Recent data has shown that Nippersink School District 2 students are performing at expected grade levels. | Nippersink Middle School/Facebook
Recent data has shown that Nippersink School District 2 students are performing at expected grade levels. | Nippersink Middle School/Facebook
Data shows that students in Nippersink School District 2 are performing as expected; Dr. Patrick Enright, assistant superintendent of Curriculum Instruction & Accountability; told the Board of Education.
Enright gave several updates about academics in the district during the Oct. 26 board meeting, which was posted on YouTube.
"They're going to try to get a handle on exactly what happens at grade level and start increasing some PD within the school itself," he said during the meeting. "Focus on how instruction needs to be adjusted to address the skills gap. The other issue is that just sharing resources with teachers for tools, for instruction, for in the teacher toolbox, for I-writing and, a lot of teachers do this already, just to make sure that we're all doing it as goal-setting with students. So those are the next-step categories for what we discussed as the literacy and numeracy teams based on our fall data."
In his presentation, Enright noted that according to results of testing such as the iWrite assessment, students in each grade level were staying at expected levels compared to recent years, except for a small dip in sixth-grade levels that could be attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic.
During the meeting, Superintendent Dr. Thomas Lind celebrated the fact that the HVAC improvement project was finally getting the approval to get started. He noted that it has been two years in the making with the bidding and planning process. It was approved and sent to the board for a final vote. The project will include UV in the ventilation system to help kill germs and prevent the spread of viruses.
Dr. Lind also told the board about the success of a recent teacher appreciation breakfast, which he had heard numerous good things about. He thanked the board for their involvement and acknowledged how much it meant to the teachers. He also spoke about the recent principal appreciation luncheon that also went well. He commented that he was happy to recognize the hard work of the administrative leadership staff.