Harvard Community Unit School District 50 Board of Education Finance Committee met May 20.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of January 15, 2020 Meeting Minutes
4. Old Business
a. Tuition reimbursement for non-union confidential employees and administration (Tafoya)
b. Liability Insurance RFP (Prombo & Jon Tomek, Insurance Consultant)
5. New Business
a. CARES Act revenue planning
b. Registration Fees for 2020-21 (estimated)
$250,000 Registration WAIVE
$37,000 Extracurricular (athletics, music, wood shop, FFA, Clubs, etc) WAIVE
$6,510 AP Test Fee WAIVE
$36,200 Drivers ed fee behind the wheel DO NO NOT WAIVE
$10,925 Parking space fee DO NOT WAIVE
$ 8,033 Damages (i.e. Chromebook) DO NOT WAIVE
c. FY21 stipends
d. Negotiations
e. Contract Extension for 2 years for MDC Waste Disposal @ CPI (Prombo)
f. Contingency for Communications position
g. Bills Payable Questions
6. Next Meeting Date and Time
7. Adjourn