
McHenry Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Marengo City Council met June 8


City of Marengo City Council met June 8.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Public Comment - Interested parties are invited to speak for two minutes. Any person wishing to address the City Council must approach the podium, be recognized by the Mayor, and provide their name for the record. 

4. Approval of Minutes - May 26, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes 

5. Approval of the List of Bills - Motion to approve the list of bills in the amount of $140,928.24

6. Proclamation

a. Proclamation recognizing June as Pride month 

7. New Business

a. Motion to approve a resolution for motor fuel tax obligation retirement for FY 20/21

b. Motion to approve a resolution for motor fuel tax maintenance expenses for FY 20/21 

8. Mayor's Statements and Reports 

9. Department Head and Staff Reports 

10. Reports and Statements from City Council 

11. Executive Session to discuss pending litigation pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/20 (11). Due to the COVID 19, this executive session will be conducted by telephone. The City Council will be provided a separate call in number for the purposes of executive session. No final action will be taken during or after the executive session. 

12. Adjournment
