
McHenry Times

Thursday, March 27, 2025

McHenry County called home by 7 new registered sex offenders in Q4 2024

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Colonel J.W. Price Deputy Director of the Division of Criminal Investigation | Official Website

Colonel J.W. Price Deputy Director of the Division of Criminal Investigation | Official Website

There were seven new registered sex offenders living in McHenry County as of the fourth quarter of 2024, compared to the previous quarter, according to the Illinois Police Sex Offender Registry.

The Registry showed that, in total, 165 sexual offenders were living in McHenry County, compared to 163 the quarter before. Over these three months, five offenders left McHenry County and seven moved into the area.

All of the offenders who moved to McHenry County during this period were sexual predators.

Sexual predators and child murderers remain on the registry for the rest of their lives. Sexually violent people are no longer listed 10 years after their conviction.

The offenders moving into McHenry County may have been recently convicted or moved from other cities in the US.

According to a 2024 study by SafeHome.org, Illinois ranks fifth in the total number of registered sex offenders, with more than 34,000 living in the state.

Nationally, the study found over 795,000 registered sex offenders in the U.S. as of August 2024 — an increase of approximately 8,000 compared to 2023.

Registered Sex Offenders in McHenry County as of Q4 2024

ATL DiazSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/bodily harm and Attempt
Alan R. BokowskiSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/victim 13-17
Alex GonzalezSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Alfredo Ivan Morales-NovaNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/vic 13-17
Andres SantiagoSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Andrew F. AlexanderSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Andrew J. MillerSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/tape/photo
Andrew Joseph LoomanSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault/victim <9 and Criminal sexual abuse/vic 13-17
Andrew SpanierSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault
Angelo JacksonSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Ann M PankauskasSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16
Anthony Joseph RaiaSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Arturo Avila DuarteSexual PredatorNon-CompliantCriminal sexual assault
Arturo JuarezSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16 and Aggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Austin J. VeselySexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16, Failure to report a change of address/employment and Unlawful restraint
Bradley J. HarleySexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Braedon L EbySexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/reproduce/sell
Brian J. GuthSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16, Child pornography/film/photos, Child sex offender present in a school zone and Violate sex offender registration
Brian M HitztalerSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Violate sex offender registration
Brian Ronald PorrasSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Bruce E. WalkerSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/tape/photo
Byron CleavesSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Carlos Rodriguez M. SanchezSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Cesar F Ocampo-OrozcoNon-verified Adult Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/victim cant consent
Cesar Ivan BlancoSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Chad A. CoeSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-18
Chad ConnellSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Christopher J. ByeSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/tape/photo
Christopher J. WujekSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Child sex offender present in a school zone
Christopher K. DavisSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Christopher M. HuinkerSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Christopher M. TerreaultSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16
Christopher P. GerholdtSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Christopher S. CaceresSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault
Craig TanksonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Daniel DoerrfeldSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/masturbation
Daniel M. HalperinSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16, Criminal sexual abuse/vic 13-17 and Sexual predator present at a public park
Daniel W. LeonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Danny BatesSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos and Predatory criminal sexual assault
Danny P. GaddisSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault/victim >60
Danny R. BorchardtSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Darill WilsonSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography
David Daniel SeidelSexual PredatorCompliantAttempt, Child pornography/film/photos and Failure to report a change of address/employment
David J. AlexanderSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Domenique HinesSexual PredatorNon-CompliantChild pornography/solicit a child to appear
Donald G. OlsonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Donlin Dean CrismanSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Criminal sexual assault/cant consent
Douglas John CarlsonNon-verified Child Sex OffenderNon-CompliantIndecent solicitation of a child
Douglas William ProntoSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Edgar RodriguezNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/victim vic 9-16
Edward C. MarshallSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Edward E. MarlowSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Edward J. JohnsonNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/victim cant consent/2nd and Violate sex offender registration
Eric VillafaneSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Faron T. GreeneSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/reproduce/sell
Garry C GrendelSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Gus G. KitsosSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
Herman BrittmonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Howard John JenkinsSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
James Anthony BorcaSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
James Frederick UlmSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
James K. JohnsonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 9-16
James Newton WyrickSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-18
James T. ZeasSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography
James Walter TurucSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/victim 13-17
Jason E. HarveySexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault
Jason J. JustenSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16
Jason KrigasSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-18 and Aggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Jay SimonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13 and Aggravated unlawful restraint
Jeffrey Charles RepecNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantExploitation of a child less than 13
Jeremiah C. OaksSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Jeremy T. MansfieldNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantIndecent solicitation of a child
Jerry S. MannionSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography
Jerry a KlyttaSexual PredatorCompliantSexual exploitation of a child/sex act and Unlawful restraint
Jesus IzaguirreSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography
Jimmie I. CrawfordSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16, Failure to report a change of address/employment and Sexual exploitation/expose organs/2nd
John A. DieboldSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
John A. RedmondSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos and Criminal sexual abuse/victim cant consent
John A. RothSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
John E. CarlsonSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
John G. KennedyNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/victim cant consent
John P. BeauchaineSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography and Failure to report annually
John T. CrielSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Predatory criminal sexual assault
Johnie HunterSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Jonathan T. SmithSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Jose J. QuinteroSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography
Jose L. SerranoSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13 and Predatory criminal sexual assault
Joseph AuroraSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16, Child pornography/film/photos, Child pornography/reproduce/sell, Child pornography/solicit a child to appear and Grooming
Joseph McCormickNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/victim cant consent
Joshua Christian HernandezSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual assault/weapon
Joshua S. HoffmanSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Juan MoralesSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16, Child sex offender/reside 500' and Violate sex offender registration
Julio SosaSexual PredatorCompliantPredatory criminal sexual assault
Justin W. SchmidtSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Attempt
Keir L. ShortsSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16
Kristopher J. KirkSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/tape/photo
Larry G. ThayerSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/tape/photo
Lawrence Edward HahnSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/force
Lawrence Keith SwagerSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Marcelino CruzSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Mark C. HannemanSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Martin Jay HermanSexual PredatorCompliantAttempt and Criminal sexual assault/force
Martin VilchiscaralampioSexual PredatorNon-CompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Matthew Alexander SorichNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/victim cant consent
Maxwell BaumgartnerSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual abuse, Criminal sexual abuse/vic 13-17 and Indecent solicitation of a child
Michael Albert LorrSexual PredatorCompliantAttempt and Child pornography/film/photos
Michael E. AllenNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/victim cant consent and Violate sex offender regisistration/2nd
Michael LeinwanderSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Michael PetersenSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Michael RaySexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/tape/photo
Michael RiceSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Michael Steven GreenfieldNon-verified Adult Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/victim cant consent
Milton A. PaganSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Mohammad Abdul SalamSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Nathan S PealstromNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/victim cant consent
Nicholas AcevedoSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13 and Predatory criminal sexual assault
Nicholas E. MadausSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography victim less than 13
Nicholas Michael NarishNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantChild sex offender/reside 500', Fail to report weekly/no fixed address and Sexual exploitation of a child/sex act
Nicholas P MartinalloSexual PredatorCompliantAttempt, Failure to report a change of address/employment and Failure to report annually/2+
Nicole R. JacobsenNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/victim cant consent
Noe SolorioNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/victim vic 9-16
Norman DabySexual PredatorNon-CompliantCriminal sexual assault/victim 13-17
Patrick K. OwensNon-verified Child Sex OffenderNon-CompliantCriminal sexual abuse/vic 13-17
Patrick M. SmithSexual PredatorNon-CompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 9-16 and Aggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Preston D. NelsonNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual assault/force, Failure to report change of address and Violate sex offender registration act
Reynaldo M. JimenezNon-verified Adult Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse/victim cant consent
Richard A. StrandSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse
Robert Allen HugginsSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/tape/photo
Robert B. BergstromSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/victim 13-17
Robert E. ThorntonSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos and Indecent solicitation of a child
Robert GormanSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/tape/photo
Robert J. ReeseSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Robert Newport McAllisterSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos and Child pornography/film/tape/photo
Robert RodgersSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Ronald S. AckerSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Roy A. JacobSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13, Attempt, Child sex offender present in a school zone and Failure to report a change of address/employment
Russell Martin CarlsonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim >60 and Criminal sexual abuse/force/2nd
Ryan BargehrSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16 and Failure to report annually
Ryan Matthew SpencerSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Salvador RuizSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sex abuse/victim 13-16 and Predatory criminal sexual assault
Shawn BuchenSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16, Criminal sexual assault/cant consent and Felony conviction after 7/1/2011
Shawn C. MrugalaSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Shawn Michael EganNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantIndecent solicitation of a child over the internet
Stephan Douglas DolanSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16, Attempt and Fail to register w/in 3 days of new residence/school
Stephen Michael HoffmannSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Steven Charles BatjesSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13 and Child abductn/lure a child <16 yrs into vehicle
Steven J. HubbardSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse, Attempt and Sexual predator present at a public park
Steven Mitchell LlamasSexual PredatorCompliantSexual exploitation of a child/sex act
Steven W. GarrettSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/victim 13-17
Taylor L. BlaulSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Thomas Connor CaseyNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantIndecent solicitation of a child
Timothy Andrew GravesSexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/cant consent
Timothy Andrew WilliamsSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography victim less than 13
Timothy E. WilkinsonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16
Timothy Edwin CarusoNon-verified Child Sex OffenderNon-CompliantFailure to report change of address, Sexual exploitation/expose organs, Violate sex offender registration and Violate sex offender registration act
Timothy Herald McKinneySexual PredatorCompliantCriminal sexual assault/cant consent
Todd BrittonSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Tyler James WhitfieldNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantAttempt, Grooming, Sexual exploitation of a child/sex act and Violate sex offender registration
Victor D. PulphusNon-verified Child Sex OffenderCompliantCriminal sexual abuse
Vladimir RozenbergSexual PredatorCompliantChild pornography/film/photos
Wayne D. NorenSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography
Wayne L RabnerSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim 13-16, Failure to report annually, Sexually violent/dangerous failure to report and Violate sex offender registration
William F. BeynonSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated child pornography and Indecent solicitation of a child
William K. BienemanSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13
Zohar MorSexual PredatorCompliantAggravated criminal sexual abuse/victim <13


Village of BlufordVillage of TildenCity of DanvilleSpringfield TownshipCity of BeloitVillage of BarringtonCity of MarionCity of Rock IslandVillage of Spring GroveVillage of MattesonCity of MarengoVillage of South Chicago HeightsAlgonquin TownshipVillage of Calumet ParkVillage of DoltonCity of WoodstockVillage of BellwoodCity of SycamoreCity of QuincyCity of FreeportVillage of Deer GroveCity of Spring ValleyVillage of SaukMattoonCity of CharlestonCity of EdwardsvilleVillage of AlmaCity of MetropolisCity of TroyCity of SalemVillage of JohnsburgVillage of HuntleyCity of BloomingtonVillage of LakewoodCity of FarmingtonVillage of Wonder LakeVillage of MaywoodCity of HoopestonCity of PittsfieldVillage of Hanover ParkPeoria CityMulkeytownVillage of RossvilleVillage of HomewoodVillage of MontroseCity of MurphysboroCity of SterlingCity of KewaneeCity of LitchfieldVillage of HebronGreenville CityCity of RockfordCity of JacksonvilleCity of Loves ParkCity of Hickory HillsVillage of PrincevilleCity of West ChicagoVillage of Oak ParkCity of AltonCity of KankakeeNaperville TownshipVillage Of BaylisVillage Of UnionVillage Of Island LakeVillage Of LombardCity of UrbanaCity of HarvardCity of MarshallTownship Of FrankfortCity of Crystal LakeCity of McHenryCity of Chicago


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