Wayne S. Jett - Mayor | City of McHenry Website
Wayne S. Jett - Mayor | City of McHenry Website
City of McHenry City Council met Jan. 21
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Call to Order: Attorney Brandy Quance called the meeting to order.
Members present Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Davis-absent, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller, and Mayor Jett-absent.
Others present: Attorney McArdle-absent, Attorney Brandy Quance, Administrator Ostrovsky, Director of Community Development Polerecky, Finance Director Lynch, Director of Parks and Recreation Hobson, Director of Economic Development Martin, Chief of Police Birk, City Planner Sheriff-absent, Acting Director of Public Works Adams, Deputy Clerk Johnson, and City Clerk Ramel.
Attorney Quance asked for a motion to appoint a Mayor Pro Tem as Mayor Jett was absent for the evening.
Alderwoman Miller made a motion to nominate Alderman Santi as Mayor Pro Tem for this evening's meeting, Alderman Santi seconded it. Roll Call: Vote:2-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderwoman Miller. 4- nays- Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Koch 1-abstained, Alderman Davis-absent. Motion failed.
Alderman McClatchey made a motion to nominate Alderman Glab as Mayor Pro Tem for this evening’s meeting, Alderwoman Bassi seconded it. Vote: 4-ayes: Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Koch. 4-nays: Alderman Santi, Alderwoman Miller. 1-abstained-Alderman Davis, absent. Motion passed.
Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Pro Tem, Alderman Glab led the pledge.
Public Comment: no public comments
Consent Agenda. Motion to Approve the following Consent Agenda Items as presented:
*Clerk’s Note: Alderwoman Bassi pulled this Consent Item.
A. Pass an Ordinance Accepting the Plat of Dedication for 0.018 Acres Establishing Additional ROW to Accommodate the Oakwood Drive Bridge Project (Acting Director Russ Adams)
Alderwoman Bassi pulled this item recalling the discussion from the last meeting on Dec 16th regarding this item and condemnation, wanting to know if the .018 acer part of that it was confirmed by Acting Director Adams that is not included. They were both the same about average, so she wanted to confirm.
A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderman Koch to approve the Consent Agenda Item as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 6- ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Davis-absent, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried.
B. Parks & Recreation Facilities & Special Use Permit Requests
C. December 16, 2024, City Council Meeting Minutes
D. Issuance of Checks in the amount of $557,235.47
E. As Needed Checks in the amount of $3,020.072.02
A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderman McClatchey to approve the Consent Agenda Item as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 6- ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Davis-absent, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried.
Individual Action Item Agenda:
A. That Bar on 31 Liquor License
A motion to approve a Class A liquor license to That Bar on 31, located at 404 Route 31, and to pass an Ordinance Amending Sections 4-2-6, Limitation on Number of Licenses, of the McHenry City Code (Deputy Clerk Monte Johnson)
Deputy Clerk Johnson met with the business owner and referenced the information that was listed in the packet such as the menu and layout. The petitioner stood at the podium to answer any questions from The Council.
Alderman Santi's first question is whether the other business is comfortable coming in as a third business within that location, as confirmed by the petitioner that was the first question that he asked and yes, they are comfortable with it. The petitioner also commented that it will be different from what the other two restaurants including what he will be serving. The petitioner also confirmed opening at 11 which Alderman Santi wanted to confirm along with talking about the parking congestion regarding the lot and the ordinances within that floor space, hoping there will not be owners coming back with any issues on it. The petitioner feels there will not be an issue due to the hours.
Alderwoman Miller wanted to know how many employees, there will be about 6-7 per shift which there will be two shifts, per the petitioner.
Alderman Glab wanted to know if it is a full menu since there is a full kitchen and stated that some of the items will be served as dinner as confirmed by the petitioner.
Alderwoman Bassi wanted to know if he knows that 31 will be ripped up, confirmed by acting Director Adams within two years. It was pointed out that there will be a rear access that has been used quite a bit for that. Her concern being a new business with road conditions could put some stress on the petitioner and the newly opening business.
Alderman McClatchey asked further about parking, there are 108 spots and the only busy time is Saturdays for breakfast as confirmed by the attorney along with his petitioner.
Alderman Santi wanted to know if he has had any other restaurants, he has for 16 years in Bartlett and also for 30 years in the food industry in other areas.
A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderman McClatchey to approve Individual Agenda Items as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 6-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderman Davis-absent, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays. 0-abstained. Motion approved.
B. That Bar on 31 Video Gaming License
Pending the approval of a Class A liquor license, a motion to approve a video gaming license to That Bar on 31, located at 404 Route 31, and if approved, to pass an Ordinance Amending Sections 4-2-8, Subsection A - Number of Licenses, of the McHenry City Code (Deputy Clerk Johnson)
Alderwoman Miller asked if there is gaming in his other restaurant, is in the process, and has gotten the license, if denied would go on with the project. What percentage of sales would he rely on gaming for as confirmed by the petitioner 10% is approximately what he thinks.
Alderman Glab wanted to know what other restaurants have gaming in that shopping center and it was confirmed that the restaurant Meat & Potatoes has gaming as well.
A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderman Koch to approve Individual Agenda Items as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 6-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Davis-absent, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion approved.
C. 1411 Richmond Road Variations
A motion to grant a Use Variation and Zoning Variations for the property located at 1411 N Richmond Road (Director Ross Polerecky)
Alderman McClatchey asked about the parking, it was confirmed that parking is required onsite per Director Polerecky.
A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderman McClatchey to approve Individual Agenda Items as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 6-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Davis-absent, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion approved.
D. Venice Avenue Reconstruction Change Order
A motion to approve the HR Green Change Order to Task Order #2 for $40,564 to be billed on a Time & Material not to exceed basis (Acting Director Russ Adams)
Alderman Glab wanted to know if they are going from an 8 to a 10-sized material, as confirmed, which will correct things for additional development that could happen in the future, per Acting Director Adams.
Alderman Santi wanted to know when the beginning of work is, Acting Director Adams, is looking at mid-summer construction after going to bid per Acting Director Adams.
A motion was made by Alderwoman Bassi and seconded by Alderman McClatchey to approve Individual Agenda Items as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 6-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Davis-absent, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion approved.
E. Downtown Parking Study
A motion to award a professional services lump sum contract for the Downtown Parking Study to Kimley-Horn for $58,500, subject to City Attorney review (Acting Director Russ Adams)
Alderwoman Bassi presented a slide regarding the parking explaining the optimization of the lot and increasing the parking by 20%, before spending on a study that could be utilized first.
Parkade or Test Fit are the companies that she used and they can help with less price.
Alderman McClatchey is not thrilled about spending money on this and wants to know what is involved in the study. Per Acting Director Adams, this study can help with layouts and schemes and learn what other ways we can help with parking issues, which takes a total of a year. He is all for it if we can get more parking spots.
Alderwoman Miller stated that it is imperative that an external professional engineer can help with the future and design help with future development.
Director Martin explained further what this study will do including the stakeholder feedback as well. They provide things that are well done including charts, diagrams, and even drones to help with the study much more than just the number of cars.
Alderman Santi wanted more clarification from Alderwoman Bassi regarding her diagram and would like to know more about it, he also asked if The Council was privy to this information before the meeting and it was confirmed it was not. She is proposing to optimize what The City currently has, the diagram is an example of what could fit in there as explained.
Director Polerecky wanted to remind The Council that developers that have presented to The Council, many times it has come down to parking that this would be a material that this study will provide. It will help with usage and community development needs to determine what is needed in the downtown about density etc.
Alderman McClatchey wanted to know if this is paid through TIFF, it was confirmed.
Alderman Santi stated that Alderman Glab brought up a good point regarding the hypotheticals regarding the parking and situation to help with the understanding of those ideas that can happen.
Administrator Ostrovsky stated that spending money is not what they want to do but this amount helps with the development of The City and the parking. We still do not have a sense of what is needed regarding parking, this study is vitally important to the future. This helps with datadriven decisions to help with the parking issues and identify them.
This conversation went on for some time.
A motion was made by Alderwoman Miller and seconded by Alderman Santi to approve Individual Agenda Items as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 5-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderman Davis-absent, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller. 1- nays-Alderwoman Bassi, 0-abstained. Motion approved.
F. Landmark Commission Ordinance
A motion to pass an Ordinance Adopting Text Amendments to the City of McHenry Historic Preservation Ordinance (Director Ross Polerecky)
Alderwoman Bassi wanted to know if all other commissions are 1 year, per Deputy Clerk Johnson, Planning and Zoning are every year, Ethics is staggered and Police Pension is as well.
Alderman Glab stated that they can resign at any time, maybe that can be added into the ordinance regarding attendance they are not meeting, etc., but it could end up being a whole new group.
Alderman Santi stated that the new commissioners should be updated by staff and make sure that they follow directions.
A motion was made by Alderman McClatchey and seconded by Alderman Santi to approve Individual Agenda Items as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 6-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Davis-absent, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion approved.
Discussion Item Agenda: none
Staff Reports:
Provided the 1st meeting of each month.
Administrator Ostrovsky looking at the committee of the whole on Feb 3rd, wanted to see who would want to attend, starting earlier would be best such as 5:30 for development discussion. Some significant issues are coming up that need to be discussed to help move things forward.
Mayor’s Report: None
City Council Comments:
Alderman Koch wanted to know about the memorial park and why it will be sent overseas wanted to know, per Director Hobson the standards here are different and some opportunities to help with another area.
Some pieces can be held but some cannot.
City Clerk Ramel commented on the parking study and finds it could be beneficial in the long run for the city and the residents, being a resident herself.
Executive Session if needed: not at this time.
Adjourn: A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderman McClatchey to adjourn the meeting at 8:12 pm Roll Call: Vote: 6-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Davis-absent, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nay-, 0-abstained. Motion carried.