
McHenry Times

Friday, March 14, 2025

Huntley trustees support plan for self-storage facility

Webp meeting 02

The Huntley Village Board met as a committee of the whole May 5.

All members of the Huntley Village Board are members of the committee of the whole, which reviews and approves items to be placed for vote on the village board agenda. The committee of the whole meets at 7:00 p.m. on the first and third Thursday of the month.

Here are the minutes of the May 5 meeting as provided by Huntley:


A meeting of the Committee of the Whole of the Village of Huntley was called to order on Thursday, May 5, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Complex, Village Board Room, 10987 Main St., Huntley.


PRESENT: Mayor Charles Sass; Trustees: Ronda Goldman, Tim Hoeft, Niko Kanakaris, Harry Leopold, John Piwko and JR Westberg.


IN ATTENDANCE: Village Manager David Johnson, Assistant Village Manager Lisa Armour, Director of Development Services Charles Nordman, Village Engineer Tim Farrell, Village Clerk Rita McMahon and Village Attorney John Cowlin.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Sass led the Pledge of Allegiance.


a) Pride in Preservation Awards

Mayor Sass read the following proclamation:

WHEREAS, historic preservation is an effective tool for managing growth, revitalizing neighborhoods, fostering local pride and maintaining community character while enhancing livability; and

WHEREAS, it is important to celebrate and recognize those individuals in the community who have taken that extra step with the enhancement and maintenance of their property consistent with the character of the Village of Huntley; and

WHEREAS, it is the dedication and contribution of these individuals that sets them apart as it encourages and motivate others to enhance and preserve architectural heritage of the community.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Charles H. Sass, Mayor of the Village of Huntley, do recognize the Hartman Residence, Krush Residence and Carpenter Residence for their Pride in Preservation and contributions to the Village.

Passed and Approved this 5th day of May, 2016.

Mayor Sass invited Historic Preservation Commissioner Ms. Geri Rizzo to come forward to accept the proclamation and invited her to speak on the awarded properties.

Commissioner Rizzo provided a brief Power Point presentation on each property.


a) Discussion – Approval of the April 14, 2016 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes

Mayor Sass asked if the Committee had any comments or changes to the Minutes; there were none.

It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to forward on to the Village Board for approval the April 14, 2016 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes.

b) Discussion – Approval of the May 12, 2016 Bill List in the Amount of $273,403.30

Mayor Sass reported that $80,864.87 (or 29.6%) of the total bill list is attributable to Payout#5 to Alliance Contractors Inc. for the Downtown Streetscape Improvements Project.

Mayor Sass asked if the Committee had any comments or questions; there were none.

It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to forward on to the Village Board for approval the May 12, 2016 Bill List in the Amount of $573,403.30.

c) Discussion – Consideration of an Ordinance Approving (i) a Final Plat of Subdivision; (ii) a Zoning Map Amendment to rezone property from “O-1” General Office District to “M” Manufacturing District and “M” Manufacturing District to “O-1” General Office District; (iii) a Special Use Permit for Self-Storage Facility; and (iv) Site Plan Review for the ±7.64-acre property at the northwest corner of Ruth Road and Kiley Drive

Director of Development Services, Charles Nordman reviewed a Power Point presentation and reported that Merchants Retail Partners, and property owner, Tina Deneke, are proposing development of a 76,050 square foot self-storage facility on a ±3.78-acre lot on Kiley Drive. The single-story buildings would include both cold storage and climate controlled units. No outdoor storage is proposed as part of the site plan. In order to create the subject site the petitioner and property owner are proposing to reconfigure the existing two-lot ±7.64-acre property at the northwest corner of Ruth Road and Kiley Drive and rezone portions of the site. The facility will only be accessible between the hours of 5 a.m. and 11 p.m. in accordance with the regulations for self-storage facilities.

Village Board Conceptual Review

The Village Board reviewed the conceptual plans for a similar self-storage facility on the subject property at the March 5, 2015, Committee of the Whole meeting and had the following comments:

- The Village Board wanted confirmation that the proposed nine (9) parking stalls (including a single accessible space) met the parking requirements for the self-storage development and if the Huntley Fire Protection District approved the thirty (30’) foot wide drive aisles. Staff confirmed the provided parking conforms to ordinance requirements and that the Fire District has reviewed the plan and found the drive-aisles to be acceptable.

- The Village Board asked if there was any outside storage proposed and the petitioner confirmed that there would be no outside storage.

Staff Analysis

Final Plat of Subdivision

The existing parcels, totaling ±7.64-acres, are proposed to be subdivided into two (2) reconfigured lots; Lot 1, a ±3.78-acre tract to the west and Lot 2, a ±3.86-acre tract to the east. Both proposed lots will meet the minimum lot width and area requirements for the zoning districts proposed as part of the requested map amendment.

Zoning Map Amendment

The northern half of the proposed self-storage site was previously included as part of a development application submitted by Kids R Kids Childcare Center in 2009. The Kids R Kids application was eventually withdrawn; however, the property owner proceeded with rezoning the ±3.74 acres immediately south of the Huntley Professional Center from “M” Manufacturing to “O-1” (PUD) General Office District – Planned Unit Development (see zoning map exhibit). The petitioner is now proposing to rezone ±1.59 acres of the ±3.74-acre tract immediately south of the Huntley Professional Center back to “M” Manufacturing thus allowing the request for a special use permit for a self-storage facility. Additionally, the property owner is proposing to rezone the ±1.72 acres at the corner of Ruth Road and Kiley Drive from “M” Manufacturing to “O-1” General Office. The proposed map amendment will correlate to the Final Plat of Subdivision with Lot 1 being entirely zoned “M” Manufacturing for the self-storage facility and Lot 2, which abuts Ruth Road, being zoned “O-1”

General Office.

Site Plan/Parking

The 76,050 square foot self-storage facility includes an 860 square foot office and the requisite nine (9), 10’ x 19’ parking stalls with a twenty-four (24’) wide drive aisle and single accessible parking stall and loading area. Ingress/egress to the site is via two (2) driveways and 25’-wide and 24’-wide gates provide entrance and exit, respectively, to the fenced storage unit-portion of the development. The facility will offer both storage units accessed by exterior garage doors and internal storage units.

Building Elevations

The self-storage facility exterior includes a combination of face brick, stone veneer and EIFS-accent materials. The exterior of the office-portion of the building at the southeast corner of the facility consists primarily of stone veneer, EIFS-accents with insulated glass windows framed with anodized aluminum storefront. All exterior facing walls will be masonry as required by the special use standards for selfstorage facilities. Material samples and colors will be available at the meeting.

Landscape Plan

The proposed site landscaping includes foundation plantings along the front and around the corners of the building elevations fronting Kiley Drive. The submitted landscape plan conforms to the Village’s Landscape Ordinance requirements and evergreen trees were added along the west, east and north property lines to provide additional buffering of the proposed development from adjoining properties and the Ruth Road right-of-way.

Lighting Plan

The proposed site lighting includes a single pole with three (3) shoebox style fixtures at the front of the site to illuminate the parking lot and office entrance area. Thirty-two (32) wall-mounted lighting packs will illuminate the drive aisles between the storage buildings and the front (south elevation) of the middle building. The Photometric Plan indicates that both the minimum two (2) foot-candle average for the parking area and maximum 0.5 foot-candle at the property line requirements are met and both light fixtures are shielded to prevent glare.


The developer/operator are in the process of determining the specifics regarding the sign package for the proposed self-storage facility; however, any signage proposed for the site in the future shall be required to conform to the Village Commercial Design Guidelines. Furthermore, any ground signage shall be limited to six feet in height, with masonry base and sign surround matching the self-storage facility building materials.

Plan Commission Recommendation

The public hearing to consider the petition was held before the Plan Commission on Monday, April 11, 2016.

Five (5) residents of the neighboring Georgian Place subdivision attended the public hearing and expressed their opposition to the petitioner’s request for rezoning of the subject property to accommodate a self-storage facility. Their concerns included increased traffic, noise, crime and the modest employment the proposed self-storage facility will generate.

Having considered the Standards for Zoning Map Amendments, General Standards for Special Use Permits, Specific Standards for Self-Storage Facilities and having fully heard and considered testimony, the Plan Commission recommended approval by a vote of 5 to 0, subject to the following conditions:

1. All public improvements and site development must occur in full compliance with the submitted plans (see list of exhibits) and all other applicable Village Municipal Services (Engineering, Public Works, Planning and Building) site design standards, practices and permit requirements.

2. The petitioners will comply with all final engineering plans and require approval from the Village Engineer and Development Services Department.

3. The Village of Huntley will require adherence to Illinois drainage law and best management practices for stormwater management.

4. The petitioner shall obtain final approval of the Landscape Plan from the Development Services Department.

5. The petitioner is required to meet all development requirements of the Huntley Fire Protection District.

6. No building plans or permits are approved as part of this submittal.

7. No sign permits are approved as part of this submittal.

8. Any signage to be proposed in the future shall conform to the Village Commercial Design Guidelines. Any ground signage shall be limited to six feet in height and shall be constructed of a masonry base and sign surround to match the building materials.

9. A Plan Commission certificate shall be added to the Final Plat of Subdivision.

Financial Impact

The petitioner is required to pay any applicable building permit/inspection, engineering inspection, occupancy and sign permit fees.

Mayor Sass asked if the Committee had any comments or questions. Trustee Kanakaris asked if there were any plans for the rest of the parcel. Director Nordman said nothing was being proposed at this time.

There were no other comments or questions.

It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to forward on to the Village Board for approval an Ordinance adopting (i) a Final Plat of Subdivision; (ii) a Zoning Map Amendment to rezone property from “O-1” General Office District to “M” Manufacturing District and “M” Manufacturing District to “O-1” General Office District; (iii) a Special Use Permit for Self-Storage Facility; and (iv) Site Plan Review to accommodate development of the ±7.64-acre property at northwest corner of Ruth Road and Kiley Drive.

d) Approval of Payout Request No. 5 in the amount of $80,864.87 to Alliance Contractors, Inc. for the Downtown Streetscape Improvements

Mayor Sass reported that on May 14, 2015 the Village Board of Trustees awarded a contract for the Downtown Streetscape Improvements to Alliance Contractors Inc. The contract amount was $2,857,772.58. On October 22, 2015 and March 10, 2016 the Village Board of Trustees approved Change Orders No. 1 and 2, respectively. The adjusted contract amount is $2,939,690.54.

Alliance Contractors Inc. has submitted the fifth payout request for the Downtown Streetscape Improvements. The Village’s project engineer, CBBEL, has reviewed the request and recommends approval of payout request No. 5.

Staff Analysis

Financial Impact

The FY 2015 budget included funds for Streetscape Improvements project(s) in the Downtown TIF Fund 16-10-4-7712.

Mayor Sass asked if there were any questions or comments. There were none.

It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to forward on to the Village Board for Approval Payout Request No. 5 in the amount of $80,864.87 to Alliance Contractors Inc. for the Downtown Streetscape Improvements.

e) Discussion – Consideration of a Resolution Approving a Bid Award to Muscat Painting in the Amount of $22,883.85 for the Village of Huntley 2016 Steel Streetlight Pole and Aluminum Base Repainting Program

Village Engineering Tim Farrell reported on April 21st, the Village received four (4) sealed bids for the 2016 Steel Streetlight Pole and Aluminum Base Repainting Program. The scope of services includes the cleaning, preparation, masking and painting of 115 steel streetlight poles and aluminum bases located adjacent to Del Webb Boulevard and Hemmer Road. The project will not include the painting of the mast arms and light fixtures.

Pay Request Total

Completed Work Retention Previous Payments Amount Requested

#1 $213,434.85 $21,343.49 $0.00 $192,091.36

#2 $682,701.12 $68,270.11 $192,091.36 $422,339.65

#3 $1,515,595.71 $151,559.57 $614,431.01 $749,605.13

#4 $2,682,932.35 $53,658.65 $1,364,036.14 $1,265,237.56

#5 $2,765,447.52 $55,308.95 $2,629,273.70 $80,864.87

Staff Analysis

The bids have been reviewed by Staff. The bids, shown below, ranged from $22,883.85 to $43,125.00.

Muscat Painting and Decorating submitted the lowest responsible bid in the amount of $22,883.85.

Vendor Proposal Amount

Muscat Painting and Decorating $22,883.85

Pete the Painter $40,250.00

Alpha Paintworks $43,050.20

Select Construction Group $43,125.00

Strategic Plan Priority

The 2016-2020 Strategic Plan identifies Preserve and Enhance Quality of Life for Village Residents as a priority, “Improve Appearance of Public and Private Properties” as a goal, and “Improve Maintenance of Public Right-of-Ways…” as an objective.

Financial Impact

The FY 2016 budget amount for this program is $70,000 in line item 02-10-4-7720.

Mayor Sass asked if there were any questions or concerns. Trustee Leopold questioned the amount of rust on the poles and asked if the restoration included grinding. Village Engineer Farrell replied that it includes grinding and an application of bondo to make a smooth finish.

It was the consensus of the Committee of the Whole to forward on to the Village Board a Resolution Approving a Bid Award to Muscat Painting and Decorating in amount of $22,883.85 for the Village of Huntley 2016 Steel Streetlight Pole and Aluminum Base Repainting Program.

f) Discussion – Policy Direction Regarding Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program

(ITEP) 2016 Projects

Village Manager Johnson reviewed a power point presentation and reported that on December 4, 2015, a new transportation bill, Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act, or “FAST Act” was signed into law. As a result, the Illinois Department of Transportation will begin accepting applications for the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) in May, with applications due by June 17th. The Village was previously awarded ITEP funding for the engineering and construction of a bike path from Kreutzer Road south to Oak Creek Parkway. Engineering design for that project is underway now and construction is anticipated to start in 2017.

In order to be eligible for enhancement funding a project must demonstrate a relationship to surface transportation. Projects must enhance the transportation system either by serving a transportation need or providing a transportation use or benefit. The maximum award for any project is $2 million. Federal funds will provide reimbursement up to 50 percent for right-of-way and easement acquisition costs, and up to 80% for preliminary engineering, utility relocations, construction engineering, and construction costs. The required local match is the responsibility of the project sponsor.

Staff Analysis

Staff has identified several projects for Village Board consideration. Based upon the direction of the Board, Staff will work with Christopher Burke Engineering (CBBEL) to prepare applications. Staff would then bring back to the Village Board a request for authorization to submit applications for any identified projects. Potential projects include:

- Reed Road bike path connection from Route 47 west to the existing path at Vine Street in the Talamore subdivision on the north side of Reed Road

- Kreutzer Road bike path from Haligus Road in Wing Pointe west to the existing path at the signalized entrance to Walmart

- Median landscaping on Algonquin Road from Route 47 east to Haligus Road and on Route 47 from Rainsford Drive to the south side of I-90

- Downtown parking lot and stormwater management facilities south of recently completed parking lot

Strategic Plan Priority

The 2016-2020 Strategic Plan identifies Promote Sound Financial Management and Fiscal Sustainability as a priority, and “explore grant opportunities in each department to offset costs of programs and capital improvements” as an objective.

Mayor Sass asked if there were any questions or concerns. Trustees Leopold and Kanakaris both questioned if the Village could apply for each project as presented. Village Manager Johnson replied yes but it would depend on available Village funds as to which project could be completed. Trustee Goldman commented that if the Village applied for and were awarded more than one project, the Village could then prioritize which project to complete. Trustee Leopold asked if a lighting study for the intersection of Route 47 and Kreutzer Road would qualify for ITEP funds. Village Manager Johnson stated that it would not be, however; funds are included in the FY16 budget to conduct a study for the intersection. Trustee Piwko questioned if right of way would need to be purchased for the bike path project along Reed Road. Village Manager Johnson stated that right of way availability is being explored as well possible grade changes along Reed Road.

Policy direction was provided by the Committee of the Whole to proceed with the Project Applications for the 2016 ITEP Program.









There being no further items to discuss, a MOTION was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 p.m.

MOTION: Trustee Piwko

SECOND: Trustee Kanakaris

The Voice Vote noted all ayes and the motion carried.



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