Rick Dudek, Village Trustee | Village of Cary Website
Rick Dudek, Village Trustee | Village of Cary Website
Village of Cary Committee of the Whole met Nov. 19
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Village Board of Trustees
Mayor Mark Kownick, Trustee Dale Collier, Trustee Ellen McAlpine, Trustee Rick Dudek,
Trustee Rick Walrath, Trustee Jennifer Weinhammer
Absent: Trustee Anthony Stefani
Others Present
Village Administrator Morimoto, Community Development Director Simmons, Public Works Director Noonan, Finance Director Brainerd, Police Chief Finlon, Village Attorney Uhler
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Kownick at 6:44 p.m.
II. Roll Call
The roll was called. Trustee Stefani was absent.
III. Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Kownick led in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.
IV. Public Comments
Chris Reike, 446 Lloyd Street, asked if the public would have input on the development display boards to be placed in the lobby as discussed at tonight's Village Board of Trustees meeting.
Mayor Kownick stated the public always has the opportunity to comment on potential projects when they are discussed at a Committee of the Whole meeting.
Administrator Morimoto stated if the Comprehensive Plan is revised, the public has an opportunity to provide input as well.
V. Discussion Items
A. Police Pension Fund Actuarial Projection Discussion
Director Brainerd introduced Heidi Andorfer of Foster & Foster Actuaries and Consultants.
Ms. Andorfer provided an overview of the Police Pension Fund Actuarial Report.
Mayor Kownick asked Ms. Andorfer if the changes being discussed to Tier 2 benefits will be implemented.
Ms. Andorfer stated she doesn't necessarily think all of the changes will be implemented, however; she believes pay limits and retirement age are likely to be modified.
B. Discussion Regarding the Annual Real Estate Tax Levy for Tax Year 2024
Finance Director Brainerd provided an overview of the annual real estate tax levy for 2024.
Trustee Walrath asked how much of the total estimated increase of $375,139 are obligations the Village must meet.
Director Brainerd stated items such as insurance and union contract wages will not
change and are obligations the Village must meet.
Trustee Walrath asked if $250,000 out of the estimated $375,139 was an accurate estimation of these types of obligations.
Director Brainerd confirmed this was correct.
Trustee McAlpine supports accepting new growth and CPI.
Trustee Weinhammer supports accepting new growth only.
It was the consensus of a majority of the Committee of the Whole to forward the annual real estate tax levy for consideration at a future Village Board meeting.
C. Discussion Regarding Private Tree Maintenance Ordinance
Director Noonan provided an overview of the potential tree maintenance ordinance amendment.
Trustee McAlpine asked about the notification procedure to residents.
Director Simmons stated a hang tag would be left on the door letting the resident know they have 7 days to address the issue.
Mayor Kownick stated the resident may request extra time if they are unable to meet the 7-day deadline.
Trustee Collier asked if only one notice is given to the resident.
Director Simmons stated if the Property Maintenance Official has not heard back from the resident, the Official usually drives by the residence to see if the hang tag is still on the door. Director Simmons stated if the tag is still on the door, the Official will attempt to contact the resident to make them aware of the issue.
Attorney Uhler stated the goal of the ordinance is compliance, so should the case go to adjudication, the resident will be given an additional opportunity to correct the situation if they appear to be attempting to address the issue.
Trustee Dudek asked if the Village could provide a few tree trimming company recommendations to homeowners.
Trustee Walrath feels if the nuisance tress or bushes are on private property, the homeowner is responsible for maintenance. Trustee Walrath does not think the Village should recommend contractors due to liability issues.
It was the consensus of a majority of the Committee of the Whole to forward the amended private tree maintenance ordinance for consideration a future Village Board meeting.
VI. Executive Session: Litigation: Pending or Imminent, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11)
Mayor Kownick and Trustees Collier, Dudek, McAlpine, Walrath and Weinhammer entered into Executive Session at 7:38 p.m. Others present included Administrator Morimoto, Director Simmons, and Attorney Uhler.
I will entertain a motion to adjourn into Executive Session to discuss Litigation: Pending or Imminent, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11).
Motion moved by Trustee Walrath and motion seconded by Trustee McAlpine.
Motion Passed.
AYES: Collier, McAlpine, Dudek, Walrath, Weinhammer
NAYS: None.
VII. Adjourn
There being no further items to discuss, Mayor Kownick entertained a motion to exit Executive Session at 7:55 p.m.
Motion moved by Trustee McAlpine and motion seconded by Trustee Walrath.
Motion Passed.
AYES: Collier, McAlpine, Dudek, Walrath, Weinhammer
NAYS: None.