Dale Collier, Village Trustee | Village of Cary Website
Dale Collier, Village Trustee | Village of Cary Website
Village of Cary Committee of the Whole met Nov. 5
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Village Board of Trustees
Mayor Mark Kownick, Trustee Dale Collier, Trustee Ellen McAlpine, Trustee Rick Dudek, Trustee Anthony Stefani, Trustee Rick Walrath, Trustee Jennifer Weinhammer
Others Present
Village Administrator Morimoto, Public Works Director Noonan, Police Chief Finlon, Village Attorney Uhler
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Kownick at 6:09 p.m.
II. Roll Call
The roll was called and all were present.
III. Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Kownick led in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.
IV. Public Comments
There being no comments, Mayor Kownick closed Public Comments at 6:10 p.m.
V. Discussion Items
A. Discussion on a Potential Partnership Agreement with the Cary-Grove Area Chamber of Commerce for a 2025 Cary Main Street Fest Event Village Administrator Morimoto provided an overview of the potential partnership agreement.
Trustee Collier asked what the budget shortfall was from this year's event.
Administrator Morimoto stated the Village and the Chamber's budgets were each short about $6,800; however, some expenses will not be incurred for the 2025 event because they are items that can be reused from this year's event.
Trustee Dudek asked if there were any problems with this year's event.
Mayor Kownick stated there were minimal issues.
It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole forward to a future Village Board meeting a proposed partnership agreement with the Cary-Grove Area Chamber of Commerce for a 2025 Cary Main Street Fest Event.
B. Discussion Regarding the McHenry County Safety Action Plan and a Proposed Vision Zero Resolution
Director Noonan provided an overview of the McHenry County Safety Action Plan and a proposed Vision Zero resolution.
Mayor Kownick asked that the McHenry County Safety Action Plan survey be shared on the Village's website, Facebook, and in the Cary News Weekly.
Mayor Kownick stated this is a greet funding opportunity.
Trustee McAlpine asked if a designated project area in the Vision Zero plan were to be eligible for funding through a different source, would be Village be able to pursue that funding opportunity.
Director Noonan stated the Village could pursue the alternate funding opportunity.
It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to forward to a future Village Board meeting a proposed Vision Zero resolution.
VI. Adjourn
There being no further items to discuss, Mayor Kownick entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:30 p.m.
Motion moved by Trustee McAlpine and motion seconded by Trustee Stefani.
Motion Passed.
AYES: Collier, McAlpine, Dudek, Stefani, Walrath, Weinhammer
NAYS: None