
McHenry Times

Friday, January 31, 2025

McHenry County Staff Plat Review Committee met November 7.

Webp meeting372

McHenry County Staff Plat Review Committee met Nov. 7.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:


Meeting called to order at: 8:30 AM by Dennis Sandquist.

PRESENT: Colletti, Wallen, Boeckmann, Sandquist, Beets 

ABSENT : Ms. Kim Kolner was present representing the Planning and Zoning Division.



Staff Plat Review - Public Meeting - Oct 3, 2018 8:30 AM

Motion by Ms. Boeckmann, seconded by Mr. Beets to approve the minutes.



A. Chicago Title Land Trust Co. / Plote Construction Inc./Beverly Materials - Petition #18-042 - Renewal of Conditional Use Permit to Allow for Earch Extraction/Mining

Present on behalf of Petition Number 18-042 were: Dan Currran, Attorney Dave Zembrenn, General Manager of Beverly Materials

MCDOT - Ray Beets

Mr. Beets stated he did not have any comments. He noted they should contact Grafton Township.

Water Resources - Joanna Colletti

Ms. Colletti mentioned she had two items in regards to the site plan. Ms. Colletti would like to see the flood of record and the potential wetlands noted on the site plan.

Ms. Colletti pointed out that a mining permit will be required for the mining activities.

Building - Adam Wallen

Mr. Wallen noted there are two buildings on the property without permits, and both buildings will require permits.

Mr. Wallen stated the narrative does not discuss how many employees there are on site. He stated in order to review the requirements for the scale house or plumbing fixtures, we cannot gauge what the requirements are going to be.

It was decided that Mr. Wallen will go on a site visit with Mr. Zembrenn to determine the requirements regarding compliance to the plumbing code.

Department of Health - Kelli Boeckmann

Ms. Boeckmann stated any wells and any septics on the property need to be shown on the site plan including the monitoring wells.

If there is going to be toilet room, that would require either a septic permit or a health review.

Planning and Zoning - Kim Kolner

Ms. Kolner stated the roads will need to be labeled on the site plan.

Motion by Ms. Colletti, seconded by Mr. Wallen to approve Petition #18-042 for submission to the Zoning Board of Appeals subject to the revisions discussed today.

All members voted aye, motion passes.

B. SolAmericaEnergy,LLC/Franks-Petition#18-048-ConditionalUsePermitto Allow for a Solar Farm

Present on behalf of SolAmerica Energy was 

Ryan Peters, SolAmerica 

Mike Butler, TRC

MCDOT - Ray Beets

Mr. Beets noted this is on a township highway. The petitioner should contact the Coral Township Highway Commissioner.

Water Resources - Joanna Colletti

Ms. Colletti noted there may be additional wetlands on the property. She recommended the petitioner get a farmed wetland determination or a wetland delineation for the entire parcel within 100 feet of the limits of the project.

The historic flood plain needs to be put on the site plan.

A drain tile survey will be required as part of the permitting process.

Building - Adam Wallen

Mr. Wallen stated it appears the clear width of 20 feet of the access road has been met, but it may not be delineated around the entire site. The perimeter will also be required to have the clearance of the 20 feet access path.

Mr. Wallen explained that under the fire apparatus access road, Marengo Fire protection District has the dimensions and requirements for the suitability of the roads, and this requirement will be driven by them.

Mr. Wallen noted, in regards to the point of interconnection, the overhead poles, It should be noted which poles are ComEd's and which ones are the petitioners.

Planning and Zoning - Kim Kolner

Ms. Kolner stated that north of the site, screening needs to be provided up to 500 feet from the road right-of-way.

Health - Kelli Boeckmann

Ms. Boeckmann stated the well and septic for the existing house should be shown on the site plan.

Motion by Ms. Kolner, seconded by Mr. Wallen to approve the motion to approve Petition 18-048 site plan for submission to the Zoning Board of Appeals subject to the revisions discussed today.

All members voted aye, motion passed.

C. SolAmericaEnergy, LLC/Murray - Petition #18-049 - Conditional Use to Allow for a Solar Farm

Present on behalf of SolAmerica Energy was 

Ryan Peters, SolAmerica

Mike Butler, TRC

MCDOT - Ray Beets

Mr. Beets had no comments. The Heartland Township Highway Commissioner should be contacted.

Water Resources - Joanna Colletti

Ms. Colletti stated even though there are no flood hazard areas mapped on the property, there could be one based on the pond. If any portion of the project impacts a flood hazard area, a permit would be required.

Wetlands and buffers should be shown on the site plan.

Building - Adam Wallen

Mr. Wallen stated it looks like some of the panels may encroach into the 20 foot access path. The 20 foot clear access path should be labeled on the site plan. The petitioner should coordinate with the Marengo Fire District.

Planning and Zoning - Kim Kolner

Ms. Kolner stated the road frontage is screened, but the at the north and south of the site, the screening needs to be provided up to 500 feet from the road right -of-way.

Department of Health - Kelli Boeckman

No comments.

Motion by Ms. Boeckmann, seconded by Mr. Beets to approve petition #18-049 for submission to the Zoning Board of Appeals subject to the revisions discussed today. All members voted aye, motion passed.

D. SolAmericaEnergy,LLC/Walters-Petition#18-050-ConditionalUsepermitto Allow for a Solar Farm

Present on behalf of SolAmerica Energy was 

Ryan Peters, SolAmerica

Mike Butler, TRC

MCDOT - Ray Beets

Mr. Beets had no comments. This is

Water Resources - Joanna Colletti on an IDOT State route.

Ms. Colletti mentioned there are a few areas of concern. Even though there are no flood hazard areas mapped on the property, there could potentially be one based on the pond. It is away from the area where work is going to be done, but it could bleed into where the driveway is going.

If any portion of the project impacts flood hazard areas, permitting requirements would need to be met.

A Drain tile survey is required. It appears there is a high quality wetland mapped, and Ms. Colletti asked that the boundaries be shown on the site plan along with the buffers.

Ms. Collettii noted that NRCS may have on record farmed wetland determinations for these parcels. The owners or the leaser's would be the only ones who would be able to get those.

Building - Adam Wallen

The 20 foot path around the perimeter needs to be labeled. Mr. Wallen stated this would be under the

Mr. Wallen noted the third row of panels on the south/southwest side of the system appear to encroach on the clear width required for the fire apparatus access road.

This should be coordinated with the Woodstock Fire Protection District.

Planning and Zoning - Kim Kolner

Ms. Kolner noted a drain tile survey needs to be submitted.

Department of Health - Kelli Boeckmann

Ms. Boeckmann did not have any comments.

Motion by Mr. Beets, seconded by Ms. Colletti, to approve Petition #18-050 for submission to the Zoning Board of Appeals subject to the revisions discussed today.

All members voted aye, motion passed.

E. Borrego Solar Systems Inc./Hill Road Solar 1, LLC/Domenella - Petition # 189-053 - Conditional Use Permit to Allow for a Solar Farm

Present on behalf of Borrego Solar Systems: 

Melissa Samaroo

Justin Harat 

Kim Smith

MCDOT - Ray Beets

Mr. Beets did not have any comments. This is on a township road, and the petitioner should follow up with Richmond Township.

WATER RESOURCES - Joanna Colletti

Ms. Colletti stated it appears there is a drain tile outfall near the proposed entrance. She advised the petitioner to make sure they keep that in mind during construction.

The limits of the flood hazard area should be provided on the site plan.

If any re-grading needs to done in the flood plain area or if any fill is added will have to be compensated for in another area.

Planning and Zoning- Kim Kolner

Ms. Kolner stated the only comments she had is in regard to landscaping. Screening needs to be provided on 500 feet from the facility to the roadway on the south end of the site.

Building - Adam Wallen

Mr. Wallen stated they should coordinate with Richmond fire Protection District regarding the clear width of the gravel access road.

Mr. Wallen noted there is an 18-foot vehicle access gate, and that is required to be 20 feet wide up to the inverter.

The scope of work to be completed by ComEd should be delineated at the time of the permit application.

Department of Health - Kelli Boeckmann

Ms. Boeckmann stated the existing well location for the residence should be put on the site plan.

Motion by Mr. Beets, seconded by Ms. Kolner to approve Petition #18-053 for submission to the Zoning Board of Appeals subject to the revisions discussed today.

All members voted aye, motion passed.

F. OneEnergy Development, LLC/West Grant Development/Lobelia Solar – Petition #2018-051 - Conditional Use Permit to allow for a Solar Farm

Present on behalf of OneEnergy: 

Eric Udelhofen

MCDOT - Ray Beets

Mr. Beets did not have any comments. This is a township road.

Water Resources - Joanna Colletti

Ms. Colletti stated the limits of flood hazard areas and the flood of record should be shown on the site plan. The flood prone area should start where the FEMA flood hazard area stops, and this should be shown on the site plan.

The 100 foot floodplain buffer should be removed.

There could be potential be wetlands on the southern portion of the site. Wetlands and buffers should be added to the site plan.

A drain tile survey is required.

Building Comments - Adam Wallen

Mr. Wallen stated the clear access from the site is shown, but the perimeter is not specified. Any reductions from the 20 foot clear will come from the Harvard Fire Protection District.

The access road should be made from a suitable material.

Planning and Zoning - Kim Kolner

Ms. Kolner stated she did not find anything in the narrative regarding the requirements for glare. This information should be noted prior to going before the ZBA.

Department of Health - Kelli Boeckmann

Ms. Boeckmann did not have any comments. They will review the Health Department records and add any information that is required.

Motion by Mr. Wallen, seconded by Ms. Boeckmann to approve the site plan for submission to the Zoning Board of Appeals subject to the revisions discussed today.

All members voted aye, motion passed.

G. OneEnergy Development, LLC/Wdstk 1st Natl Bk Tr 2325/Groundhog Solar Petition #2018-052 -Conditional Use Permit to allow for a Solar Farm (with Reclassification from E1-A1)

Present on behalf of OneEnergy: 

Eric Udelhofen

Water Resources - Joanna Colletti

Ms. Colletti stated a drain tile survey will be required.

The plan does not show a proposed impervious calculation.

MCDOT - Ray Beets

No Comments. The property is on a township road.

Building - Adam Wallen

Mr. Wallen as far as the perimeter, there are a lot of jogs, Any pinch points should be noted on the site plan, as well as the 20 foot clear access.

Planning and Zoning - Kim Kolner

Ms. Kolner did not have any comments in regards to the site plan.

Department of Health - Kelli Boeckmann

Ms. Boeckmann asked if there was a trailer on the property. It was noted everything has been removed.

Ms. Boeckmann stated she will research and see if there are any old wells on the property.

Motion by Mr. Wallen, seconded by Ms. Kolner to approve Petition #18-052 for submission to the Zoning Board of Appeals subject to the revisions discussed today.

All members voted aye, motion passed.


Ms. Kolner noted the majority of items have been e-mailed, reviewed and scheduled.

IPS had 2 submissions months ago, and they have now been scheduled.



Motion by Mr. Beets, seconded by Ms. Colletti to adjourn. All members voted aye, motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 10:13 a.m.
