McHenry County Law & Government Committee met March 7.
Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:
1. Call To Order
2. Minutes Approval
1. Law & Government - Public Meeting - Feb 5, 2018 8:15 AM
3. Public Comment
4. Members' Comments
5. Presentation
6. New Business
1. Resolution Authorizing ISS iJustice Annual Support and Maintenance and an Emergency Appropriation in the Circuit Clerk's Support Service Fee Fund Fiscal Year 2017-18 Budget
2. Resolution Authorizing Annual Enhancements and Modifications to iJustice Case Management Software
3. Resolution Authorizing an Emergency Appropriation in the Circuit Clerk's Electronic Citation Fund FY2017-18 Budget for Additional APS E-Citation Form Annual Subscription
4. Resolution Authorizing a Contract with Sunnyside Company of McHenry, IL for the Purchase of Thirteen (13) New Pursuit Vehicles for the McHenry County Sheriff
5. Discussion: Illinois State Association of Counties
7. Old Business
1. Legislative Update
8. Reports
1. Council of Governments
9. Executive Session (As Necessary)
10. Adjournment