
McHenry Times

Friday, January 31, 2025

Huntley Historic Preservation Commission reviews Pride in Preservation nominees

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Huntley Historic Preservation Commission met Tuesday, Jan. 17.

The seven Commissioners appointed by the Village President and approved by the Village Board undertake many tasks including exploring the advantages of establishing a Historical District, landmark designation procedures and researching sites to form a data base of structures, objects and areas with architectural, historical, archaeological, or cultural significance.

Here are the minutes as provided by Huntley:


Chairperson Donna Britton called to order the regularly scheduled meeting of the Village of Huntley Historic Preservation Commission for Tuesday, January 17, 2017 at 6:00 pm in the Village Hall Conference Room C107, located at 10987 Main Street, Huntley, Illinois 60142. The room is handicap accessible.


MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioners Karen Langhenry, Diana Carpenter, Deb Waters, Geri Rizzo, Vice Chair Lonni Oldham and Chairperson Donna Britton


ALSO PRESENT: Director of Development Services Charles Nordman, Planner James Williams and Former Historic Preservation Commissioner Jake Marino


4. Approval of Minutes

A. A MOTION was made to approve the October 18, 2016 Historic Preservation Commission

meeting minutes with the following changes:

Page 2, Line 1, add “had” before “with” Page 2, Lines 16-17, remove “the scheduling of other events are discussed” Page 2, Line 25, remove “if”

Page 2, Line 37, replace “area” with “are“ Page 3, Line 5, remove “that” Page 3, Line 10, replace “throughout the downtown area” with “along Woodstock Street” Page 3, Line 29, replace “High” with “Grade/North” Page 3, Line 31, replace “ensured” with “ensued” and “includes” with “including”

MOVED: Vice Chair Oldham SECONDED: Commissioner Waters AYES: Commissioners Carpenter and Waters, Vice-Chair Oldham and Chairperson Britton NAYS: None

ABSTAIN: Commissioners Langhenry and Rizzo MOTION CARRIED 4:0:2

Chairperson Britton thanked former Historic Preservation Commissioner Jake Marino for his attendance to the meeting and Mr. Marino stated that he had brought a copy of his resignation from the Huntley Historic Preservation 45 Commission to the meeting this evening to provide to the Village Staff to pass along to the Huntley Village Clerk McMahon.

Chairperson Britton suggested changing the order of this evening’s meeting agenda to accommodate discussion of the last item on meeting’s agenda that involves Mr. Marino.

6. New Business

B. Site Documentation - Kelley House - 11708 Coral Street

Chairperson Britton noted that the subject property at 11708 Coral Street could possibly be razed in the near future and Mr. Marino agreed to inspect and document the property.

Director Nordman noted that Mr. Marino’s inspection/documentation of the property has been scheduled for this Friday, January 20th at 1:00 p.m. and Mr. Marino confirmed that he has all the necessary equipment for completing the site documentation.

Chairperson Britton reminded the other Historic Preservation Commissioners that if they are interested in participating in the inspection of the 11708 Coral Street property they can go to the site this Friday.

A. Pride in Preservation Nominee(s)

Chairperson Britton noted that discussion at the last Historic Preservation Commission meeting in 2016 included the nomination of Pride in Preservation award program properties.

Vice Chair Oldham suggested nominating the house at the east end of Second Street, 11600 Second Street, which has changed ownership over the last several years and has slowly and steadily been restored.

Chairperson Britton suggested the following nominee properties:

▪ 11105 Church Street - Grimes Residence - west side of Church two lots south of Strode’s Furniture

▪ 11110 Church Street - Stohlquist Residence - east side of Church two lots south of Anchor Pool and Spa

▪ 10904 Church Street - Dill Residence - southeast corner Church and Third Street

▪ 11498 Grove Street - Watson Residence - southeast corner of Grove and Powder Park Road

Additionally, Chairperson Britton suggested that the proposed Plenty boutique at 11103 Church Street and the Huntley Fire Protection District property at 11808 Coral Street may be appropriate future recipients of the Certificate of Appreciation recognition awards.

In regard to the Pride in Preservation program nominee properties, Chairperson Britton suggested the Historic Preservation Commissioners review and possibly drive-by the nominated properties, and these five (5) properties, along with any additional sites, can be addressed for further consideration at the February meeting.

Director Nordman noted that there are still eleven (11) Pride in Preservation signs available and that Staff has been directed to redesign the sign with the intention of making the copy-area more easily visible.

Director Nordman presented mock-up copies of the existing Pride in Preservation sign along with a reformatted version of the Pride in Preservation sign with white text on a maroon background.

Vice Chair Oldham suggested color-text on a white background and Commissioner Carpenter suggested that if a color-background is used it should be brighter.

Director Nordman stated that Staff would consider the suggestions and provide other designs for the Pride in Preservation signs.

C. Belvidere Historic Preservation Commission informational meeting – February 3, 2017

Chairperson Britton cited the 01/05/17 letter Staff distributed from the Belvidere Historic Preservation Commission inviting the Huntley Historic Preservation Commission to an informational meeting they are hosting on Friday 50 evening, February 3, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the Boone County Historical Museum, 314 South State Street, Belvidere, Illinois 61008.

Chairperson Britton pointed out that the February 3rd event is scheduled to include a presentation by a Project Reviewer with the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency’s Preservation Services Division outlining the state-wide tax credits program available to Illinois owners of historic landmarked and historic district-designated properties.

Commissioner Rizzo mentioned that while she is unable to attend the February 3rd event, she encouraged anyone able to attend the event to gather the information on state-wide tax credits and have these materials available to provide to Huntley property owners at future events and/or neighborhood meetings.

Chairperson Britton, Vice Chair Oldham and Commissioner Waters expressed an interest in attending the Belvidere 10 meeting on February 3rd.

5. Old Business

A. Very Merry Huntley - Friday, December 2nd/Saturday, December 3rd, 2016 – Re-Cap

Vice Chair Oldham noted she had brought to this evening’s meeting the gift-wrapped brick that adorned the base of the Huntley Alliance holiday tree displayed in the Village Hall entryway corridor and encouraged the Historic Preservation Commission members to keep in mind ideas for a theme and associated decorations for the tree next year. 20

B. Historic Preservation Commissioner Nominee(s) - Status

Director Nordman recalled that he has not heard that any applications having been submitted and/or nominations made for the vacant Historic Preservation Commission seat and acknowledged that receipt of Mr. Marino’s official resignation also officially opens the Historic Preservation Commission seat vacancy to be filled.

C. Second Street Historic District

Chairperson Britton recalled that discussion regarding this topic in October included the suggestion that time be afforded to allow for issues confronting properties along Second Street to be resolved before moving forward with historic designations initiatives.

Vice Chair Oldham suggested approaching individual property owners along Second Street to discuss the historic preservation designations that are available and issues related to historic preservation in general.

Chairperson Britton turned attention to the Second Street Stroll event previously discussed and suggested that if the consensus was to hold the event a date should be specified next month.

D. Woodstock Street – Brick Portion – 100 year anniversary commemoration - May 6, 2017

Vice Chair Oldham reviewed the proposed participants and activities for the May 6th event including the following:

• A historic display highlighting Woodstock Street’s history – provided by Jake Marino

• Narrated wagon ride along Woodstock Street

• Huntley High School Band

• Morkes Confections producing commemorative chocolate “bricks”

• The Huntley Area Public Library providing historic photo displays viewed through the windows at Morkes and/or the building at the northwest corner of Coral/Woodstock Streets

• Brick decorating contest

• Mayoral Proclamation

• Presentation of the history of the Woodstock Street brick installation Vice Chair Oldham noted that the wagon ride price rate is $450 for three hours and $550 for four hours.

E. Additional Events

Chairperson Britton recalled a program that had been previously discussed where the history of local schools within Huntley would be highlighted, particularly the Huntley Apartment Building (11624 Main Street) located east of the First Congregational Church and the former school (11006 Church Street) located north of Trinity Lutheran Church. Chairperson Britton noted that both of these structures could be razed to accommodate future expansion of the respective neighboring religious institutions. 10

Discussion of other school structures and sites to be included in the program included the “Mill Street School” (12015 Mill Street) currently occupied by the Huntley Park District offices and the former “Lincoln Street School” site at the northeast corner of Lincoln and Mill Streets.

Vice Chair Oldham suggested highlighting businesses within the Huntley downtown area that temporarily served as schools or accommodated sports activities, including the second floor of Pabst Building (Strode’s Furniture) which hosted basketball games and the upper floor of the Shampooch and Kitty building where interim academic classes were held.

Discussion ensued including noting that the Huntley school history-event is tentatively scheduled for a Saturday in August, while the Second Street Stroll is likely to be held either the first or second Saturday in October.

Historic District Signage Director Nordman stated that the information regarding when and where the historic district signage would be installed in the downtown area should be available at the February Historic Preservation Commission meeting.

Home Rule Status / Historic Preservation Ordinance Revisions Chairperson Britton recalled that the importance of investigating every opportunity to preserve local history has been discussed at previous Historic Preservation Commission meetings and if additional ways to protect local 30 history are revealed as a result of recent changes to the Village’s home rule status than these alternatives should be explored further in cooperation with the Village Board.

Director Nordman agreed to investigate with the Village Manager’s office position on the issue.

Historic Preservation Survey - Budget Request Director Nordman acknowledged that the 2017 Historic Preservation budget funds of $1,000 are insufficient to accommodate a comprehensive historic survey of historical properties.

Commissioner Carpenter noted she will continue to investigate whether the Chicago Art Institute or University of Illinois may be resources to assist with conducting a Huntley comprehensive historic survey.

7. Adjournment

At 7:48 p.m., A MOTION was made by Commissioner Carpenter to adjourn the meeting and was seconded by Vice Chair Oldham. Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted, James Williams Planner Village of Huntley