Rep. Steven Reick (R-Woodstock) knows what trial by fire means, he said in a recent statement expressing his frustrations as a new state legislator.
“It was an incredibly frustrating spring session as we watched the state’s problems and credit rating worsen while partisan politics dominated proceedings at the Capitol,” Reick said in the statement “... The budget that was ultimately approved and enacted in July was not the result of completed negotiations between Republicans and Democrats. It raised income taxes but did not address the underlying problems that have plagued our state.”
Reick noted his strong opposition to the state budget and commented on his own areas of focus since coming to Springfield in January. Reick said he worked to put school funding reform in place, serving on the 2017 Education Funding Task Force, and also sought to make changes to the tax code. Reick also sponsored legislation to support military personnel and worked with the Illinois Department of Transportation on the Route 47 Safety Project.
Rep. Steve Reick (R-Woodstock)
“I still believe it is possible for people of good will to come together and do what is right,” Reick said in his statement. “I remain committed to working in a bipartisan fashion on critical reforms, such as improving the jobs climate, overhauling the education funding formula in a way that provides property tax relief, and enacting constitutional pension reform.”