
McHenry Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Johns burg Board of Trustees hears update on Sunnyside Beach sewer improvement project

Meeting 06

Johnsburg President and Board of Trustees met Tuesday, Feb. 7.

Here are the minutes as provided by Johnsburg:




Draft Copy/Not Approved

President Hettermann called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Village Hall.


Trustee John Huemann

Trustee Kevin McEvoy

Trustee Mary Lou Hutchinson (absent)

Trustee Tom Curry

Trustee Greg Klemstein

Trustee Kyle Frost

Village Attorney Michael Smoron (absent)

Village Engineer Tim Hartnett

Special Project Coordinate Rick Quinn

Chief Keith VonAllmen

OMNIBUS AGENDA -Trustee McEvoy moved to approve the Omnibus Agenda. Trustee Huemann seconded the motion. All Trustees present voted aye on the roll. Motion carried.

 Move to approve the minutes of the January 17, 2017, Regular Meeting of the President and Board of Trustees

 Move to approve Pay Request #1 in the amount of $88.686 to Merryman Excavating for SSA 32, Sunnyside Beach Sewer Construction Project.

 Disbursements

 General Fund $219,086.32


 Waterworks & Sewage Fund 106,471.62

 Debt Service/SSA Fund

 Total All Funds $325,557.94

PRESIDENT’S REPORT – Village Engineer Tim Hartnett provided a status report on the Sunnyside Beach sewer improvement project. He explained that the E1 units have been ordered and will be delivered in the next few weeks. An HR Green representative has met with all of the residents in the project area and provided them a site plan of the project. Contractors will begin directly drilling the service connects very soon. 

Mr. Hartnett stated that thus far the project is proceeding very well and residents have been very cooperative and understanding. Substantial completion is expected around midApril. Mr. Hartnett also informed the Board that the bid opening for the Church Street project is March 3rd. He explained that ComED and Nicor will begin utility relocations shortly and they will be enhancing service on both Church St. and Johnsburg Rd.

Trustee McEvoy reported that the public works employees have been picking up litter in the ditches throughout the Village and the boat ramp improvements are not yet complete as the contractors are waiting for the water levels to recede in order to complete the project. 

Trustee Klemstein reported that the Ordinance Committee has been working on amendments to the Nuisance Ordinance and expect to make a recommendation at their February 15th meeting.

Trustee Huemann reported that he is still waiting to hear back from the property owner for a potential sign easement at the entrance to Prairie Commerce Center.

ADJOURNMENT – Trustee Huemann moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Curry seconded the motion. All Trustees present voted aye. Motion carried at 7:16 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted

Claudett E. Peters

Village Administrator