Development to B-2 PUD General Commercial Planned Unit Development, and a Preliminary/Final Planned Unit Development for a tattoo studio

12. 410 Main Street, City of Crystal Lake - Rezoning the site to M Manufacturing

13. 1100 Coventry Lane, City of Crystal Lake - Rezoning the site to M Manufacturing and Special Use Permit for a City Utility Facility

14. Groundwater Restriction Ordinance for 280 North Route 31 (northwest corner of Illinois Route 176/ East Terra Cotta Avenue and Illinois Route 31)

15. Proposal Award - Various Physical Examinations, Immunizations, Substance Screening, Annual Onsite Wellness Screenings and Flu Shots, and CDL Drug/Alcohol Testing

16. Council Inquiries and Requests

17. Adjourn to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing matters of pending and probable litigation, the sale, purchase or lease of real property, collective bargaining and personnel

18. Reconvene to Regular Session

19. Adjourn
