Village of Johnsburg Village Board met Nov. 5
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Acting Chair Kevin McEvoy called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Village Hall.
President Hettermann (absent)
Trustee Greg Klemstein
Trustee McEvoy
Trustee Josh Hagen
Trustee Tom Curry
Trustee Frost
Trustee Beth Foreman
Attorney Michael Smoron
Police Chief Keith VonAllmen
Assistant Administrator Vinny Lamontagna
AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION - Cheryl Markunas attended to express concern with young children riding on golf carts without seatbelts or sitting on their parent’s lap. Ms. Markunas remarked that she thought golf carts were only going to be permitted to drive on the streets but she has observed many ATV’s driving recklessly on the road. She stated that it is not safe and asked if something could be done. Acting Chairman McEvoy and Trustee Curry concurred. Trustee Frost stated that the Ordinance Committee is going to be looking into additional regulations related to none highway vehicles. Ms. Markunas suggested that the Village required license plates on golf carts too.
OMNIBUS AGENDA – Trustee Frost moved to approve the Omnibus Agenda. Trustee Hagen seconded the motion. All Trustees present voted aye on the roll. Motion carried.
∙ Move to approve the minutes of the October 20, 2020 Regular Meeting of the President and Board of Trustees
∙ Move to approve Ordinance 20-21-16 Granting a variance to Section 7.1-7, Accessory Buildings and Structures to permit a detached garage with a height of 12 feet to the eaves in lieu of the otherwise permitted height of 10 feet. Said variance is to accommodate a detached garage measuring 12 feet in height which was recently constructed on the JM CM Rev Liv TR Bratek property, commonly known as 5519 Dakota Ridge (Pulled)
∙ Move to approve Ordinance 20-21-17 Granting an Amendment to Ordinance 18-19-10 An Ordinance Granting a Conditional Use Permit to Allow for Outside Storage of Vehicles and Equipment with Screening for the Property; and Granting a Variance to Section 7.2-3(D) of the Johnsburg Zoning Ordinance for the property commonly known as 5707 Weatherstone Way, Johnsburg, Illinois (Tabled to November 17, 2020)
∙ Move to approve a Settlement Agreement between the Village of Johnsburg and Lighthouse Church subject to and contingent upon Pastor Lindwall being added as a party and signatory.
General Fund $ 249,169.15
Land and Building $ 8,444.50
Waterworks & Sewage Fund $ 9,629.22
Golf Course $
Debt Service/SSA Fund $ 1,687.50
Motor Fuel Fund (MFT)$
Total All Funds $ 268,930.37
ORDINANCE 20-21-16 BRATEK VARIANCE– Trustee Foreman stated that she traveled by the property and noted that the garage appears even higher than 12 feet. She also remarked that the permit notations clearly reflected the 10 feet height restriction. Trustee Frost stated that the applicant indicated that the final grade is not complete and the height will be greater than the 10 feet restrictions, but less than 12 feet. Trustee Curry stated that he is a contractor and has received plans back with markups and can sympathize but also has had to correct issues that don’t meet code requirements. McEvoy questioned if neighbors raised concerns. Mr. Bratek stated that he only has a neighbor on each side and a commercial neighbor to the rear and no concerns were expressed.
The Board discussed whether additional measures should be taken to help prevent similar situations in the future. Measures were discussed, all of which would result in additional cost to the applicant. Trustee Curry remarked that the manner in which Village personnel processed the matter is consistent with how all other towns would handle it. He added that other communities would require the roof to be taken off and height reduced. Trustee Foreman suggested instituting a fine to deter people from proceeding in an unauthorized manner and asking for forgiveness later.
Trustee Klemstein move to approve Ordinance 20-21-16 Granting a Variance for the property commonly known as 5519 Dakota Ridge. Trustees Foreman, Curry, McEvoy and Frost voted no. Trustee Hagen and Klemstein voting yes. Motion failed.
Trustee Foreman stated she would be more comfortable considering a motion with a fine but questioned if it can be done and if so would it still set a precedence. Attorney Smoron concurred that it could be done but would establish a precedence.
The Board discussed landscaping and other options to help screen the structure and bring it into compliance. The petitioners were directed to come up with a plan and return to the Board. No additional inspections will take place until the matter is resolved.
COMMITTEE REPORTS – Trustee Foreman reported that the Community Affairs recommended not to proceed with the Holiday Magic Parade and requested the Board’s input. The Board concurred with the recommendation in light of current COVID restrictions.
Trustee Hagen reported that the Committee is trying to develop ways to help businesses challenged by COVID restrictions. He remarked that the Johnsburg Bucks Program was not real successful. He suggested the Village pursue more public relations and behalf of local businesses and discussed advertising for specific days for specific business so that they can be prepared with staff.
Trustee Frost reported that the Ordinance Committee recommended no changes to the ordinance regulating open burning of landscape wastes but suggested looking at additional options in the future. He added that the Committee is looking into outside storage of recreation vehicles and equipment.
TAX LEVY – RESOLUTION - Trustee Klemstein informed the Board that the Finance Committee recommended pursuing a Tax Levy that includes new growth and a CPI adjustment. Trustee Klemstein moved to approve a Tax Levy Resolution in the amount of $922,962. Trustee Foreman seconded the motion. All Trustees voted aye on the roll. Motion carried.
ADJOURNMENT - Trustee Frost moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Foreman seconded the motion. All Trustees voted aye. Motion to adjourn was carried at 7:45 p.m.