Harvard Community Unit School District 50 Board of Education met Aug. 23.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Present: Julie Lehmann, Mindy Shafer, Sharon McMillan, Sandra Theriault, Richard Crosby, Hugo Roldan
Also Present: Dr. Tafoya, Dr. Larson
Via Zoom: Michael Prombo
Recognition of visitors is a time for community members and District employees to express a point of view, not to debate an issue. There will be a sign-up sheet for the public to identify their name, address, phone number, name of the organization you represent (if any) and a brief description of the topic to be addressed. The public can submit public comments electronically to the Board of Education through the following email address: publiccomments@cusd50.org. Written comments will be read aloud at the meeting. A member of the District 50 administrative staff will follow up with you within 48 hours of this meeting to determine if you would like to discuss the issue further. Comments are generally limited to 3 minutes (See Board Policy 2:230)
A. SUPERINTENDENT RECOMMENDATION: "I move to approve Edmentum's Order Number Q-183959 in the amount of $60,731.25 for Exact Path and Study Island for Richard D. Crosby Elementary School and Jefferson Elementary School, for the 2020-21 school year, and Order Number Q-283237 in the amount of $85,105.00 for Exact Path and Courseware for Harvard Junior High School and Courseware for Harvard High School, with license dates of August 1, 2020 - July 31, 2021, as presented."
Motion: Theriault
Second: Crosby
Aye: Theriault Crosby, Roldan, Shafer, McMillan, Lehmann
Nay: None
Absent: Duber
Aye – 6, Nay – 0
Motion Carried
B. SUPERINTENDENT RECOMMENDATION: "I move to approve Edmentum's Order Number Q-183959 in the amount of $60,731.25 for Exact Path and Study Island for Richard D. Crosby Elementary School and Jefferson Elementary School, for the 2021-22 school year, and Order Number Q-283237 in the amount of $75,583.50 for Exact Path and Courseware for Harvard Junior High School and Courseware for Harvard High School, with license dates of August 1, 2021 - July 31, 2022, as presented."
Note: It was determined that Edmentum 2021-22 would be tabled until further details can be explained to the Board. It was also determined that a Junior High teacher present their Edmentum findings at the October Board meeting, as well as presenting videos of other grade levels at future Board meetings. Having more curriculum presentations at Board meetings going forward was was discussed.