Village of Lake in the Hills Planning & Zoning Commission met Oct. 18.
Here are the minutes provided by the commission:
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm.
Roll call was answered by Commissioners Walker, Murphy, Bolton, Dixon, and Chairman Esposito. Absent was Commissioner Siakel.
Also present were Community Development Director Josh Langen, Trustee Bill Dustin, and Recording Secretary Laura Pekovic.
Approval of Meeting Minutes
Motion to accept the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting minutes of September 18, 2021 was made by Commissioner Walker and seconded by Commissioner Dixon. On a roll call vote, Commissioners Walker, Murphy, Bolton, Dixon and Chairman Esposito voted Aye. No Nays. Motion carried 5-0.
New Business
A. Variations to Section 7.4 Residential Bulk Chart in the R-2 Zoning District, rear yard setback at 6 Carl Court
Commissioner Esposito confirmed with staff that the public was given proper notice regarding the public hearing.
Staff Report
Director Langen opened the public hearing at 7:32 p.m. and reviewed the Request for Commission Action dated October 18, 2021.
Discussion and Comments by the Public, Staff, and the Planning and Zoning Commission Applicant, Natalie Medina, thanked Director Langen for his comprehensive staff report. Commissioner Bolton confirmed with the applicant that the backyard is fenced. Director Langen confirmed for Commissioner Dixon that the deck roof is covered.
There were no public comments, and Director Langen closed the public hearing at 7:42 p.m.
Motion to recommend approval to the Village Board for variations to Section 7.4 Residential Bulk Chart in the R-2 zoning district, rear yard setback at 6 Carl Court, was made by Commissioner Bolton and seconded by Commissioner Walker. On a roll call vote, Commissioners Walker, Murphy, Bolton, Dixon, and Chairman Esposito voted Aye. No Nays. Motion carried 5-0.
Director Langen presented the recently created market area development profiles. They will be on the Village’s website. They are to be used to promote commercial real estate and plan for future development of those parcels. The information included market research, marketing materials, and potential development layouts for the Village’s retail market areas. The presentation was received well by the Commission members.
Staff Report
Director Langen reported that in September 2021, the Village Board of Trustees approved the Planning and Zoning Commission’s recommendation to grant the variations at 65 Hilltop Drive.
Audience Participation
Trustee Liaison report
Trustee Dustin had nothing to report
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Commissioner Walker and seconded by Commissioner Dixon. On a roll call vote, Commissioners Walker, Murphy, Bolton, Dixon and Chairman Esposito voted Aye. No Nays. Motion carried.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting of the Lake in the Hills Planning & Zoning Commission was adjourned at 8:16 p.m. The next Planning and Zoning Commission meeting is scheduled for November 15, 2021.