
McHenry Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Richmond-Burton Community High School District 157 Board of Education met March 14.

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Richmond-Burton Community High School District 157 Board of Education met March 14.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call/Approval of Agenda

3. Consent Agenda

3. 1. Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of February 21, 2018

3. 2. Approve Building and Grounds Meeting Minutes of February 21, 2018

3. 3. Approve Closed Session Minutes from February 21, 2018

3. 4. Approve Board Bills

3. 5. Approve Payroll

3. 6. Approve Treasurer's Report

3. 7. Employment of Staff

3. 8. Leave of Absence Request

3. 9. Resignation of Staff

3. 10. Discard Closed Session Audio Tapes: August 17, 2016

4. Public Input

5. Reports

5. 1. Fund Balance Report

5. 2. Interest Report

5. 3. Fund Comparison Report

5. 4. Imprest Account Report

5. 5. Activity Account Financial Report

5. 6. Principal's Report

5. 7. Assistant Principal's Report

5. 8. Curriculum Director's Report

5. 9. Student Services Report

5. 10. Activity Director's Report

5. 11. Lunch Report

5. 12. Transportation Report

5. 13. Technology Report

5. 14. FOIA Requests

6. Old Business

7. New Business

7. 1. Recognition of Students for Outstanding Performance

7. 2. French Trip Proposal for 2019

7. 3. Facility Use Request

7. 4. Summer/Spring Break Projects

7. 5. IHSA Membership 2018- 19

7. 6. Resolution Authorizing or Reauthorizing Participation in The Fund

8. Closed Session - to consider information pertaining to the appointment, employment, dismissal, performance, discipline and compensation of employees.

9. Action After Closed Session

10. Adjournment
