
McHenry Times

Friday, March 14, 2025

Huntley trustees discuss drainage improvements on Route 47

The Huntley Village Board met as a committee of the whole met April 21.

All members of the Huntley village board are members of the committee of the whole, which reviews and approves items to be placed for vote on the village board agenda. The committee of the whole meets at 7 p.m. on the first and third Thursday of the month.

Here are the minutes of the April 21 meeting as provided by Huntley:


A meeting of the Committee of the Whole of the Village of Huntley was called to order on Thursday, April 21, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Complex, Village Board Room, 10987 Main St., Huntley, Illinois 60142.


PRESENT: Mayor Charles Sass; Trustees: Ronda Goldman, Tim Hoeft, Niko Kanakaris, HarryLeopold, John Piwko and JR Westberg.


IN ATTENDANCE: Village Manager David Johnson, Assistant Village Manager Lisa Armour, Management Assistant Barbara Read, Director of Development Services Charles Nordman, Village Engineer Timothy Farrell and Village Attorney John Cowlin.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Sass led the Pledge of Allegiance.



a) Discussion – Approval of the April 7, 2016 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes

Mayor Sass asked if the Committee had any comments or changes to the Minutes; there were none. It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to forward on to the Village Board for approval the April 7, 2016 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes.

b) Discussion – Approval of the April 28, 2016 Bill List in the Amount of $427,600.02

Mayor Sass asked if the Committee had any comments or questions regarding the Bill List; there were none. It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to forward on to the Village Board for approval the April 28, 2016 Bill List in the Amount of $427,600.02.

c) Discussion – Consideration of an Ordinance Approving Relief for a Ground Sign with LED Message Board for the Huntley Area Public Library, 11000 Ruth Road location

Director of Development Services Charles Nordman reviewed a Power Point presentation and reported that the Huntley Area Public Library is requesting approval to install a ground sign with LED message board on the south side of the Library’s Ruth Road entrance. The proposed sign is a double-faced ground sign with a total height of 6’-6”. The overall sign face will measure 5’-0” by 10’-0” (50 square feet) including a 3.15’ by 7.35’ (±23 square feet) LED message board. The sign will be setback beyond the requisite 25’ vision clearance triangle to ensure vehicular sight lines are not obstructed.

Staff Analysis

Per Section 156.121 of the Zoning Ordinance, the LED message board is a prohibited sign due to it being a moving and/or flashing sign and therefore requires relief to be approved by the Village Board. In accordance with Section 156.122 of the Zoning Ordinance, ground signs shall conform to the following requirements:


AREA 80 sq. ft. 50 sq. ft. None

HEIGHT 15 ft. 6’-6” None

LOCATION 25 ft. from ROW if sign exceeds 3½ ft. in height.

25 ft. from ROW None


CHANGEABLE COPY Area to not exceed 50% of the permitted sign area. Signs may not rotate or flash messages, except time and temperature signs. 46% of permitted sign area. Sign would periodically change messages. Relief is required for the LED message center to periodically change messages.

Additionally, the Village’s Commercial Design Guidelines recommend that signs correspond with the architecture and material of the principal structure and be no more than six feet in height. The proposed Huntley Area Public Library ground sign consists of a rectangular thermoplastic cabinet with an overall height of 6’-6”.

Staff recommends the following conditions be added should the Village Board approve relief for the LED message board sign:

1. Displays shall contain static messages only and shall not have movement or the appearance or optical illusion of movement, of any part of the sign structure, design or pictorial segment of the sign, including the movement or appearance of movement of any illumination or the flashing, scintillating or varying of light intensity other than that provided through an automatic dimming system to control overall illumination intensity. Each message on the sign shall be displayed for a minimum of 10 seconds. The change of messages must be accomplished immediately.

2. Landscaping shall be installed at the base of the sign in accordance with Section 156.118(G) of the Zoning Ordinance.

3. The petitioner shall submit and obtain a sign permit from the Development Services Department prior to installing the sign.

Financial Impact

Not applicable.

Legal Analysis

The Village Board’s authorization for this request is required in accordance with Zoning Ordinance - Sign Regulations §156.128 to accommodate the Ground Sign with a LED message board.

Director Nordman reported that representatives from the Huntley Library were in attendance to answer questions.

Mayor Sass asked if the Committee had any comments or questions.

Trustee Piwko stated that the sign was too plain and as is required for other businesses, the sign should be wrapped in brick.

Trustees Westberg, Kanakaris, Hoeft and Leopold stated that they agreed with Trustee Piwko.

Trustee Goldman stated that she approved of the sign as presented.

Library Director Frank Nowak stated that they looked into brick work and a stone cap but the costs made the installation of the sign out of reach cost wise. He also stated that they even looked at faux brick but it was still cost prohibitive.

Trustee Kanakaris asked if they looked into other sign companies; Director Nowak stated that Stewart Sign Company had the best quality and price.

Trustee Piwko stated that he would approve the use of half brick such as Centegra’s sign.

Mayor Sass stated that the sign might have more views if placed at the corner of Main Street and Ruth Road.

Mayor Sass asked if the Committee would approve a sign plan with half brick like Centegra’s sign.

Village Manager Johnson also recommended the Library look at the signs at the Interstate properties.

It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole for the Huntley Area Public Library to return with revised plans using the addition of brick.

d) Discussion – Conceptual Review of a Proposed Special Use Permit for Outdoor Storage of Vehicles for Henderson IDC – Illinois, 11921 Smith Drive

Director of Development Services Charles Nordman reviewed a Power Point presentation and reported that Henderson IDC – Illinois (Henderson) is the contract purchaser of 11921 Smith Drive. The property is the current home of GFS Construction (GFS) which was purchased in 2013 by the Aldridge Group. GFS previously received approval of a special use permit for a bulk material storage yard in May 2007.

Henderson, headquartered in Manchester, Iowa, is a custom manufacturer of heavy-duty work truck equipment. They specialize in the manufacturing and installation of snow and ice control equipment for municipal, state, and tollway trucks. The Huntley facility would be utilized for the installation of new equipment on new truck chassis, service of equipment, and distribution of equipment. They currently have a facility in Gilberts which would be relocated to Huntley upon approval of the special use permit.

Henderson is proposing only minor changes to the property which would include yard cleanup, new entry signage and awning, and minor work to the interior of the building (lighting, cleaning, painting, and remodeling the reception area).

Staff Analysis

The subject site, 11921 Smith Drive, is zoned “M” Manufacturing which requires the approval of a special use permit for the outdoor storage of vehicles. Henderson will utilize the existing paved yard for the storage of truck chassis, dump bodies, snow plows, and other products they manufacture.

Strategic Plan Priority

The 2016-2020 Strategic Plan identifies Promote New Business Development, Retention, and Expansion as a Strategic Priority, and “Attract and Retain Businesses to Enhance Tax Base and Create New Jobs” as a goal.

Mayor Sass asked if the Committee had any comments or questions.

Trustee Leopold stated that he liked the improvements to the property.

Mayor Sass asked if the Village would see sales tax revenue from this business. Director Nordman stated that Henderson sells its equipment mostly to municipalities and other tax-exempt governmental agencies.

There were no other comments or questions.

It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to refer Henderson IDC - Illinois to the Plan Commission to begin the formal development review and approval process.

e) Discussion – Conceptual Review of a proposed Facade Improvement Assistance Program Request for the Village Inn Restaurant, 11713 E. Main Street

Director of Development Services Charles Nordman reviewed a Power Point presentation and reported that the Village Inn Restaurant, 11713 E. Main Street, has submitted an application for the Facade Improvement Assistance Program for proposed improvements to the front, side and rear elevations of the building. Proposed improvements include the following:

- Installation of a stone base to the front elevation

- Increasing the height of the front parapet wall by four feet

- Installation of six faux windows on the front parapet wall

- Installation of LP Smart Siding to the front, side and rear building elevations (LP Smart Siding was used on the Hackett House renovation and SKM building)

- Architectural shingles on the existing mansard roof

- Install new can lights within the mansard roof

- New rear treated deck and ramp

- Close an existing rear door

- Construct a new solid fence to enclose the exterior freezer

Staff Analysis

The Facade Improvement Assistance Program Guide identifies specific exterior improvements that are eligible for reimbursement. All proposed exterior improvements, with exception to the signage on the rear elevation, are identified as eligible improvements under the guidelines of the program.

The Village Board shall evaluate the projects based on the value of the aesthetic improvements to the Village of Huntley and the following criteria:

- Condition of the building and need for renovation

- Extent to which the improvements conform to the Downtown Revitalization Plan and Commercial Design Guidelines

- Extent to which the proposed improvements restore, maintain, or enhance the character of the building and surrounding area

Staff has reviewed the proposal and the projects appear to meet the criteria for the program.

Strategic Plan Priority

The 2016-2020 Strategic Plan identifies Promote New Business Development, Retention, and Expansion as a Strategic Priority, Continue Downtown Revitalization Efforts as a goal, and “re-evaluate and revise Facade Improvement Program so that it can be used more effectively throughout the entire + 180-acre Downtown TIF District” as an objective.

Financial Impact

The FY2016 budget includes $90,000 for the Facade Improvement Assistance Program in the Downtown Improvement Fund (To date, $40,000 of the FY2016 funds have been dedicated to projects).

The Facade Improvement Assistance Program allows reimbursement of up to fifty percent (50%) of the project cost per property with a maximum reimbursement of $10,000 per project. The maximum aggregate amount of all grants approved for a property within any five (5) year period shall be limited to $20,000. The Village Inn is located on two lots (and has two PINs) and is therefore eligible for up to $20,000 per lot over the 5 year period.

The total cost of the projects is $76,092.80 which would allow a maximum reimbursement of $38,046.40 for the properties (the budget includes an additional $2,500 for signage which is not eligible for reimbursement under the program). If the full amount is approved by the Village Board, reimbursement would be divided over two years ($20,000 from FY2016 and $18,046.40 from FY2017).

The petitioner has initially requested approximately $50,000 in funding from the program.

Legal Analysis

If the requested grant is approved by the Village Board, the petitioner must sign and abide by the terms of the Façade Improvement Assistance Program Agreement in order to be reimbursed for the project.

Director Nordman reported that representatives for the petition were in attendance to answer questions.

Mayor Sass asked if the Committee had any comments or questions.

Trustee Leopold asked the business owner, William Galanis, what his criteria was for requesting a larger amount of funds over what was allowed by the program. Mr. Galanis stated that he lost $60,000 in 2015 due to the construction going on in the downtown and that he wants the Village to help out otherwise he will have to do less. Trustee Leopold stated that the Village had others apply for the program under the same situation. Trustee Leopold stated that Mr. Galanis’ reason was not sufficient justification to give him additional funds. Mr. Galanis stated that he lost more than the other restaurants. Trustee Leopold asked if there were any plans to improve the inside of the restaurant; Mr. Galanis stated that there were no plans for the inside.

Trustee Westberg stated that if the Village deviates from the program then others will request additional funding as well.

Mayor Sass explained to Mr. Galanis that the reimbursement process from the Village would be done over two (2) years and suggested that Mr. Galanis make the improvements to the front of the building in 2016 and complete the improvements to the rear of the building in 2017 in order to save money.

Justin Bucy, BSB Design, asked if they could reduce the scope of the project. Mayor Sass asked if they would complete the ramp; Mr. Bucy said that they would make that happen.

Trustee Leopold asked Mr. Galanis if business had improved over the last couple of months; Mr. Galanis stated that business was slowly improving.

Mr. Bucy stated that they could probably keep the parapet and the accents but scale the rest down.

Trustee Westberg stated that he liked the proposed height of the building but noted that faux windows are expensive and suggested that the faux windows be added in 3-years.

Trustee Goldman suggested that the petitioner bring down the scope of the building and come back before the Board with new plans.

Trustee Leopold suggested that they come back with a plan that would be more affordable for Mr. Galanis and acceptable to the Village.

Joe Mukite, Xanadu Builders, asked about the removal of the stone and Mr. Bucy stated that they could replace the stone with siding.

Trustee Kanakaris stated that he would approve splitting the difference of what is the maximum amount and what the petitioner is requesting and giving Mr. Galanis an extra $5,000.

Mayor Sass told Mr. Galanis that since he has handicap accessibility at his front entrance that he could possibly remove the ramp from his rear entrance.

It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to have Mr. Galanis return with amended plans.

f) Discussion – Conceptual Review of Proposed Drainage Improvements to Property Located at the Northwest Corner of Route 47 and Jim Dhamer Drive and Referral to the Plan Commission to begin the Formal Development Review Process

Director of Development Services Charles Nordman reviewed a Power Point presentation and reported that Huntley Development Limited Partnership (Horizon Group) was before the Village Board on March 17, 2016 with conceptual plans to relocate Eakin Creek at the northwest corner of Route 47 and Jim Dhamer Drive. At that time the Village Board requested a more detailed plan be provided that included topography and dimensions from the creek to the adjacent homes in Sun City Neighborhood 32. In response the petitioner has provided a site plan with topography that better illustrates the portion of the creek adjacent to Neighborhood 32 and also an exhibit that shows the horizontal and vertical separation from the adjacent lots.

The following information was provided to the Village Board on March 17, 2016:


Huntley Development Limited Partnership (Horizon Group) is requesting conceptual review and referral by the Village Board to proceed with the necessary applications to relocate Eakin Creek northwest of the Route 47 and Jim Dhamer Drive intersection. The relocation of the creek will occur entirely on property owned by the Horizon Group. The creek, which flows from east to west, will still enter the property at the northwest corner of the Route 47 and Jim Dhamer Drive intersection. From this point it would be relocated so that it runs parallel to Route 47 along the east edge of the property and then will turn west along the north side of the property.

The relocation of the creek is intended to make the property better suited for future development by maximizing the contiguous developable area. The creek currently bisects the property and makes the property prohibitive for locating large users because of the complications associated with the significant number of creek crossings that would be required.

Staff Analysis

The Horizon Group property at the northwest corner of Route 47 and Jim Dhamer Drive is zoned “O” Corporate Office Park and “P” Parks and Open Space. The proposed Wetland Mitigation Plan Concept indicates a “Development Area” which includes a portion of the property currently zoned “P” Parks and Open Space that would require rezoning. Should the Horizon Group proceed with the relocation of the creek they would be doing so at their own risk as there is no guarantee that a request to rezone the “P” Parks and Open Space portion of the property would be approved in the future.

It is possible that surrounding property owners in Sun City may receive public notices on this proposal from one or more of the agencies listed below. Permits and/or reviews are anticipated to be required from these agencies. The Village of Huntley will be required to sign off on certain forms to obtain these permits.

- Village of Huntley – Site Plan Review

- Kane County Stormwater Management Ordinance (administered through Huntley)

- Kane DuPage SWCD (Erosion Control)

- United States Army Corp of Engineers (US ACE) for wetland/Waters of the US impacts

- United States Fish and Wildlife Service

- Illinois Department of Natural Resources (Threatened & Endangered Species)

- Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Office of Water Resources (IDNR-OWR)

- FEMA Conditional and Final Letters of Map Revision (LOMR)

- Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Section 401 Water Quality Certification and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan)

Director Nordman reported that representatives from the petition were in attendance to answer questions.

Mayor Sass asked if the Committee had any comments or questions.

Trustee Leopold asked if the petitioner would be replacing trees on the berms, where needed. Director Nordman reported that the trees on the berm would not be affected as they are on Sun City property.

Trustee Piwko asked that at any point could one of the agencies, which will review the request, disapprove the request. Village Engineer Timothy Farrell reported that one of the agencies may not approve the request but noted that all the agencies will review the plan at the same time.

Trustee Goldman asked what was different on the plan before them now from the plan that they reviewed in March. Dwayne Gillian, Project Manager from V3 Consultants reported that the current plan is the same but with more detail. Trustee Goldman asked what the distance was from the creek to the residential properties; Mr. Gillian reported that the creek will meander between 93 and 150 feet from the properties. Trustee Goldman stated that she walked the property with a resident who suggested that the creek run in a straight line 250-300 feet from the back of the properties; Trustee Goldman stated that those residents paid extra for their lots. Mr. Gillian reported that it will not look much different than it does now because of the berm.

Trustee Westberg asked if there was any interest at this time in the property; Mr. Gillian stated that there is no interest at this time.

Trustee Goldman asked if there will be a meeting with the affected homeowners; Mr. Gillian stated that there will be several opportunities including a Public Hearing with the Army Corps of Engineers.

Mayor Sass asked if the Village Board, in the future, would be willing to rezone the property.

Trustee Leopold stated that rezoning would not take place until they had a potential buyer so he does not want to consider rezoning at this time.

Village Manager Johnson reported that a considerable amount of time and money will be spent to realign Eakin Creek, if approved, so that at some time in the future the petitioner will be before the Village asking for commercial zoning for a big box retailer.

Trustee Hoeft asked why they want to do this now when their master plan of 1993 did not include this; Mr. Gillian stated that Huntley has changed, the full-interchange is completed and the economy is much different now. He stated that they started talking about this about five (5) years ago but the economy was not good at that time so the plan stalled.

Trustee Kanakaris stated that he approves of moving Eakin Creek but that he would want to keep the open space zoning. Mr. Gillian stated that they will come back for rezoning only if it is needed.

Village Manager Johnson asked about the proposed access point from Route 47; Mr. Gillian reported that they will need to meet the one-fourth mile requirement between access points.

Members of the public asked to make statements; Mayor Sass allowed the following:

Dominic Scopa, 12433 Foxtail Lane, stated that he lives at a low spot with no berm and has already replaced two (2) sump pumps due to water problems. He is concerned about more water getting on to his property if the creek is closer. Mr. Scopa noted that some of the orange flags are only 30 feet from his property line.

Nancy Cihlar, 13541 Windy Prairie, asked several questions: how deep the creek will be; how soon until they would begin work; and how much say-so a home owner would have regarding a zoning change and the type of business that would be allowed in the area behind their homes. Ms. Cihlar stated that she is concerned with the amount of earth movement that would be taking place and more bugs and mosquitos they would have with the creek being closer to their homes.

Mr. Gillian reported that the orange flags were the existing wetland limits and not the distance to the redesign. He also said that the elevations are planned for a 100-year storm.

There were no other comments or questions.

It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to refer the Conceptual Review of the Proposed Drainage Improvements to Property Located at the Northwest Corner of Route 47 and Jim Dhamer Drive to the Plan Commission to begin the Formal Development Review Process.

g) Discussion – Approval of the Village of Huntley 2016 Street Improvement Program:

i. Approval of a Resolution to Appropriate $860,000 in Motor Fuel Tax Funds for Maintenance of Streets and Highways for the 2016 Street Improvement Program

ii. Approval of a Resolution Executing the Construction Contract to Arrow Road Construction Company in the amount of $757,990.20 for the 2016 Street Improvement Program

Village Engineer Timothy Farrell reported that on April 1, 2016 the Village received bids from seven (7) contractors for the 2016 Street Improvement Program. The results are summarized in the bid tabulation summary table below. Arrow Road Construction Company was the lowest responsible bidder in the amount of $757,990.20. The 2016 program will consist of the grind and overlay of Heritage of Huntley Subdivision. The location of work is generally identified in the attached exhibit. The total length of the roadway improvement is approximately 3.35 miles. The rehabilitation will generally consist of spot concrete curb and gutter removal and replacement, ADA curb ramp upgrades, Class D HMA patching, base repair and HMA resurfacing. The estimated cost for the base bid was $916,798. CBBEL’s not-to exceed figure for design and construction engineering, approved earlier this year was $73,000.00, bringing the total project cost based on the low bid to $830,990.20. Work is anticipated to begin in June, with the project completion date of August 5, 2016.

Bid Tabulation Summary:


Engineer’s Estimate $916,798.00





J.A. JOHNSON PAVING CO. $815,518.00

GESKE & SONS, INC. $825,993.79

PETER BAKER & SON CO. $849,277.44

Staff Analysis

It is recommended that the Arrow Road Construction Company bid in the amount of $757,990.20 be approved by the Village Board contingent upon IDOT approval of the Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) resolution for the appropriation of funds. The IDOT MFT appropriation is a procedural requirement for the use of MFT funds. By appropriating $860,000 in MFT funds, any potential Board-approved change orders would be covered by the resolution and does not necessarily imply that the appropriated amount will be expended.

Strategic Plan Priority

The 2016-2020 Strategic Plan identifies Promote Sound Financial Management and Fiscal Sustainability as a Strategic Priority, and “enhance asset management program to sustain level of service at economical life cycle cost” as an objective.

Financial Impact

The FY2016 Budget includes $860,000 in the MFT Fund line item 42-05-3-6750 and $73,000 in the Street Improvement Fund line item 04-10-2-6320 for the 2016 Street Improvement Program.

Mayor Sass asked if the Committee had any comments or questions; there were none.

It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to forward on to the Village Board for approval:

i. Approval of a Resolution to Appropriate $860,000 in Motor Fuel Tax Funds for Contract Construction for the 2016 Street Improvement Program

ii. Approval of a Resolution Executing the Construction Contract to the lowest responsible bidder, Arrow Road Construction Company, in the amount of $757,990.20 for the 2016 Street Improvement Program

h) Discussion – Consideration of a Resolution Approving FY2016 Budget Amendment to Transfer to the Downtown TIF Fund the amount of $184,917

Village Manager David Johnson reported that in 2010, the Village received from the Florence Schaffenegger Trust a gift of $45,000 to be used at the James C. Dhamer Town Square and on December 15, 2011 the Village received another gift in the amount of $139,917, for a total of $184,917.

The gift funds have not been used to date. However, with the work being undertaken in the Town Square this year, Staff is proposing that the funds be transferred into the Downtown TIF Fund to help pay for the work being completed there, as it was Mrs. Schaffenegger’s request that the funds be used in the downtown and at the Square.

Staff Analysis

The FY2016 budget for the Downtown TIF Fund includes $245,000 for the following expenditures in the Town Square:

- $45,000 – Veterans Memorial

- $200,000 – Town Square Improvements (Clock, benches, redesign and reinstallation of memorial brick pavers, new trees, landscaping, removal and relocation of warning siren, electrical work, new sign)

Mayor Sass asked if the Committee had any comments or questions; there were none.

It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to forward to the Village Board a Resolution Approving FY2016 Budget Amendment to Transfer to the Downtown TIF Fund the amount of $184,917.









There being no further items to discuss, a MOTION was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m.

MOTION: Trustee Piwko

SECOND: Trustee Kanakaris

The Voice Vote noted all ayes and the motion carried.



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