
McHenry Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Fox River Grove Consolidated School District 3 Board met January 22.

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Fox River Grove Consolidated School District 3 Board met January 22.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

I. Call To Order And Pledge Of Allegiance

Board President Devin Bright called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

II. Roll Call

Members present were Steve Pickering, Tom Mollet, Laura Byrd, Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright and Kristine Hester. Also present were Superintendent Dr. Tim Mahaffy, Principals Dr. Sandy Ozimek and Mr. Eric Runck and Director of Special Education, Mrs. Heather Trom.

III. Welcome To Visitors, Guests, Comments & Questions

Audience members included Theresa Meshes, Trish Brown, Laura Zilch, Alicia Maes, Jessica McKenzie, Paulette Nichols, Matt Benrus and Rick Miller. All were welcomed to the meeting.

Mrs. Trish Brown and Mrs. Laura Zilch signed in to address the Board regarding their concerns of the increasing class size in second grade. The current second grade was reduced to two sections for the FY18 school year.

IV. District 3 Board Salute

The Board of Education recognized Rick Miller, Facilities Director, for going above and beyond in completion of the LED lighting project for the District. He not only completed the $50,000 project but was able to secure $23,643 in grant dollars from ComEd for early completion and submittal for the District. Rick does a tremendous job for District 3.

V. Consent Agenda

A motion was made by Steve Pickering to approve the consent agenda, approve and open to the public the regular minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of December 11, 2017 and approve the closed minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of December 11, 2017, approve the December, 2017 Treasurer’s Report, approve the bills and payroll from December 9, 2017 through January 19, 2017 and approve the December Activity Accounts Report. Kristine Hester seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Tom Mollet, Laura Byrd, Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Kristine Hester and Steve Pickering. Voting nay – None. Motion approved.

VI. Request For Records Under The Freedom Of Information Act

The District received four FOIA requests this month. The first request was from John Schneider requesting general Board policies and administrative procedures pertaining to size of classrooms. The request was received on 12/14/17 and was complied with on 12/14//2017.

The second request was from the Parents Foundation for Education requesting specific information regarding all staff members (partial redacted due to personal information). The request was received on 12/22/2017 and was complied with on 12/22/2017.

The third request was from the Daily Herald requesting information on drug prevention programs. This was a multiple district list email. The request was received on 1/3/2018 and complied with on 1/4/2018.

The fourth request was from Smart Procure requesting purchase order information from October 11, 2017 to current. The request was received on 1/11/2018 and complied with on 1/11/2018

VII. Old Business

Class Size Update – Dr. Mahaffy stated that we started the year with fewer students but have added some students since then. There are a total of 211 students at ARS (Kind.-45, 1st-41, 2nd-50, 3rd- 35 and 4th-40). There are 206 students at the Middle School (5th-52, 6th-54, 7th-48 and 8th-52). Out of District placement includes 17 students with 6 of these in ECE. Kindergarten registration is scheduled for February 5th and we are anticipating approximately 40-45 students for FY19. Class sections for FY19 have not been set yet.

Mr. Bright would like Administration to flag any grades if there are any performance issues before any class size discussion is held in February. There are zero retirements heading into next year except for Mr. Runck. Mr. Bright agreed that second grade did not begin the year with 50 students. We always want to support the classrooms making sure they have all the tools that they need.

Dr. Mahaffy has had discussions with Dr. Ozimek as this second grade has increased in enrollment. There is no set policy for the number of students in a class. The Board does have a grade level size recommendation guide which, for second through third grade is 26, per class. The District is currently under that threshold with 25 per class. This guide has been here for a long time but the Board and Administration always look at how the class is performing, what is going on and how can we support them if there is a spike in enrollment. Sporadic additional support with the current aides have been added to second grade. Algonquin Road School is being creative on where the aides are being used.

Dr. Ozimek stated that they have tried to put interventions in place for reading and math. Social/emotional RtI groups and individual behavioral plans for some students have been put into place as well. Aides with any free time in their schedule are sent to second grade to help where needed. We just added one new student who speaks no English so he is receiving some support from the bi-lingual aide. Dr. Ozimek stated that it would definitely help to have another full time person in second grade to share between the classrooms to provide support (especially for math and reading). Students who currently have an IEP, a 504 Plan or are an EL student already do receive additional support. The issue is how much additional support is needed when they are in the regular education classroom.

Mr. Bright stated that it appears we are up three students half way through the year for second grade. It would seem that adding additional support is a reasonable conversation to have at this time. He asked the Board if anyone had any problem with the Administration going forward to secure additional aide help. Board members gave the green light to proceed with getting additional support into second grade.

Dr. Mahaffy stated that he can try to get the additional support in second grade and would be paid hourly by time sheet until the Board formally hires this individual. The Administration would then provide feedback to the Board in February regarding this additional support.

Coaches for 2017-2018 School Year – no updates.

VIII. New Business

Review 5-Year Financial Forecast for District 3 (FY19-FY23) – The purpose of the forecast is to establish a picture of the financial stability of our school district over the next 5 years. The baseline data includes audited data from FY17 (last know year-end actual) and the projected data includes budgeted information from FY18 and projections for FY19-23. This is not an exact science. We review, plan and react annually to new information affecting the financial outlook of District 3. The forecast is built on assumptions, not recommendations. The forecast is a future look at the District’s financial position. You begin by determining what you know (i.e., contracted salaries may be known to the dollar). Future salaries, building projects, local, state and federal resources are assumptions. You also determine what makes the largest impact on the forecast (revenue – property taxes and expenditures – salary and benefits).

Dr. Mahaffy reviewed the budgeted revenue allocation and budgeted expenditure allocation by object with the Board. Both revenue sources and expenditures do not include TRS on-behalf, abatements, transfers and bond sales.

Forecast assumptions include the budgeted EAV at 7.2% with projections of 2.5% in the next four years. The CPI-U for FY18 is 2.1%, FY19 and for the remaining years it is 2%. New construction $112K for FY17 and is estimated at FY18 and FY19 at $150K and FY20 and FY21 at $200K and for FY22 at $5.2M which is when the TIF comes off at Stone Hill. This is the estimated increment of that property. Dr. Mahaffy is estimating this amount to be $250,000 to $400,000. The closer we get to 2022, the closer we will get to a more exact figure.

The Based Funding Minimum (previously General State Aid) is now at $973,381 due to Hold Harmless which is part of this legislation. This amount is definitely an increase for District 3 from previous years. Four different mandated categoricals have been rolled into this amount including special education summer school, special education personnel, bilingual education, etc. This is a good number for our District. This will help the District avoid going to a referendum for a few years. In 2004 the Board told the taxpayers that they would not come back with another referendum for at least seven years – it has been 14 years now.

Forecast assumptions include salary/wages at 3% and include .5% stipend in FY 18 and 19 for licensed staff. Enrollment for FY18 is 434, projected at 431 for FY19 and flattens out for future years. Staffing is neutral throughout the forecast.

Other forecast assumptions include: health insurance (estimated at a 6% annual increase), capital outlay O&M to remain flat, capital needs ($730,000 for FY19 and $190,000 for FY20-22 per year to cover needed expenses on an annual basis and transportation which includes lease/purchase of 1 bus in FY19), purchased services at 1.5% annually (transportation purchased services at a 2% annual increase) and supplies at a 1.5% annual increase over-all plus curriculum adoption at $20,000 each year (some years will be higher than others). This assumption does include the purchase of 1:1 devices. There is no overall change in IMRF and the bond and interest fund (levy will mirror the expenses) and the last bond payment under the current bond schedule will be in 2020.

Dr. Mahaffy restated that General State Aid is now called Base Funding Minimum with District 3’s formula now at $973,381. The District will not receive less than the year before but this amount does now include 4 former mandated categoricals.

Dr. Mahaffy stated that this forecast shows a tax abatement assumption of $150,000 over the life of the forecast. This will require a change in the abatement from debt service to the education fund. This requires an annual formal Board resolution. This is used to pay Bond & Interest at this time.

Areas that need to be monitored through legislation that would have an impact on the District’s financial stability include: State funding reform – Hold-Harmless provision, tax freeze legislation and pension cost shift.

Dr. Mahaffy also reviewed various charts showing: revenues versus expenditures, fiscal year surplus/deficit, year end fund balances, EAV (analysis, % change, growth) consumer price index, and total tax rate.

Dr. Mahaffy presented three different forecast scenarios with year-end balances. Scenario 1 was with a $150,000 abatement, Scenario 2 was with a flat levy over the forecast and Scenario 3 was with using a 10% tax cut in the 2018 levy.

Seniority Lists – 2017-2018 Certified and Non-Certified Seniority Listings were included in the Board packets. Staff had time to review their information and let the District Office know of any discrepancies.

A motion to approve the Fox River Grove School District 3 2017-2018 certified staff seniority list as presented was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Tom Mollet. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Laura Byrd, Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Kristine Hester, Steve Pickering and Tom Mollet. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

A motion to approve the Fox River Grove School District 3 2017-2018 non-certified seniority list as presented was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Gerry Blohm. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Kristine Hester, Steve Pickering and Laura Byrd. Voting nay – none. Abstaining – Tom Mollet Motion approved.

Registration Fees -- Dr. Mahaffy reviewed the registration fee history with the Board from the 1995-1996 school year to present. Registration fee was raised $5.00 for the 2015-2016 school year. This was the first increase since the 2008-2009 school year. Dr. Mahaffy recommended leaving all these fees the same except for adding the $50 tech fee to all grades at the Middle School.

A motion to approve Fox River Grove School District 3 registration fees for 2018-2019 for Kindergarten at $135.00, grades 1st through 8th for $135.00, an 8th grade fee of $35.00 and a tech fee of $50 for grades 5th through 8th – was made by Kristine Hester and seconded by Steve Pickering. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Kristine Hester, Steve Pickering, Tom Mollet, Laura Byrd and Sara Brubacher. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

Dr. Mahaffy presented a chart on the tax abatement history for School District 3. The Board of Education has abated $500,000 to date to the Bond & Interest Fund. If the Board chooses to abate again this year at the rate of $150,000, the total amount in taxes abated back to the community over the last five years would be $650,000. Dr. Mahaffy reminded the Board that the forecast does not show any upcoming major expenses (i.e., HVAC system, uni-vents, etc.). These are just a sample of some big ticket items that the Board will need to keep in mind when deciding to abate in the future. Dr. Mahaffy also reminded the Board that part of the MS was constructed in 1914. We currently are not spending a lot of dollars on this portion of the MS, but at some point in time that building may not be serviceable for what this District needs. This could be the next referendum. This is something that the Board should keep in mind for somewhere down the road.

Board President Bright directed Dr. Mahaffy to prepare paperwork in the amount of $150,000 for an abatement to be approved at the February Board meeting.

The Administration reviewed the FY19 special services restructuring with the Board. In order to better meet the needs of our students through appropriate programming and intervention services, the Administration is recommending increasing school psychology services and decreasing school social worker time. This restructure will be opening up the schedule to provide the interventions and IEP/504 services simultaneously. This change more appropriately services our students and brings increased flexibility to the department. Social work services would be decreased to three days per week and school psychologist services would be increased to 5 days per week. This would be a zero change in FTE for the district as compared to this year. There will be a Reduction in Force (RIF) of .4 for the social worker in the District. She is aware of this change. Our current school psychologist is retiring. The District would like to post this school psychologist position as soon as possible because it may be hard to fill. Dr. Mahaffy stated that we are in full compliance with all the Reduction in Force timelines and legal prepared the RIF Resolution.

A motion to approve the change to the FY19 special services as presented was made by Gerry Blohm and seconded by Laura Byrd. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Devin Bright, Kristine Hester, Steve Pickering, Tom Mollet, Laura Byrd, Sara Brubacher and Gerry Blohm. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

IX. Policy

A motion to approve the second reading of the following new or revised policies: 2:260 – Uniform Grievance Procedure, 4:15 – Identity Protection, 4:110 – Transportation, 4:170 – Safety, 5:90 – Abused and Neglected Child Reporting; 5:155 – HIPAA Privacy Rule Compliance, 5:220 – Substitute Teachers, 6:50 – School Wellness, 6:60 – Curriculum Content, 6:150 – Home and Hospital Instruction, 7:15 – Student and Family Privacy Rights, 7:20 – Harassment of Students Prohibited, 7:70 – Attendance and Truancy, 7:180 – Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment, 7:250 – Student Support Services and 7:260 – Exemption from Physical Education – was made by Kristine Hester and seconded by Laura Byrd. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Kristine Hester, Steve Pickering, Tom Mollet, Laura Byrd, Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm and Devin Bright. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

X. Administrative Report

Superintendent’s Report/Review of District Financial Standing – Dr. Mahaffy reviewed the 2018 Financial Profile Designation for the District which is based on 2016-2017 Annual Financial Report data. The District received a 4.00 out of a 4.00 on the financial spectrum for the State of Illinois. This profile score is based on the following: fund balance to revenue ratio, expenditures to revenue ratio, days cash on hand, percent of short-term borrowing maximum remaining and percent of long-term debt margin remaining. The District moved back up to 4.00 because of paying down our bonds.

Board Dashboard – Dr. Mahaffy briefly reviewed the Board of Education Dashboard. At the February Board meeting grade level sections for FY19 will be discussed. Other items that will be discussed include: any current staffing changes that need to happen for FY19, bus lease information, abatement resolution, post issuance compliance report and administrative reviews. The current levy is at 2.1 for 2018 levy.

Building Principal – Mr. Runck stated that there was a District wide joint institute held on January 12th in collaboration with Districts 155, 47, 46 and 26 which yielded much positive feedback in regards to how well our students are prepared for high school as well as things we can change. The girls’ basketball season is underway. January 17th was the end of the 2nd quarter and grades will be available online on January 24th. MAP testing at the MS begins tomorrow. Mr. Runck gave kudos to the science teachers and students for scoring number 1 in the county on their science test. Mr. Runck also recognized art teacher, Matt Benrus, and his students for the paintings for the library beautification project.

Dr. Ozimek congratulated Marge Tietz for her efforts with the St. Jude Math-A-Thon. Algonquin Road School came in 64th nationwide out of 100 schools (4th largest in Illinois) in donations collected last year. MAP testing at ARS is finished as well as AIMSWeb benchmark testing. Report cards will be sent home with students on Wednesday. Valentine’s Day parties will be on February 14th at 2:00 p.m. Dr. Ozimek thanked the Board for allowing her to join in on the Board Training last Saturday.

Director of Special Education – Mrs. Trom stated that she and Dr. Mahaffy will be going to Springfield on February 7th for the hearing on the withdrawal from SEDOM. All District 155 and the feeder schools as well as Huntley and legal counsel will be attending this hearing. All the Districts will be presenting separately but it is a joint process.

Notice of Joint Advisory Committee Schedule – The Joint Advisory Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 10, 2018. This committee reviews the revenues from the grants, the Title I Plan, and the Parent Student Handbooks for both the MS and ARS. This committee is comprised of administration, staff, board members, parents and health professionals in the community. Board members Tom Mollet and Kristine Hester will serve on this committee with Devin Bright and Sara Brubacher as back-ups.

XI. Committee Reports – None.

XII. Announcements, Notices And Communications

Dr. Mahaffy stated that he checked the science scores of the Barrington schools as well. If those scores were brought in with our county scores, they would have been in second place behind Fox River Grove. We are very proud of our staff and students.

XIII. Executive Session

A motion to adjourn from the regular session of the January 22, 2018 Board Meeting and go to executive session at 8:41 p.m. for the purpose of conducting a semi-annual review of lawfully closed meeting minutes, the review of Superintendent goals and to consider information regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the District was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Gerry Blohm. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Tom Mollet, Laura Byrd, Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Kristine Hester and Steve Pickering. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

XIV. Action Following Executive Session

A motion to return from executive session to open session of the January 22, 2018 Board Meeting at 9:52 p.m. was made by Tom Mollet and seconded by Gerry Blohm. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Sara Brubacher, Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Kristine Hester, Steve Pickering, Tom Mollet and Laura Byrd. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

A motion to keep the Executive Session Minutes of the Regular Board of Education Meetings of June 19, 2017, July 24, 2017, August 21, 2017, September 25, 2017, October 16, 2017 and November 13, 2017 closed due to their personnel nature of the contents was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Tom Mollet. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Gerry Blohm, Devin Bright, Kristine Hester, Steve Pickering, Tom Mollet, Laura Byrd and Sara Brubacher. Voting nay – none. Motion approved.

A motion to approve the Resolution Authorizing Honorable Dismissal and Reassignment of Kimberly Neilson from full-time to .6 FTE for the 2018-2019 school-year was made by Steve Pickering and seconded by Tom Mollet. A roll call vote was taken. Voting aye – Devin Bright, Kristine Hester, Steve Pickering, Tom Mollet, Laura Byrd and Gerry Blohm. Voting nay – None. Abstaining – Sara Brubacher. Motion approved.

XV. Adjournment

A motion to adjourn the meeting of January 22, 2018 at 9:54 p.m. was made by Gerry Blohm and seconded by Steve Pickering. A voice vote was taken. Voting aye – All ayes. Voting nay – None. Motion approved.

XVI. Next Regular Meeting -- February 26, 2018



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