Village of Lake in the Hills Committee of the Whole will meet June 6.
Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:
1.) Call to Order
2.) Pledge of Allegiance
3.) Audience Participation
The public is invited to make an issue-oriented comment on any matter of public concern not otherwise on the agenda. The public comment may be no longer than 3 minutes in duration.
4.) Staff Presentations
A. Administration
1. Request for waiver of Section 43.09, “Noise” and Sign Regulations from Club 400
2. Ordinance Establishing the Prevailing Wage Rates of the Village
B. Director of Parks and Recreation
1. Informational Item Concerning Connor Kincaid Memorial Garden
C. Director of Public Works
1. Resolution Appropriating Additional Funds for the 2014 Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) for the Jessie Road Bridge and Final Payment
D. Finance Department
1. Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2016
2. Insurance Plan Renewals: Medical, Dental, Vision and Life
5.) Board of Trustees
A. Trustee Harlfinger
B. Trustee Huckins
1. Parks and Recreation Board Liaison Report
C. Trustee Bogdanowski
1. Planning and Zoning Commission Liaison Report
D. Trustee McPhee
E. Trustee Dustin
F. Trustee Artinghelli
6.) Village President
A. Proclamation – School District 300 – Gary Chester, Director of District Security (Thursday)
7.) Audience Participation
8.) Adjournment