
McHenry Times

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Village of Cary Board will meet December 19.


Village of Cary Board will meet Dec. 19.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Pledge of Allegiance  

IV. Open Forum

The public is invited to make an issue‐oriented comment on any matter of public concern not otherwise on the agenda.

V. Mayor’s Report

VI. Consent Agenda

1. Consider for Approval the Warrant Dated December 19, 2017

2. Consider for Approval a Resolution Adopting and Establishing an Updated Sexual Harassment Policy for the Village of Cary to Comply with P.A. 100‐0554.  

3. Consider for Approval a Resolution Approving the 2018 Water Softener Salt Joint Bid Award with

Midwest Salt, West Chicago, Illinois, at $106.00/ton for Standard Access Delivery and $116.25/ton for Limited Access Delivery, with an Optional One Year Extension

4. Consider for Approval and Ordinance for the Abatement of the Special Service Area Number One (SSA #1 ‐ Cambria) Real Estate Taxes and Approving the Amended Special Tax Roll

5. Consider for Approval and Ordinance for the Abatement of the Special Service Area Number Two (SSA #2 – Foxford Hills) Real Estate Taxes and Approving the Amended Special Tax Roll

6. Consider for Approval an Ordinance Abating the Real Estate Taxes Levied for the Year 2017 to pay the Debt Service on the Taxable General Obligation Build America Recovery Zone (Alternate Revenue Source) Bonds, Series 2009

7. Consider for Approval a Resolution Approving the Designation of Village of Cary Authorized Signers on all Wintrust, Huntington and Associated Financial Accounts

VII. Items for Separate Action

1. Consider for Approval an Ordinance Regarding the Annual Real Estate Tax Levy for the Tax Year 2017

2. Consider for Approval Minutes of the December 5, 2017 Village Board Meeting  

3. Consider for Approval Minutes of the December 5, 2017 Committee of the Whole Meeting

VIII. Administrator’s Report

IX. Department Head Reports

X. Future Agenda Items and Discussion by Village Board

XI. Adjourn
