
McHenry Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

McHenry Township Board of Trustees met May 11


McHenry Township Board of Trustees met May 11.

Here is the minutes as provided by the board:

Supervisor Adams called meeting to order in the McHenry Township Hall at the

published time of 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Attending the meeting was Supervisor Adams, Attorney Jim Militello III, Trustees, Barla,

Wallace, Schepler and Mercurio, Road Commissioner Jim Condon, Assessor Mahady, Clerk

Nelson and 9 township residents.

Trustee Barla motioned to approve minutes of April Township/Road District Budget workshop

minutes seconded by Trustee Mercurio all ayes motion carried.

Trustee Barla motioned to approve Township minutes of ordinance 190417 April 19th Budget

Hearing, seconded by Trustee Schepler, all ayes motion carried.

Trustee Barla motioned to approve Road District minutes of Ordinance 170419 April 19th

Budget Hearing, seconded by Trustee Schepler, all ayes motion carried.

Trustee Wallace motioned to approve minutes of April 13th Barla meeting as written, seconded

by Trustee Barla, all ayes motion carried.

Executive Session:


Public Comment:

Craig Wilcox of McHenry expressed his thoughts of the great job the present Township

Board had done and thanked them for their dedicated service to the Township.

Approval of Accounts:

Trustee Mercurio motioned to approve accounts as presented, seconded by Trustee

Wallace. All ayes motion carried.

Town Fund:

Supervisor Adams read Travel Expenses (Resolution No. 81216) reimbursement/expense

request from Assessor Mahady from Town Fund.

Travel expenses mileage: 466 @ 0.535 for $249.31 plus Per Diem B1 L 0 D 0 Day(s) meal

$11.00, one day lodging@ $137.86 total expense $398.17.

Motion by Trustee Barla to accept expense for Assessor, seconded by Trustee Schepler. Roll call

vote: Mercurio, Schepler, Barla, Wallace and Adams all ayes motion carried.

Trustee Barla motioned to approve receipts and pay bills of the Town Fund, seconded by

Trustee Mercurio.

Voice vote: Mercurio, Schepler, Barla, Wallace and Adams all ayes, motion carried.

General Road and Bridge Fund:

Supervisor Adams read Travel Expenses (Resolution NO. 81216) reimbursement/expenses

request from James Walters, approved by James Condon Township Highway Commissioner.

Mileage: 192 miles @ 0.535 for $102.72 plus Per Diem 2 days4/19/22017 to 4/20/2017

for $46.00 total expenses of $148.72.

Trustee Schepler motioned to accept and pay expenses, seconded by Trustee Mercurio. Roll call

vote: Mercurio, Schepler, Barla, Wallace and Adams, all ayes motion carried.

Trustee Schepler motioned to approve receipts and pay bills of the General Road and Bridge

Fund, seconded by Trustee Barla.

Voice vote: Mercurio, Schepler, Barla, Wallace and Adams all ayes motion carried.

Permanent Hard Road fund:

Trustee Wallace motioned approve the receipt and pay the bills of the Permanent Hard

Road Fund, seconded by Trustee Mercurio.

Voice vote: Mercurio, Schepler, Barla, Wallace and Adams all ayes motion carried.

Trustee Wallace motioned to approve receipts and pay bills of the Permanent Hard

Road Fund, seconded by Trustee Mercurio.

Voice vote: Mercurio, Schepler, Barla, Wallace and Adams all ayes motion carried.

Fund Transfers:


New Business:

a.) Approve Resolution No. R181705-Partication by Elected Officials in IMRF.

Supervisor Adams explained that IMRF is requesting a resolution asking that Townships have a

document showing requirements for elected officials (Supervisor, Assessor, Highway

Commissioner and Clerk) to participate in IMRF. The document lists the required 600 or 1000

number of hours needed per year to receive benefits. The resolution documents that McHenry

Township requires 1000 hours to be worked per year in order to be eligible to be enrolled in

IMRF program. This 1000 hour requirement was passed back a few years prior at McHenry

Township and IMRF just wants to have an updated resolution on file showing same.

Motion by Trustee Barla to approve Resolution No. R181705 of IMRF, seconded

by trustee Wallace.

Roll call vote: Mercurio, Schepler, Barla, Wallace and Adams all in favor motion


b.) Approve Resolution No. R101705-Rules Regarding recording of McHenry Township


Trustee Wallace motioned to approve Resolution No. R101705 Rules Regarding

recording of McHenry Township Meetings, seconded by Trustee Barla.

Roll Call vote: Mercurio, Schepler, Barla, Wallace and Adams all ayes motion

carried. (Copy of Rules Attached).

c.) Approve Resolution No. R111705-Live Streaming of McHenry Township Public


Supervisor Adams explained that this would only be for Monthly or Special

Township Meetings nothing else. The Township will pay $300.00 for life to be on

“You Tube”.

Trustee Mercurio motioned to approve Resolution R111705-Live

Streaming of McHenry Township Public Meetings, seconded by Trustee Schepler.

Roll call vote: Mercurio, Schepler, Barla, Wallace and Adams all ayes motion

carried. (Copy of Rules Attached).

d.) Approve Motor Fuel Tax Expenditures for Private Non-Dedicated Subdivisions.

Trustee Barla motioned to accept expenditures of motor fuel tax for private nondedicated

subdivisions seconded by Trustee Wallace.

Roll call vote: Mercurio, Schepler, Barla, Wallace and Adams all ayes motion


Supervisors Report:

a.) Currently going through annual Audit Report, all going well.

b.) Working on Senior Bus grants, looking good.

c.) Weed complaints are coming in, County did it years ago but gave it up due to

funding, so now it’s up to Township, 18 inches or more, our policy is we will send out

three notices, if nothing happens we will cut the grass and place a lien against their

property. Prairie grass is acceptable.

Assessors Report:

Copy Attached.

Highway Commissioners Report:

Copy Attached.

Executive Session:


Motion to adjourn:

Trustee Barla motioned to adjourn meeting, seconded by Trustee Schepler all in favor,

meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.

Next Meeting: April 8, 2017
