Illinois House Of Representatives
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Recent News About Illinois House Of Representatives View More
Weber: 'This law will close the loophole that allowed a child sex offender to work a kiddie ride at the state fair last year'
State Rep. Tom Weber (R-Lake Villa) is working to keep child sex offenders away from events such as state fairs.
Ugaste backs bill to change nursing home visitation rights: 'There are those in this state who did not get to see their loved ones'
Illinois Rep. Dan Ugaste took a moment on the House floor to tell about his wife not being able to see her mother before she died in a nursing home during the pandemic.
Reick issues apology after confrontation with Collins
State Rep. Steve Reick (R-Woodstock) apologized for remarks to another legislator who incorrectly accused him of not wearing a mask on the House floor.
Spain: 'We cannot rely on existing' legislators with redistricting in rebuke of Oakwood Hills trustee's comments
Rep. Ryan Spain impugned Kristina Zahorik's testimony during the House Redistricting Committee hearing in McHenry County.
Reick blast Oakwood Hills official, saying 'you have an obligation' to understand data needed for redistricting
Rep. Steve Reick (R-Woodstock) told a Village of Oakwood Hills trustee that she should not speak about using specific data for the redistricting process because she did not understand what she was advocating for.
DeWitte, a ‘big proponent of affordable housing,’ backs plan to help those homes
Sen. Don DeWitte supports legislation to amend the property tax code to reduce assessed value for affordable rental housing or rehabilitation.
Illinois taxpayers 'don't want' another version of failed tax to fix budget problems: Ugaste
Rep. Dan Ugaste (R-St. Charles) believes he speaks for most Illinois voters in dismissing renewed talk of a progressive tax hike as a viable option in tackling the state’s debt.
Ugaste: 'Taxpayers of this state' don't want Illinois to push forward with progressive tax plan
Rep. Dan Ugaste (R-St. Charles) believes he speaks for most Illinois voters when dismissing renewed talk of a progressive tax hike as a viable option in tackling the state's massive debt loads.
Ugaste on Madigan: 'No one should be able to obtain that level of control over’ over Illinois’ government
Rep. Dan Ugaste (R-St. Charles) isn’t bashful about throwing his full support behind Mike Madigan’s decision to leave the Legislature.
Ugaste: Welch has 'chance to make things a bit better' as new Illinois House speaker
Rep. Dan Ugaste (R-Geneva) is taking a wait-and-see attitude when assessing what impact he feels House rules recently installed under new Speaker Emanuel "Chris" Welch (D-Hillside) might have.
Ugaste says ending Madigan's reign as Illinois House Speaker 'has been a long time coming'
Now that Mike Madigan has been shown the door as House Speaker, Rep. Dan Ugaste (R-Geneva) is pointing to him as an example of what Springfield should never again allow.
Rep. Ugaste calls for reform, not defunding of law enforcement
Rep. Ugaste vows to craft police reform in the House to improve law enforcement
From Lake County Gazette
McSweeney says Pritzker is 'jeopardizing the safety of all Illinois families' by releasing inmates
State Rep. David McSweeney (R-Barrington Hills) laments the COVID-19 pandemic has brought out the real Gov. J.B. Pritzker.
From Kane County Reporter
Skillicorn says he and House colleagues are asking Pritzker for 'clear guidelines' on reopening
State Rep. Allen Skillicorn (R-East Dundee) grows philosophical when dissecting Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Citizens would like to see an easing of coronavirus restrictions, Ugaste says
Illinois state Rep. Dan Ugaste (R-Geneva) isn’t surprised to see things come to this.
From Lake County Gazette
McSweeney: 'Enough politics and memes by our leaders, the time for action is now' for coronavirus aid
State Rep. David McSweeney (R-Barrington Hills) wants to see Springfield doing more as the deadly coronavirus shows few signs of slowing down.
Ugaste launches Neighbor to Neighbor program to help deliver needed items to those who cannot leave home
At a crisis time like this, state Rep. Dan Ugaste (R-Geneva) thinks actions can oftentimes speak much louder than words.
Ugaste on CARES Act: 'It seems like it will be a lot of help and has something for everyone'
State Rep. Dan Ugaste (R-Geneva) is cautiously optimistic about the impact the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES) recently signed into law by President Donald Trump could have in the fight against the coronavirus crisis.
Ugaste: 'We all need to be working together to do the best for the state'
State Rep. Dan Ugaste (R-Geneva) is stressing the need for everyone to come together in the fight against COVID-19.
From Lake County Gazette
Rep. McSweeney: 'Progressive tax is a code phrase for a massive job-killing tax hike'
A new Illinois Policy Institute (IPI) report projects that if the fair tax proposal Gov. J.B. Pritzker has been selling since his days as a candidate were to ever become law, the state would suffer a hit severe enough to wipe out all its job gains of 2019.