
McHenry Times

Friday, March 14, 2025

Village of Algonquin Committee of the Whole met Oct. 8

Webp 8

Maggie Auger, Village Trustee | Village Of Algonquin Website

Maggie Auger, Village Trustee | Village Of Algonquin Website

Village of Algonquin Committee of the Whole met Oct. 8

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Trustee Dianis, Chairperson, called the Committee of the Whole meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

AGENDA ITEM 1: Roll Call to Establish a Quorum

Present: Trustees, Jerry Glogowski, John Spella, Laura Brehmer, Brian Dianis, Maggie Auger, Bob Smith; President, Debby Sosine and Clerk, Fred Martin.

A quorum was established

Staff in Attendance: Tim Schloneger, Village Manager; Mike Kumbera, Deputy Village Manager; Nadim Badran, Public Works Director; Patrick Knapp, Community Development Director; Jacob Uhlmann, General Services Intern; Dennis Walker, Chief of Police; and Kelly Cahill, Village Attorney.

AGENDA ITEM 2: Public Comment


AGENDA ITEM 3: Community Development

Mr. Knapp:

A. Consider a Request for Lot Width Variation for the vacant parcel between 1010 and 1024 Pioneer Road

Martyna Lizoń, the “Petitioner” and “Owner,” is requesting one (1) variation for the vacant parcel located between 1010 Pioneer Road and 1024 Pioneer Road, the “Subject Property,” to allow for a reduced lot width reduction of approximately fifty-and-eighty-two feet (50.82’) to accommodate a new single-family home.

The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the Request at the September 9, 2024, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting.

There were no comments from the public. After discussion, the Planning and Zoning Commission accepted (approved 5-0) staff’s findings as the findings of the Planning and Zoning Commission and recommended approval of the variation request, as outlined in the staff report for case PZ-2024-17 and subject to staff’s recommended conditions.

Per Section 21.5 of the Zoning Ordinance, the minimum required lot width in the R-1 One-Family Dwelling District is seventy-five feet (75’). The Subject Property is approximately fifty-and eighty-two feet (50.82’) wide, which is less than the minimum width required for the zoning district. The lot square footage exceeds the minimum requirements of the district. There are two (2) single-family lots adjacent to the subject property which removes the possibility of acquiring more land to create a conforming lot.

The Petitioner requests the Variation with the intent to build a single-family home on the lot. They are not requesting a reduction of any setbacks. This approval will allow a thirty-five foot (35’) wide dwelling on the Subject Property. The Petitioner has not submitted plans for development of Pioneer Road Vacant Lot – Variation the Subject Property. Any dwelling will be required to meet applicable Village Zoning Code and Building Codes.

Staff finds that the standards for a variation have been met and recommends the Committee of the Whole advance the request for approval of the Lot Width Variation, subject to the following conditions and final staff approval:

a. A building permit shall be issued prior to the construction of the single-family home;

b. The single-family home shall meet all other bulk chart regulations.

After lengthy discussion it is the consensus of the Committee, with the exception of Trustee Glogowski, to move this on to the Village Board for approval.

B. Consider a Public Event/Entertainment License for the Algonquin Aces Jack-O-Lantern Jamboree Occurring October 18 – 20, 2024 and October 25 – 27, 2024

Tony Minasola, on behalf of Algonquin Aces, is seeking approval of a Public Event/Entertainment License for the Algonquin Aces Jack-O-Lantern Jamboree occurring October 18 – 20, 2024 and October 25 – 27, 2024. This is a non-profit event that will be held for the Girls Fast Pitch Softball Tournament at Algonquin Lakes Fields and Kelliher Park in Algonquin. The applicant expects up to 150 participants at different times of the day. In addition to requesting approval of a Public Event/Entertainment License, the applicant has also requested waste removal on Sunday, mowing of the fields before the tournament, and that the bathrooms remain open.

The applicant is requesting a waiver of the Public Event License fee ($50/day) and has submitted the appropriate documentation to show that they are a Tax Exempt Organization.

Staff has reviewed the request and recommends approval with the following conditions outlined below:

• Village Police officers and other officials shall have free access to the event at all times to ensure that

the event is in compliance with the Municipal Code;

• All garbage/debris from the event shall be deposited in on-site trash bins by the event coordinator;

• Any on-site food truck operators will need to apply for a separate permit through the Village of Algonquin at least 2 weeks in advance and shall pay the Special Event Fee;

• All temporary tents or structures shall be properly weighted or tied down following manufacturers’ instructions. No cooking under tents unless the tent is certified for such use. In the event of unfavorable weather conditions, any temporary tents or structures shall be vacated and removed, and no temporary tent or structure shall be used for shelter;

• The event coordinator is responsible for suspending or canceling the event in case of structural concerns, electrical malfunctions, or storms that may include wind above 40 mph, lightning, tornado warnings, unruly crowds, or any other issues that may pose a risk or danger to the public.

• The applicant shall abide by all provisions of the Algonquin Municipal Code with specific attention to the Public Event/Entertainment section along with all provisions/requirements of the Public Event/Entertainment License Application checklist and the application provided.

It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval.

C. Consider a Public Event/Entertainment License for Scorched Earth Brewing Co.; 10 Year Anniversary Event October 18, 19 and 20, 2024

Greg Doyen, of Scorched Earth Brewing Co., is seeking approval of a public event/entertainment license for The Scorched Earth 10 Year Anniversary Event on Friday, October 18, 2024 from 3:00 pm to 10:00 pm, Saturday, October 19, 2024 from 12:00 pm to 10:00 pm, and Sunday, October 20, 2024 from 12:00 pm to 7:00 pm. The event will occur at Scorched Earth Brewing Co. at 203 Berg Street. The setup will be on October 18 at 10:00 am. No street closure is requested. The event will include live music, food trucks, and beer sales.

The event area will be located in the parking lot of Scorched Earth and will be fenced off. It encompasses the existing outdoor seating areas and extends west into the parking lot. All alcohol consumption will be inside the fenced area. Parking will be on Berg Street, and any overflow will go to 200 to 210 Berg Street, Kenmode, and Armstrong Street on-street parking. There is no admission fee. Approximately 300 participants are expected.

The applicant will be required to pay the $50/day Public Event/Entertainment License fee because they are a for-profit business.


Staff has reviewed the request and recommends approval with the following conditions outlined below.

• This Special Event Permit shall be visible at all times;

• Village Police officers and other officials shall have free access to the event at all times to ensure that the event is in compliance with the Municipal Code;

• Final site and circulation plans are subject to review and approval by CD Staff, Police, Fire, and Public Works as needed. The coordinator shall notify the Village of any changes in location or operations, which may be subject to further review and approval by the Village;

• All Village fees must be paid prior to the event unless they are waived by the Village Board;

• Prior to commencing any of the activities approved by the Public Event License, the applicant, at no expense to the Village, shall obtain and file with the Village, no less than 30 days prior to the event, evidence that its insurance meets the minimum requirements;

• Any on-site food truck operators will need to apply for a separate permit through the Village of Algonquin at least 2 weeks in advance and shall pay the Special Event Fee;

• The event coordinator is responsible for suspending or canceling the event in case of structural concerns, electrical malfunctions, or storms that may include wind in excess of 40 mph, lightning, tornado warnings, unruly crowds, or any other issues that may pose a risk or danger to the public;

• Alcohol consumption shall be limited to inside the fenced in area on the site plan;

• ADA parking shall be provided per the site plan.

It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval.

AGENDA ITEM 4: General Administration

Mr. Schloneger:

A. Consider the Fourth Addendum to the Tolling Agreement

The Push Tax was first implemented in October 2021, but the video gaming terminal operators dispute its validity and how it is to be collected. There is currently litigation pending in Cook and Lake Counties regarding these issues: 1) the 2nd Dist. Case No. 2-22-0220 (from Lake County involving the City of Waukegan) and 2) the 1st Dist. Case No. 23-0099 (from Cook County involving the City of Oak Lawn).

In order to avoid litigation and preserve both the Village of Algonquin’s rights and the video gaming terminal operators’ rights, the parties are proposing to continue to put everything on hold through the Tolling Agreement.

The Tolling Agreement with the video gaming terminal operators to delay enforcement of the Push Tax is set to expire October 31, 2024. At this time, there has been no resolution to the court cases that would allow any of the municipalities to move forward with certainty.

Therefore, it is recommended the Village enter into a Fourth Addendum to the Tolling Agreement to extend the agreement by twelve months to October 31, 2025.

Through October 31, 2025, the parties will not have to take any action while the litigation advances. The Village of Carpentersville, Village of Lake in the Hills, City of McHenry, and City of Woodstock are also considering this Agreement with the video gaming terminal operators J&J Ventures Gaming, LLC, Gold Rush Amusements, Inc., Accel Entertainment Gaming, LLC, Lattner Entertainment Group Illinois, LLC, Eureka Entertainment, LLC, Velasquez Gaming, LLC, Ashiq Gaming, LLC, and Pocket Aces Gaming, Inc.

It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval.

B. Consider the 2025 Spring Special Events:

1. Algonquin Egg Hunt – Saturday, April 12, 2025 located at Algonquin Lakes Park Beginning at 10:00 am

2. Touch a Truck Event – Saturday, May 3, 2025 located at our Public Works Facility from 10:00 am-1:00 pm

Mr. Kumbera:

The Recreation Department is preparing for the upcoming Spring events in Algonquin. These events encourage participants to come to Algonquin and enjoy what the Village has to offer.

1. Algonquin Egg Hunt – Saturday, April 12 located in Algonquin Lakes Park. Hunt kicks off at 10:00am

This will be our annual Egg Hunt, with visiting the Bunny and local sponsors.

2. Touch a Truck Event – Saturday, May 3rd located at our Public Works Facility from 10:00-1:00pm

This is a repeat of our Annual Touch a Truck and due to a highly successful event will once again be held at Public Works with the 10:00-11:00am hour being a Sensory Friendly Hour

In addition to the events, staff is also requesing approval of the following:

1. Pursuant to the Algonquin Municipal Code section 34.12, a waiver to invite food vendors to sell food and drink products during both events.

2. Pursuant to Section 31.04 of the Municipal Code, the Village Board must approve any public events in the Village, including concerts and musical performances.

It is the consensus of the Committee to move both events on to the Village Board for approval.

C. Consider an Agreement with JSD Professional Services for Master Planning Services for Willoughby Farms Park

The Village recently requested proposals to develop a Master Plan (“the plan”) for Willoughby Farms Park. The Plan will serve as a template for the most efficient usage and layout of park facilities, identify additional amenities, and develop a plan for long-term improvement, maintenance, and usage of Willoughby Farms Park.

Willoughby Farms Park, 2001 Wynnfield Drive, Algonquin, is a 12-acre community park developed in 1996. The park features a playground, baseball diamond, basketball court (which converts to a seasonal ice skating rink), tennis/pickleball courts (reconstructed in 2023), walking trails, a parking lot, and a surface water pond. A sealed-cost request for proposals was issued to ensure the Village evaluation team could assess responses based solely on each firm's ability to meet the proposal's specifications rather than focusing on the lowest-cost option.

Accordingly, the Village allocated $70,000 as a placeholder for this project in the FY 24/25 budget.

A cross-functional evaluation team was formed to review proposals and make a collective recommendation to the Village Board. The members of the team included: Nadim Badran, Public Works Director Stacey VanEnkevort, Recreation Director, Cliff Ganek, Village Engineer Michele Zimmerman, Assistant PW Director, Michael Kumbera, Deputy Village Manager/CFO Maggie Auger, Village Trustee, Anna Siegel, Recreation Manager Laura Brehmer, Village Trustee, Brooke Snow, Engineer II


The Village received four (4) responses from qualified firms to perform the work. These firms were all invited to interview with the evaluation team and included the following:

1. JSD Professional Services

2. Lakota Group

3. Planning Resources Incorporated

4. Wight & Company

The proposals included a range of base and optional services and reimbursable expenses ranging from $28,300 to $68,800.

Following a highly competitive procurement process, the evaluation team agreed that JSD Professional Services (“JSD”) is best suited to meet the Village's goals for this project. The JSD proposal stood out due to the following key factors:

• Experience and Expertise: JSD has significant experience in similar projects, including work in Bloomington (IL), Calumet Park (IL), and Homer Glen (IL). The JSD project manager also worked on designing existing Village parks, including Algonquin Lakes Park, Cornish Park, Hill Climb Park, and Spella Park.

• Project Approach: Their approach to the master planning process aligns with the Village’s goals,

particularly in community engagement and concept development.

• Cost and Value: JSD submitted the lowest-cost proposal of $28,300 and offered the best value based on the scope of work and expected outcomes. Their proposal demonstrates a strong balance between affordability and the ability to effectively meet the Village’s project objectives.

Additionally, it is recommended that the Village accept the alternate proposal for an Existing Conditions (topographic) Survey at the cost of $9,000. A topographic survey is a necessary prerequisite for the final engineering design.

Staff recommends the award of the Willoughby Farms Park Master Plan to JSD Professional Services for a not- to-exceed amount of $37,300. Staff will be available before and at the meeting for any questions.

It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval.

AGENDA ITEM 5: Public Works & Safety

Mr. Badran:

A. Consider an Agreement with Sutton Ford for the Purchase of a 2024 Ford F59

Staff is recommending the purchase of a new water main service truck to replace truck #820, which is a 2001 International 4700LPX. This truck has reached the end of its serviceable life with the Village based on age and mileage. This truck is critical to the emergency response of the Department, as this vehicle is deployed to repair water main breaks throughout the Village, in addition to standard maintenance operations. Staff is recommending replacement of the truck through Sutton Ford of Matteson Illinois for $206,119.00. Sutton Ford is the selected vendor through the Sourcewell Joint Purchasing Cooperative, and has submitted the most competitive pricing for such vehicles. These prices are subject to market adjustments and long delivery times.

Therefore, staff is recommending the approval for the purchase be awarded in the amount not to exceed $220,000. The chassis is scheduled to be delivered to the first up-fitter, Utilimaster, mid-October. Then be transferred to the second up-fitter late November early December. We should be taking delivery of the completed truck sometime in early 2025, at which point the existing vehicle will be auctioned. The budgeted amount in the FY24-25 budget is $250,000. The proposed not to exceed cost of $220,000 is inclusive of the vehicle and upfitting costs.

It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval.

B. Consider Certain Items Surplus

Desks removed from finance offices. Desks are 25+ years old and past useful life metal desks will be sent to scrap and wood desk will be disposed of.

It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval.

AGENDA ITEM 6: Executive Session


AGENDA ITEM 7: Other Business

President Sosine thanked the Staff and Board for all of their dedicated hard work over the past couple of weeks.

AGENDA ITEM 8: Adjournment

There being no further business, Chairperson Dianis adjourned the meeting at 7:52 p.m.




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