
McHenry Times

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Cary Village Board considers deputy village clerk post

Webp chairs

The Cary Village Board met Tuesday, Aug. 23.

Here is the meeting agenda as provided by Cary:

I. Call to Order 

II. Roll Call 

III. Pledge of Allegiance 

IV. Open Forum The public is invited to make an issue-oriented comment on any matter of public concern not otherwise on the agenda. 

V. Mayor’s Report 

1. Proclamation – Schools Open Safety Week 

VI. Consent Agenda 

1. Consider for Approval Minutes of the July 19, 2016 Committee of the Whole Meeting 

2. Consider for Approval Minutes of the July 19, 2016 Village Board Meeting 

3. Consider for Approval the Warrant Dated 08/23/2016 

4. Consider for Approval a “Class F” Temporary Liquor License Permit, Waiving the Noise and Amplification Ordinance (Section 5.20), Waiving the Restrictions of the Temporary Sign Ordinance (Section 14.38.400), and Temporary Road Closures to the Cary Grove Area Chamber of Commerce for the Cary Main Street Fest on September 17, 2016 and September 18, 2016 

5. Consider for Approval the Disposal of Inactive Village Documents

6. Confirmation of the Village Clerk’s Appointment of Susan Greene as the Deputy Village Clerk and Approval of (Resolution #R16-08-01) 

VII. Items for Separate Action 

1. Consider for Approval (Resolution #R16-08-02) Authorizing the Village Administrator to Execute an Agreement with Andy Frain Services, Aurora, IL for Crossing Guard Services 

VIII. Administrator’s Report 

IX. Future Agenda Items and Discussion by Village Board 

X. Adjourn