
McHenry Times

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Huntley Park District Board met April 25

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Huntley Park District Board met April 25.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

President Jerry Nepermann called the meeting to order held at 7:02pm.

Commissioners present included; Bill Awe, Jim Blasky, Keith Wold, and Melissa Kellas.

Also present were Thom Palmer, Laura Pisarcik, Paul Ostrander, Debbie Kraus and Brad Hisel.

A motion to approve the agenda was made by Commissioner Kellas and seconded by Commissioner Awe. All ayes. Motion carried.

Recognition of Visitors: Debbie Kraus introduces Stephanie Peters, Program/Aquatic Supervisor. Stephanie reviewed her background with the district and her vision for Stingray Bay.

A motion to approve the March 21, 2018 regular Board meeting minutes and the April 11, 2018 Workshop meeting minutes was made by Commissioner Kellas and seconded by Commissioner Wold. All ayes. Motion carried.

A motion to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented was made by Commissioner Wold and seconded by Commissioner Kellas. All ayes. Motion carried.

A motion to approve purchase order #20180071 to Heller Ford for $12,358.94 was made by Commissioner Wold and seconded by Commissioner Awe.

Roll Call: Yes - Wold, Awe, Nepermann, Blasky, Kellas. No - None Motion carried.

Laura Pisarcik submitted bills, additions, and purchase cards totaling $405,336.11.

A motion to approve the submitted bills and additions listed above was made by Commissioner Awe and seconded by Commissioner Blasky.

Roll Call: Yes – Awe, Blasky, Wold, Nepermann, Kellas. No - None Motion carried.

The following Department Reports were reviewed:

Finance & HR: In addition to Laura Pisarcik’s submitted report: Laura reviewed the

2017 Formal Comparison of the Huntley Park District to four other Peer Park Districts.

This report was prepared by Lauterbach & Aman, LLP and compares revenues and expenses percentages of each district.

Parks: In addition to Paul Ostrander’s submitted report: Paul reviewed and discussed with the Board the ComEd Feasibility Assessment. Commissioner Wold agreed with the use of a theater tech. Also asked if the redesign of the disk golf would have a tee box on top of the sled hill; Paul will check on the tee location. Commissioner Kellas asked if the Dance was held in the Theater and the Gym. Laura also indicated that she is looking into solar power opportunities and in getting information from the school district as they are doing the same.

Golf: In addition to Brad Hisel’s submitted report: Commissioner Wold asked Brad about the new chief, Brad indicated that the current chief is out due to a workman’s compensation injury. Also asked about how often menus are changed, Brad indicated that from time to time the menu in changed to reflect the desires of the clientele.Commissioner Awe asked how Pinecrest advertises for open positions; Brad indicated that they use Indeed online services.

Recreation: In addition to Debbie Kraus’ submitted report: Commissioner Nepermann asked about the O’Conner sponsorship banner at TSP; Debbie indicated that it is an annual fee. Commissioner Awe inquired about additional banners. Commissioner Kellas asked about Debbie’s community networking; Debbie reviewed her involvement with the Chamber Business Group and the Huntley Lion’s Club. Commissioner Blasky commented on the Leadership meeting agenda and the SWOT exercise. Commissioner Wold asked who attending the Leadership meeting; Thom indicated that nine staff attended; department heads and managers.

Consent Agenda (from April 11, 2018 Workshop):

A. Approve PO for Covenant Enterprises for Mill St. sidewalk replacement in the amount of $10,210.00.

B. Approve PO for Roeder Implement Inc. for Case skid steer in the amount of $22,900.

A motion to approve the Consent Agenda was made by Commissioner Awe and seconded by Commissioner Wold.

Roll Call: Yes – Awe, Wold, Nepermann, Blasky, Kellas. No - None Motion carried.

New Business:

4th of July Fireworks Agreement

The Village of Huntley approached the Huntley Park District three years ago requesting the use of Deicke and Warrington Parks for a public gathering place to view the annual 4th of July fireworks. The 2015, 2016 and 2017 events were successful and without incident. A motion to approve the 4th of July Fireworks Agreement request from the Village of Huntley as presented was made by Commissioner Kellas and seconded by Commissioner Blasky. All ayes. Motion carried.

Fall Fest Variance Request

This will be the 13th year of this well attended and well organized event. Bryant Haniszewski; Fall Fest chairman, along with the entire Fall Fest committee does a great job with securing vendors, organizations, events and marketing.

The Fall Fest committee is presenting the following for consideration:

Fall Fest to be held on **Thursday, September 20th through Sunday, September 23rd (7pm) **Thursday will be Carnival only, from 5-9pm.

Request for park variances to the following ordinances:

1. Fireworks (Ordinance Section II)

2. Offering articles for sale (Ordinance Section V)

3. Advertising (Ordinance Section VI)

4. Flying devices (Ordinance Section VII)

5. Vehicles on park land (Ordinance Section VIII)

6. Huntley Festival Foundation Inc. for a variance regarding the sale of alcoholic beverages on park land (Ordinance Section XI)

The Fall Fest committee, in accordance with their contract with Windy City Amusements, is again hosting a carnival within the Fest. The carnival would be held in the same location of the Stingray Bay parking lots. On Thursday, September 20, the carnival would be the only element of Fall Fest open, with hours of 5pm-9pm.

The Fest, in agreement with the Park District, will provide a 20X20 location on the “main pad” of the Fest for a raffle with all proceeds going to the Park District as in past year. Additionally, the Fest will make the Huntley Park District a $3,000 sponsor of the Fest and provide all marketing as outlined for such a sponsor level. Additional fees and charges may apply.

A motion to approve the Fall Fest Variance request as presented with required rental agreement and insurance certificate naming the Huntley Park District as an additional insured was made by Commissioner Kellas and seconded by Commissioner Awe. All ayes. Motion carried.

Passenger van disposal

Staff is requesting to dispose of the 1999 Ford van. DSD Technology had the van in for repairs at their shop and reported that the frame was rusted almost all the way through. DSD called and stated that it was not worth completing any repairs as the van was unsafe to continue driving in its current condition. So considering the age of 19 years, the mileage almost 100,000+ miles, the cost and feasibility to fix the frame, and the rust that is forming, Paul Ostrander is asking to dispose of the van to a junk yard.

A motion to approve the disposal of the 1999 Ford passenger van as presented was made by Commissioner Wold and seconded by Commissioner Kellas. All ayes. Motion carried.

North School Property - Formal Position Statement

Developer Mike Skala presented information to the Board at the April 11th Workshop.

The Village of Huntley has requested a Formal Position Statement from the Park District regarding the development of this property as part of their Planned Unit Development (PUD) process. A letter has been drafted to be sent to the Village of Huntley. A motion to approve the Formal Position Statement letter as presented was made by Commissioner Kellas and seconded by Commissioner Blasky.

Ordinance Review

From time to time the Park District Board of Commissioners are asked to review the District’s Ordinances. For the PDRMA review the general use ordinances are to be reviewed at least every four years. The last review was in 2012.

A motion to approve the review of the Ordinances of the Huntley Park District as presented was made by Commissioner Kellas and seconded by Commissioner Blasky. All ayes. Motion carried.

Commissioner or Staff Comments? None.

Motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Kellas seconded by Commissioner

Blasky. All ayes. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:18pm.
