
McHenry Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Richmond Board of Trustees met June 7.

Meeting 06

Village of Richmond Board of Trustees met June 7.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Roll Call:

Present: Trustees: Dennis Bardy (arrival at 7:05 p.m.), Robert Elliott, TJ Fulmer, Frank Peiler and Ramsin Wardanian.

Absent: Village President Craig Kunz and Trustee David Nelson.

Others Present: Police Chief Ciro Cetrangolo, Superintendent of Public Works, Marty Nuss, Jim Speaker, Village Treasurer, Village Clerk Karla L.

Thomas and Village Attorney David McArdle.

Announcements: None.

Unfinished Business: None.

Public Comments: None.

Consent Agenda: The Board reviewed the items on the consent agenda.

a. Approval of Regular Board Minutes for May 17, 2018

b. Authorization to Expend Funds for Warrant Fiscal Year 2018/19.02.01 in the amount not to exceed $200,000.00

Trustee Fulmer moved, seconded by Trustee Peiler to approve the consent agenda, approve the regular Board minutes for May 17, 2018 and authorization to expend funds for Warrant Fiscal Year 2018/98.02.01 in the amount of $71,911.44 as presented. Roll Call: Ayes: Elliott, Fulmer, Peiler and Wardanian. Nays: None. Absent: Bardy And Nelson. Abstain: None. The motion carried.

New Business: Village Clerk Thomas and President Pro Tem Wardanian explained the budget amendment #FY19-01. The amendment is a request to move monies budgeted in the Capital Improvement Fund to cover the new Superintendent’s Salary/Benefits and Streets Vehicle Maintenance along with a request to move monies from the Water/Sewer Fund to General to cover the hiring of an Economic Developer. It was noted that no additional money is needed for these expenditures, it is only the reallocation of money from one fund line item to another.

Trustee Peiler moved, seconded by Trustee Elliott to approve Fiscal Year 2019 Budget Amendment#FY19-01 as presented as attached. Roll Call: Ayes: Elliott, Fulmer, Peiler And Wardanian. Nays: None. Absent: Bardy And Nelson. Abstain: None. The motion carried.

Department Reports:

Finance: President Pro Tem Wardanian reported that the committee met with Joyce McArdle regarding business recruitment. A contract will be presented to the Board for approval. The committee also met with the new Superintendent of Public Works to review his budget and projects.

Community Development: Trustee Elliott reported that the Memorial Day Event co-sponsored with the American Legion turned out well. The committee met with Jen Goebel regarding Richmond’s Night Out/Illinois Bicentennial Celebration scheduled for August 11th.

Police: The Chief distributed the monthly report for May 2018.

Public Works: None.

Engineering: None.

Village Clerk: Clerk Thomas reported that her parents donated the four (4) hanging baskets in the Downtown Business District at a cost of $300.00, which will free up money in the Streets budget. The Clerk announced that the Senior Program scheduled for Saturday, June 9th was cancelled due to lack of registration. She also reported that the IDOL conducted an OSHA inspection on Public Works buildings and findings will be provided to the Village President in writing within the next couple of weeks.

President’s Comments: None.

Trustee Comments: None.

Closed Session: None.

Action Resulting From Closed Session: None.

With no further business, Trustee Fulmer moved to adjourn the June 7, 2018 Regular Board Meeting, seconded by Trustee Peiler. Motion approved by voice vote.

Meeting adjourned at 7:22 p.m.
