Village of Mccullom Lake President and Board of Trustees met Dec. 10.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call: By the Village Clerk, Sherri L. Messina
Present: President Shepit, Trustees Bogacz, Fritz, Given, Matthesius, Mazurek, Walter.
Absent: Attorney Shaw
Minutes: Trustee Matthesius made a motion to approve the minutes with one minor correction; seconded by Trustee Fritz. Voice vote: Bogacz, Fritz, Given, Matthesius, Walter=ayes. Mazurek=abstained. Motion carried.
Bills: Trustee Fritz made a motion to pay the bills; seconded by Trustee Given.
Voice vote: Bogacz, Fritz, Given, Matthesius, Mazurek, Walter=ayes. All in favor, motion carried.
Parks: Trustee Given received a bunch of seeds donated by Neighbors Helping Neighbors for the Community garden for next year.
New Business: Approve Annual Tax Levy 2019 -2020 - Trustee Bogacz made a motion to approve Ordinance #524 Annual Tax Levy 2019 - 2020; seconded by Trustee Fritz. Voice vote: Bogacz, Fritz, Given, Matthesius, Mazurek, Walter=ayes. All in favor, motion carried.
Swear in Officer Lucian Tessmann: Clerk Messina swore in Officer Tessman.
Discussion: Trustee Fritz stated that Christmas caroling went great! Trustee Bogacz mentioned that the Annual Children’s Christmas Party was a great turnout with 85 children. Some residents in the community had no idea that this event goes on each year despite it being advertised on the Village sign by Gate 1 and the email blast that goes out for it. Not sure how else to get the word out. Trustee Matthesius noticed that some people were still raking leaves to the side of the road when she believes leaf pickup has already been done. Lori will call our waste hauler to verify that.
Toys for Tots – If anyone knows of anyone in need of toys for Christmas please see Trustee Fritz. Also if any Christmas dinners are needed the names need to be turned in by this Friday.
Trustee Bogacz made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 P.M.; seconded by Trustee Walter. Voice vote: Bogacz, Fritz, Given, Matthesius, Mazurek, Walter=ayes. All in favor, motion carried.