City of Crystal Lake Planning & Zoning Commission met July 17.
Here is the minutes provided by the commission:
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Hayden at 7:30 p.m. On roll call, members Esposito, Goss, Jouron, Philpot, Skluzacek, and Hayden were present. Mr. Greenman was absent.
Elizabeth Maxwell, City Planner, and Katie Cowlin, Assistant City Planner, were present from Staff.
Mr. Hayden asked those in attendance to rise to say the Pledge of Allegiance. He led those in attendance in the Pledge.
Mr. Hayden stated that this meeting was being televised now, as well as, recorded for future playback on the City’s cable station. He added to please use the sign in sheets in the rear of the Chambers and he will call the names from the list for anyone who wishes to speak.
Mr. Jouron moved to approve the minutes from the July 3, 2019 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting as presented. Mr. Skluzacek seconded the motion. On roll call, all members present voted aye. Motion passed.
2019-100 COVENTRY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – 820 Darlington Ln. – PUBLIC HEARING Special Use Permit for an Elementary School, allowing an addition to Coventry School.
Mr. Hayden stated that the sign had been posted. He said the surrounding property owners were notified and the Certificate of Publication was in the file. Mr. Hayden waived the reading of the legal notice without objection.
Dave Schuh, Director of Operations for District 47, Jason Lembke and Corrie White, both with DLR Group, and Jason Green, with WT Group were present to represent the petition. Mr. Lembke said School District 47 is required to assess their facilities and there were issues identified with Coventry School including fire exiting and undersized classrooms.
Ms. White showed the site plan noting the additions over the years. Currently, the area for the addition is a courtyard. The addition will house a library media center, class rooms, and meeting rooms, which will free up some space in the existing building. The addition will be within the existing buildings footprint. The memorial pavers and bench seating will be moved to a new location and landscaping will be added. Ms. White showed the rendering of the addition, which takes the design from the existing building. The height of the addition will be same as the 2001 addition.
Mr. Green said the property is zoned “R-2” and the surrounding properties are the same. The height of the building is 19 feet 8 inches, which is within the requirements for zoning district. The memorial pavers will be moved to the front of the school along with the flag pole and sidewalk. He asked the members if he should review the Special Use Permit Findings of Fact. Mr. Hayden asked the members if the petitioner needed to review the Findings of Fact. The members felt this request meets all of the items listed in the staff report.
Eloise Cooper, 770 Darlington, said she has lived there for 33 years. Ms. Cooper asked if just the courtyard is changing. Ms. White said yes. Ms. Cooper said she is concerned with the lighting on the building. It shines into the park and not onto the building. It is very bright and shines into her home. She asked if the temporary classrooms will be removed since they are very close to her home.
There was no one else in the public who wished to comment on this request. The public portion was closed at this time.
Mr. Green said the only additional lighting on the building will be at the entrance to the addition. The flagpole will not be illuminated since the flag is taken down at night. Mr. Schuh said they will check the existing lighting. They were not aware of the issue and it will be taken care of.
Mr. Goss asked if there is an increase in enrolment. Mr. Lembke said the growth already occurred in the school and this addition will allow the students more room to maneuver.
Mr. Skluzacek asked about the temporary classrooms. Mr. Lembke said they were approved as a temporary use permit by City Council with a specific date they need to be removed by.
Mr. Jouron said the School District did a good job expanding the school.
Both Mr. Philpot and Mr. Esposito are in support of the request.
Mr. Hayden asked if the petitioner had any concerns with the recommended conditions in staff report. Mr. Lembke said they have met with Fire Rescue and Police. They do not have any concerns with the conditions listed in the staff report. Mr. Hayden said he has never seen a petition come before them that meet all of the Findings of Fact like this request. They are not even questionable. Mr. Hayden thanked the School District for doing what is right for both students, neighbors and tax payers.
Mr. Goss moved to approve the Special Use Permit for an Elementary School, allowing an addition to Coventry School at 820 Darlington Lane with the following conditions:
1. Approved plans, reflecting staff and advisory board recommendations, as approved by the City Council:
A. Application (WT Group, received 06/13/19)
B. EngineeringPlans(WTGroup,dated04/15/19,received06/13/19)
C. ElevationRenderings(DLRGroup,undated,received06/13/19)
D. Boundary and Topographic Survey (WT Group, dated 01/29/19, received 06/13/19)
2. The petitioner must address all of the review comments and requirements of the Community Development, Fire Rescue, Police, and Public Works Departments.
Mr. Esposito seconded the motion. On roll call, all members voted aye. Motion passed.
Ms. Maxwell discussed the items that were reviewed by the City Council and what will be on the agenda for the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on the July 29, 2019 Special Meeting.
Mr. Philpot said he attended the City Council meeting the night before and a person who had received approval for a special event was asking about the off premises signs he was requested to remove. Mr. Philpot asked for clarification. Mr. Goss said off premises signs are not allowed in the City. Mr. Jouron said garage sales are allowed only a certain number and at a specific distance from the garage sale. Mr. Esposito said even the Knights of Columbus with their annual Christmas Tree Sale has only one sign on the property. So it is not just for private businesses but also non-profits.
Mr. Skluzacek asked how many garage sales are allowed in a year. Ms. Maxwell said three. Mr. Skluzacek said there is one property he goes by frequently that holds a garage sale a couple of times a month. It seems that it is more a business than just a garage sale.
Mr. Hayden asked about yard signage for churches, schools, etc. for fund raisers or businesses performing work on a residence. Ms. Maxwell said typically residential properties are allowed a 3 square-foot sign while the work is done. If the owner has a business in the home, they can have that sign up all the time. She added that off premise signage is not allowed. It is the same for non-profits as it is for everyone else. Ms. Maxwell added that the person at the City Council meeting has a special event permit that was approved by City Council with the restriction on the signage allowed.
There were no other comments from the Commissioners. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.