
McHenry Times

Friday, January 31, 2025

Village of McCullom Lake Board met October 9

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Village of McCullom Lake Board met Oct. 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

President Shepit called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call: By the Village Clerk, Sherri L. Messina

Present: President Shepit, Attorney Shaw, Trustees Bogacz, Fritz, Given, Matthesius, Mazurek, Walter.

Minutes: Trustee Matthesius made a motion to approve the minutes; seconded by Trustee Walter. Voice vote: Bogacz, Fritz, Given, Matthesius, Mazurek, Walter=ayes. All in favor, motion carried.

Bills: Trustee Matthesius made a motion to pay the bills; seconded by Trustee Fritz. Voice vote: Bogacz, Fritz, Given, Matthesius, Mazurek, Walter=ayes. All in favor, motion carried.

Roads: Trustee Walter brought up that the AT&T projects on Spring still have their orange fencing up in multiple locations. President Shepit will give them another call.

Communications: Trustee Matthesius brought up hall rentals and that Township has a clause in their rental agreement about charges for additional clean-up fees for glitter and confetti since glitter is very had to get out of fabric on the chairs. She thought that we might want to incorporate that in to our hall rental agreements. She does have a partial copy that Township gave her concerning glitter and confetti.

Audience: Cindy - Pizza with the Police. The event was a huge success! There were about 102 people that came out including other Police Departments from the surrounding areas. She was very happy about the turnout. Officer McCulloch brought up that pictures of the event can be seen on The Police departments Facebook page.

Cindy also brought up that she had concerns for her neighbors because there was an incident that happened and when he was told to leave he didn't take it well and she felt that maybe the approach that was taken towards him could have been handled differently. President Shepit replied that that issue was going to be addressed.

Glen Gates also enjoyed pizza with the Police. He has a concern about the manhole on Orchard right down from the Village hall that is really getting bad and needs to be address before something happens. President Shepit will have Paul come out tomorrow and take care of it.

Kerry Neff addressed the collage that he has full of Village memorabilia and jf the Village was interested in it to please come by and get it or if not to please let him know. Trustee Given and Trustee Fritz will coordinate something to retrieve it and have it brought to the Village Hall.

Trustee Walter brought up snowplowing for this year's season and was reminded that we had already talked to Township about doing our roads again.

New Business: Pay Request # 2 (Final) For Vian Construction of $4575.55. Trustee Bogacz made a motion for the final pay request to Vian Construction; seconded by Trustee Given. Voice vote: Bogacz, Fritz, Given, Matthesius, Mazurek, Walter=ayes. All in favor, motion carried.

IEPA - Final Loan Closing Amendment - This is for our Wastewater Project that started in October of 2002 and that the funds used on the project were specifically used for the Wastewater Project. Our final repayment due date is May 01, 2023 this needs to be signed and returned to the IEPA in Springfield by November 21, 2018. The IEPA was a little behind in sending this out and we should have received this about fifteen (15) years ago. Trustee Matthesius made a motion for the Final Loan Closing Amendment to be signed; seconded by Trustee Fritz. Voice vote: Bogacz, Fritz, Given, Matthesius, Mazurek,

Walter= ayes. All in favor, motion carried.

President shepit asked for a motion top adjourn for an Emergency Executive Session meeting for Personnel reasons. Trustee Bogacz made a motion to adjourn the regular board meeting at 7:26 P.M. to go into the Emergency Executive Session meeting for Personnel reasons; seconded by Trustee Mazurek. Voice vote: Bogacz, Fritz, Given, Matthesius, Mazurek, Walter=ayes. All in favor, motion carried.

President Shepit made a motion to reconvene to the regular board meeting at 7:50 P.M. Roll Call: By the Village Clerk, Sherri L. Messina. Present: President Shepit, Attorney Shaw, Trustees Bogacz, Fritz, Given, Matthesius, Mazurek, Walter.


President Shepit stated that it needs to be noted in the minutes that Linda Durbin is to be removed from all signature cards on all of our bank accou nts since sh e is no longer employed with the Village. Lori is workin g on changing all passwords and there will be some new applicants interviewed for Linda's posi t ion this week. All o f the board members agreed to have Linda removed from all Signatures cards to the Village's bank accounts. Trustee Matthesius stated that when we get around to the grant it's going to have to be amended because she is listed on that.

The Chili Cook Off is October 20th at 4:00 P.M. and there is a signup sheet in the office. There will be a bonfire afterwards where there will be free Hot Dogs, chips and water.

McHenry County Chaos Bingo fundraiser will be November 4th, 2018 at 12:00 P.M.

Trustee Bogacz made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:53 P.M.; seconded by Trustee Bogacz. Voice vote: Bogacz, Fritz, Given, Matthesius, Mazurek, Walter = ayes. All in favor, motion carried.
