
McHenry Times

Saturday, February 1, 2025

City of Woodstock Environmental Commission met March 8.

City of Woodstock Environmental Commission met March 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

I. Call To Order & Roll Call

Commission Members Present: Ed Ellinghausen, Laurie Kacmar, Steve Wenzel, and

Chair Erica Poremba.

Commission Members Absent: Jaci Krandel.

Staff Present: Assistant Public Works Director Tom Migatz and Executive Assistant / Chief Deputy City Clerk Jane Howie

Others Present: none.

II. Acceptance Of Minutes:

Motion by S. Wenzel, second by L. Kacmar, to accept the Minutes from the March 1, 2018 meeting. Ayes: L. Kacmar, E. Ellinghausen, S. Wenzel, and Chair E. Poremba. Nays: none.

Absentees: J. Krandel. Abstentions: none. Motion carried; Minutes accepted as presented.

III. Public Comment: none.

IV. Discussion Items

A. Discussion and review of Community Garden Presentation

Chair Poremba said Donovan Day will be present at their Presentation to City Council on March 20th. E. Ellinghausen stated that, in addition to the community garden in Fox Lake, these communities also have community gardens: Cary, DeKalb, Sycamore, Genoa, and South Elgin.

He hopes that Mr. Day will assist in his portion of the presentation. E. Ellinghausen has had contact with a Master Gardener who is a member of the 4-H club. He’s hoping to have a representative(s) present at the Presentation who can assist with the question and answers.

The points that will be covered in the Presentation are: Purpose, Regional Success Stories,

Proposal, Phase 1, Future Phases, Revenues Vs. Costs, Staff Commitments, Committee Members and Volunteers, Benefits.

T. Migatz asked the Commissioners if they feel comfortable with their portion of the Presentation.

E. Ellinghausen asked if a map of the proposed site should be included. Discussion ensued regarding including a map or the best way to show the location. The Commission decided that one of them would be on the Steering Committee as lead to assist in getting the property prepared and to oversee the project. Commissioners may take turns throughout the project and going forward.

This Commission will be holding a Special Meeting on Tuesday, March 20, 2018, 6:15 PM, 2nd floor Conference Room at City Hall to review the Presentation prior to the 7:00 PM City Council meeting.

V. Adjournment:

Motion by E. Ellinghausen, second by L. Kacmar, to adjourn this Regular Meeting of the Environmental Commission. Ayes: E. Ellinghausen, L. Kacmar, S. Wenzel, and Chair E. Poremba. Nays: none. Absentees: J. Krandel. Abstentions: none. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:08 PM.
