City of Crystal Lake Historic Preservation Commission met March 3.
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
1) Call to Order
2) Roll Call
3) Public Comment
4) Approval of Minutes of the February 3, 2022 Regular Meeting
5) Meeting Schedule
Discuss and Vote on moving the meeting start time from 7:30 pm to 7:00 pm.
6) New Member Appointment
Discussion and recommendation vote to the City Council on the application of a new commission member.
7) Website Handouts
Discussion on current information and handouts available for residents.
8) Landmark Meeting
Discussion about holding a public meeting for property owners to learn about landmarking their property.
9) 2021 Projects Lake Avenue Cemetery and Veteran’s Research Book
General discussion about 2021 projects including cleaning and repairs at Lake Avenue (Crystal Lake) cemetery and a potential Veteran’s history cemetery book.
10) Member Inquiries and Reports
11) Adjournment