
McHenry Times

Monday, February 24, 2025

McHenry Community High School District 156 Board of Education Met August 17

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McHenry Community High School District 156 Board of Education met Aug. 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

President Gary Kinshofer read the following statement: This meeting is being held in person in the West Campus Cafeteria. Following social distancing requirements, there will be limited seating and gathering limitations in accordance with CDC guidelines. Public comment will be taken as normal during the meeting. In addition, public comment will be accepted via email to mctagueryan@dist156.org prior to the meeting. Comments submitted by email will be read aloud during the public comment portion of the meeting.

I. Call to Order and Roll Call

The meeting is called to order at 7:17 p.m.

Members Present: Amanda Lobbins, Nicole Morrow, Pat Arnold, Ron Fischer, Dawn Bremer, Timothy Hying, Gary Kinshofer

Members Absent: None

Others Present: Superintendent Ryan McTague; CFO/CSBO Dave Lawson; Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction Carl Vallianatos; Director of Human Resources and Compliance Julia Pontarelli; and East Campus Principal Jeffry Prickett.

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Changes /Additions to theAgenda

Addendum to the Personnel Report

IV. Audience to Visitors Who Wish to Address the Board of Education

Comments – No audience present and no messages sent via email to Dr. McTague

V. Board Presentation MCHS Digital Learning Plan

Carl Vallianatos overviewed the MCHS Digital Learning Plan 2.0. Over the summer District 156 worked hard to develop our Hybrid Learning Model to bring students back for in-person instruction and we also revamped our fully digital or remote learning plan. We will begin the year with our remote or digital leaning plan however, we are ready to “flip the switch” at short notice if conditions on the ground allow us to move to our hybrid learning model.

Our teachers have created a high-quality curriculum over the summer, that is fully remote. There is a structured schedule with synchronous connection daily with teachers. Student will have four classes per day for an hour and can access digital office hours in the morning and afternoon. Under this model the district we will return to our normal grading practices prior to the pandemic, which means students will be accountable for deadlines and keeping up with course work. Students will be able to access all their learning materials in our Schoology learning management system (LMS0 including; course units, assignments, videos, and asynchronous activities.

Students will begin classes with a video meeting (real-time connections), and at that time teachers will take attendance. Our intervention and attendance teams will continue to ensure students are staying on track, fully engaging in digital coursework, and providing academic assistance for struggling students. Parents will have the same access to view courses, assignments, grades, missing work and calendars in Schoology. Final exams have been eliminated in the first semester, however it will not impact our school calendar or the first and last day of the school year.

We have been striving for 100% WIFI connectivity and have hotspots available for families with limited or no internet access. We are planning for limited in-person learning for student who require special services, additional support, or for identified courses. The district purchased additional recording and video equipment, to share with teachers among their divisions. The Digital Learning Coaches have worked hard over the summer and during our digital planning days to make sure “all” teachers are confident and fully prepared to engage students in the Digital Learning process. The schools will continue to communicate with parents and students. For more information please see the following link: https://core- docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/865380/Digital_Learning_Plan_- _Board_Presentation_August_17__2020.pdf

VI. Consent Agenda

• Approve Personnel Report (Addendum)

• Approve Minutes of the July 20, 2020 Finance Committee Meeting

• Approve Minutes of the July 20, 2020 Board of Education Meeting Open Session

• Destruction of Voice Recordings from July, 2018 – December, 2018

• Approve Financial Reports

• Approve Payment of Monthly Bills and Payroll

A motion was made by Ms. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Arnold to approve the consent agenda.

Upon the motion being put to a roll-call vote, members of the Board of Education voted as follows: AYES: Mr. Kinshofer, Ms. Bremer, Mr. Hying, Mrs. Lobbins, Mr. Fischer, Mrs. Morrow, Mr. Arnold Whereupon the President ruled the motion carried.

VII. Business

• Preliminary Budget Update 2020 – 2021 (Discussion)

Mr. Lawson prepared the July preliminary budget on the premise that D156 students would return to the building for in-person instruction. This is a fluid situation and although we are currently remote leaning we may bring students back at some point this year. Therefore, we will budget and plan for the full in-person scenario for the year with the understanding that we may realize savings associated with any time spent remote learning.

The budget is 96 -98% completed. We have some last-minute new hires and we expect a few more, however these are minor adjustments. On September 14, there will be a Committee of the Whole Meeting to finalize the 20-21 budget. Mr. Lawson does not foresee any drastic changes or any other adjustments that will prevent him from having the complete budget ready for our next committee meeting for Board members to review. The Board will approve the final budget at the September 21st Board meeting and if approved the final budget will be submitted with the ISBE on September 24th.

We also successfully completed our annual financial audit. No significant findings were indicated and no management letter was issued. The auditors will present their final report to the Board in November or • Second Reading Board Policies (Press Issue 104) (Discussion/Action)

Dr. McTague stated that the majority of the policies presented for approval are rewrites, updates, style changes, or updated footnotes of existing policies. Majority of the new polices focus on pandemic preparedness as a result of COVID-19 and reflect changes to the Open Meetings Act. The OMA amendments address Board meetings in open or closed sessions by audio or video conference without the physical presence of a quorum as long as the Board meets certain statutory conditions.

A motion was made by Mr. Hying, seconded by Mr. Fischer to adopt the new or revised policies (Press Plus 104) as presented.

Upon the motion being put to a roll-call vote, members of the Board of Education voted as follows: AYES: Mr. Kinshofer, Ms. Bremer, Mr. Hying, Mrs. Lobbins, Mr. Fischer, Mrs. Morrow, Mr. Arnold Whereupon the President ruled the motion carried.

• Student Activities Recommendations 2020-2021 (Discussion / Action)

Student Activates Recommendations were postponed from last month’s agenda to give the Board members more time to review.

Student activities and clubs are evaluated every year by the administration and student activities committees. Student clubs help connect students to their school and provide engaging opportunities beyond athletics or co-curricular programing. Clubs will continue to remain active in a digital or in- person format throughout the year no matter our learning model.

The following pilot clubs have been recommended to move to full club status this year: Math Team, Cyber Security and the Book Club. Clubs not supported to move from pilot status is the FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America). For the 2020 – 2021 School year, the administration recommends the following activities to be considered for pilot clubs: Robotics and Drone Club, Newspaper, Science Olympiad, Digital Production. Pilot clubs to repeat for next year are: Ted Ed, Intramural Volleyball and Intramural Basketball. Due to Covid-19 these pilots have not had a chance to launch during the 19-20 school year. Additional recommendations were made to change Level stipends for Powder Puff Coaches and to add an additional position for Warrior Buddies. Change the name of A.C.T. to the McHenry Activism Club, move the Garden Club and SubElement to a lower level status and suspend /repurpose Operation Click, St. Baldrick’s and WYSE stipends (due to Covid-19).

A motion was made by Mrs. Lobbins, seconded by Mr. Fischer to approve the 2020 – 2021 Student Activities as suggested.

Upon the motion being put to a roll-call vote, members of the Board of Education voted as follows: AYES: Mr. Kinshofer, Ms. Bremer, Mr. Hying, Mrs. Lobbins, Mr. Fischer, Mrs. Morrow, Mr. Arnold Whereupon the President ruled the motion carried.

• Memorandum of Understanding: ESP Elimination of Part-Time Break (Discussion/Action) Mrs. Pontarelli explained that the McHenry H.S. Education Support Personnel (MHSESP) leadership approached the Administration to modify Article VI, Section M-Duty-Free Meal Break of the Collective Bargaining agreement. A part-time employee working less than a 6-hour day, was entitled to a 20- minute, unpaid break. This provision has caused confusion and most of the ESP staff have elected not to take this break. Illinois Labor Law requires employees who work 7 1⁄2 continuous hours or more shall be provided a meal period of at least 20 minutes and the meal period must be given to an employee no later than 5 hours after work begins. The modification of this provision does not violate any Illinois Labor Laws associated with meal periods.

A motion was made by Mr. Arnold, seconded by Mr. Hying to approve the Memorandum of Understanding with the McHenry High School Educational Support Personnel Union regarding Article VI, Section M – Duty-Free Meal Break.

Upon the motion being put to a roll-call vote, members of the Board of Education voted as follows: AYES: Mr. Kinshofer, Ms. Bremer, Mr. Hying, Mrs. Lobbins, Mr. Fischer, Mrs. Morrow, Mr. Arnold Whereupon the President ruled the motion carried.

• Digital Learning Resolution (Discussion/Action)

Dr. McTague explained, that in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, the reopening plan resolution requires Board approval in respect to the opening and operation of the District’s offices, facilities, programs and schools for the 2020 – 2021 school year. This resolution gives the Superintendent the flexibility to modify learning plans or models if conditions on the ground should change. This resolution also strengthens our tort immunity, and eliminates the need to change individual Board policies based on a remote or hybrid instructional model.

A motion was made by Mr. Hying, seconded by Mr. Arnold to approve the School Reopening Plan Resolution for the 2020 – 2021 school year.

Upon the motion being put to a roll-call vote, members of the Board of Education voted as follows: AYES: Mr. Kinshofer, Ms. Bremer, Mr. Hying, Mrs. Lobbins, Mr. Fischer, Mrs. Morrow, Mr. Arnold Whereupon the President ruled the motion carried.

VIII. Board Committee Reports

• Executive Planning - Next meeting scheduled for August 31, 2020 at 6:00pm.

• Finance – Tonight we discussed Preliminary Budget and on September 14th we will discuss the Proposed Final Budget, which will be a Committee of the Whole.

• Facilities – Tennis courts are completed. The East campus bus lane and the sidewalks on the East side of the building have been repaved. Stadium lighting installation and paving have also been completed at McCracken Field.

IX. Superintendent / BOE President Report

Comments – Dr. McTague – We are ready to open school on Wednesday to our students. Staff members have been training for the past 4 days and they are excited and ready to engage our students in remote digital instruction. We will be looking for opportunities to bring a limited number of student’s groups back to the buildings for extra support, special services, student activities, or identified courses throughout the remote learning period. We are confident that will provide our families with a high level of academic instruction and support throughout the school year no matter the setting or circumstance. We are very happy to have our teachers and support staff back in the building and we are ready to serve our school community. On behalf of our teachers, staff, and administrators we are wishing everyone the very best for the new school year!

Comments – Mr. Kinshofer - None

X. Informational Items


XI. Adjournment

A motion was made by Mr. Arnold seconded by Mr. Fischer to adjourn at 8:12 p.m. The motion carried unanimously.
