
McHenry Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Mccullom Lake Village Board met October 8

Meeting 05

Village of Mccullom Lake Village Board met Oct. 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

President Shepit called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call: By the Village Clerk, Sherri L. Messina

Present: President Shepit, Trustees Bogacz, Fritz, Given, Matthesius, Mazurek, Walter.

Absent: Attorney Shaw

Minutes: Trustee Matthesius made a motion to approve the minutes with minor corrections; seconded by Trustee Bogacz. Voice vote: Bogacz, Fritz, Given, Matthesius, Mazurek, Walter=ayes. All in favor, motion carried.

Bills: Trustee Matthesius made a motion to pay the bills; seconded by Trustee Mazurek. Voice vote: Bogacz, Fritz, Given, Matthesius, Mazurek, Walter=ayes. All in favor, motion carried.

Roads: Trustee Walter mentioned that the tractor is still broke down. President Shepit replied that the part is still not in yet for it to be fixed. Trustee Walter also mentioned that there is still a driveway on Spring Road that is not paved yet. President Shepit is aware of that and the resident has a year to get it completed.

Communications: President Shepit received the annual bill from the Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association for insurance. They are pleased to announce that their fees have not gone up. There are three (3) options for payment on this bill. This will be added to the next meeting’s agenda for approval and which payment option will be chosen.

President Shepit also received a letter from the McHenry County Planning and Development concerning McHenry County Stormwater Management Permits in Non-Certified Communities. Apparently some Village’s have issued building permits without obtaining a stormwater management permit from the County. There is somewhat of a mandatory meeting that needs to be attended and Deputy Clerk Prehn and Building Inspector Turner will be the ones attending on our Village’s behalf. There are two (2) dates set aside for these meetings and they only have to attend one. The dates are Tuesday, October 15 or Wednesday, October 16, 2019.

Audience: Glenn Gates inquired about a building permit for his roof. Deputy Clerk Prehn said he can come to the Village office and see her for one. Deputy Clerk Prehn mentioned that Chief Beatty said there is a bunch of interest for our upcoming Pizza with Police at the Knoll on October 11, 2019. Chief Beatty is also asking about looking into removing trailers stickers from our Ordinance. Clerk Messina will contact Attorney Shaw and let him know about it. Chief Beatty would like this to be added to the next meeting’s agenda. Deputy Clerk Prehn also had in her notes that yes the part for the broken down tractor is still on backorder. Deputy Clerk Prehn and Justin have had their first training on the Portal for collecting past due ticket violations. They entered 168 tickets and have already had seven (7) hits. They have three (3) more training sessions to go. The bid opening for the ADA door project is Friday, October 18, 2019 at 12:00 P.M.

Cindy - One week from today is Pizza with Police at the Knoll. Star 105.5 is promoting it and the Chicago Tribune had an article to promote it as well. Trustee Walter mentioned maybe looking into having signs put up for special event parking and look into having more places available to park. President Shepit replied that she and Chief Beatty have already been discussing parking.

New Business: Approve Annual Audit – Treasurer Brandt stated that the auditor is not completely finished with his entries. Trustee Bogacz made a motion to remove this from the agenda until we are given notice that it is ready to be presented; seconded by Trustee Fritz. Voice vote: Bogacz, Fritz, Given, Matthesius, Mazurek, Walter=ayes. All in favor, motion carried.

Approve Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance – Trustee Fritz made a motion to table this until the next board meeting seconded by Trustee Walter. Bogacz, Fritz, Given, Matthesius, Mazurek, Walter=ayes. All in favor, motion carried.


Class Action Lawsuit on Opiodes – The board was to think about this and if we chose to opt out it needs to be filed by November 22, 2019. Trustee Walter made a motion to table this until the next board meeting; seconded by Trustee Given. Voice vote: Bogacz, Fritz, Given, Matthesius, Mazurek, Walter=ayes. All in favor, motion carried.

Permit Fees – Trustee Fritz brought up that Building Inspector Turner has looked over our lists of permits and has made some changes on fees and possibly removing some. The board has been asked to look at these fees and if there’s any questions or changes to please either contact Trustee Fritz or Trustee Mazurek.

Neighbors Helping Neighbors has their Chili Cook Off at 5:00 P.M. and bonfire (weather permitting) at 6:30 P.M. on Saturday October 19, 2019. There will be hot dogs and water available.

Trustee Bogacz made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 P.M.; seconded by Trustee Mazurek. Voice vote: Bogacz, Fritz, Given, Matthesius, Mazurek, Walter=ayes. All in favor, motion carried.

The next board meeting will be October 22, 20
