
McHenry Times

Thursday, December 19, 2024

City of McHenry Police Pension Board of Trustees met July 21

City of McHenry Police Pension Board of Trustees met July 21.

Here is the agenda provided by the baord:

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Public Input

4. Call for Nominations and Motion to Approve Annual Election of Board of Officers

5. Meeting Minutes

a. Approve the May 12, 2020, regular meeting minutes and the June 5, 2020, special meeting minutes

b. Semi-Annual Review of Executive Session Minutes and if necessary, motion to approve, release, and/or maintain the confidentiality of any minutes based on advice from legal counsel as presented

6. Report of Investments and Accounts:

a. Presentation and motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report

b. LPL Financial Equities Report

c. Capital Gains Inc. Fixed Assets Report

7. New Business:

a. Approve Joseph Lazicki portability request

b. Motion to accept the annual independent Medical Examination for Police Disability Pensioner Sean Klechak

c. Motion to approve proposed actuarial services from Lauterbach & Amen through April 30, 2020

d. Motion to approve the Fiduciary Renewal Quote from Markel American Insurance Company

8. Unfinished Business:

a. Motion to approve the payment of bills

b. Discussion of issuing bonds to pay off the unfunded liability for the Police Pension Fund

9. Additional Items for Discussion

10. Adjournment
