Northwood Middle School
Recent News About Northwood Middle School
Statewide test results: with individualized education plans students score 26.5 points lower at Northwood Middle School
At Northwood Middle School, a 26.5-point achievement gap persisted between with individualized education plans and without individualized education plans students in 2017.
Statewide test results: black students score 5.7 points lower at Northwood Middle School
At Northwood Middle School, a 5.7-point achievement gap persisted between black and hispanic students in 2017.
Northwood Middle School reports 1% truancy rate
The truancy rate at Northwood Middle School stayed flat at 1 percent during the 2016-17 school year, according to a McHenry Times analysis of the latest Illinois schools report card.
92.2 percent of Northwood teachers stay put; average earns $59,845 per year
More than 92.2 percent of teachers stay at Northwood Middle School year to year, according to the 2017 three-year average in the latest Illinois schools report card.
Statewide test results: white students score 14.7 points higher at Northwood Middle School
At Northwood Middle School, a 14.7-point achievement gap persisted between white and hispanic students in 2017.
Statewide test results: low income students score 15.9 points lower at Northwood Middle School
At Northwood Middle School, a 15.9-point achievement gap persisted between low income and non low income students in 2017.
Statewide test results: 67 percent of Northwood failed English language arts
About 33 percent of Northwood Middle School students passed annual English language arts assessments in 2017 and 67 percent of students failed.
Statewide test results: 78 percent of Northwood students failed math
About 22 percent of Northwood Middle School students passed annual math assessments in 2017 and 78 percent of students failed.
Analysis: 73 percent of Northwood students fail annual tests
Academic results data released recently reveals 27 percent of Northwood Middle School students are considered on track for the next grade level.
Richard F. Bernotas Middle School post test results
Richard F. Bernotas Middle School's 2016 standardized test scores decreased compared to scores from 2015, according to a report recently released by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE).
Prairie Grove Junior High School post test results
Prairie Grove Junior High School's 2016 standardized test scores increased compared to scores from 2015, according to a report recently released by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE).
Parkland School post test results
Parkland School's 2016 standardized test scores increased compared to scores from 2015, according to a report recently released by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE).
Northwood Middle School post test results
Northwood Middle School's 2016 standardized test scores decreased compared to scores from 2015, according to a report recently released by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE).
Nippersink Middle School post test results
Nippersink Middle School's 2016 standardized test scores increased compared to scores from 2015, according to a report recently released by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE).
McHenry Middle School post test results
McHenry Middle School's 2016 standardized test scores increased compared to scores from 2015, according to a report recently released by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE).
Marengo Community Middle School post test results
Marengo Community Middle School's 2016 standardized test scores increased compared to scores from 2015, according to a report recently released by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE).
Lundahl Middle School post test results
Lundahl Middle School's 2016 standardized test scores decreased compared to scores from 2015, according to a report recently released by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE).
Johnsburg Junior High School post test results
Johnsburg Junior High School's 2016 standardized test scores increased compared to scores from 2015, according to a report recently released by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE).
Harvard Junior High School post test results
Harvard Junior High School's 2016 standardized test scores increased compared to scores from 2015, according to a report recently released by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE).
Hannah Beardsley Middle School post test results
Hannah Beardsley Middle School's 2016 standardized test scores decreased compared to scores from 2015, according to a report recently released by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE).