
McHenry Times

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Weber: 'I urge all of you to please work together with myself and others to hopefully make a difference in a child's life'

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Illinois State Rep. Tom Weber (R-Lake Villa) | repweber.com

Illinois State Rep. Tom Weber (R-Lake Villa) | repweber.com

Illinois State Representative Tom Weber (R) shared a Facebook post detailing his criticisms of the state's Department of Children and Family Services on Thursday.

"Tuesday I spoke on the House Floor to urge colleagues to help me in restoring legislative oversight and bringing change to the Department of Family and Children Services," Weber wrote. "Last week's auditor general report showed a 40% increase in the number of deaths of children known to DCFS. This increase, while not all related to foul play, is inexcusable, especially given the increased funding directed to the agency over the last several years."

Attached to the post was a video of Weber speaking on the House Floor as mentioned in the original caption.

"I rise to address a serious problem that our state has  -- the Department of Children and Family Services who received $1.5 billion of taxpayer money," Weber said in the video. "Their job is to protect children who are reported to be abused or neglected. The department is in charge of keeping our most vulnerable children not just alive, but safe. I urge each of you to read the recent Inspector General's report on DCFS from last week I could only describe it as disturbing. You've heard me over time and years talk about some of the children who have lost their lives, but this annual report shows a 40% increase in deaths of children who were on DCFS's radar. One child is too many. Two children are too many. But the report shows that 171 children that were on DCFS's radar lost their lives. Governor Pritzker may not want to admit it because he chose director Smith, his guy, to control the agency but it's clear that there's time for a change. It is time for a change, it is time for meaningful legislation and action, it's time for oversight, and it's time for us to work together and address this ongoing issue as we look towards our next year and next session, so I urge all of you to please work together with myself and others to hopefully make a difference in a child's life. Thank you."

On Thursday, Weber shared a second post expanding on his support of DCFS reform.

"Following up on my last post... Today, I spoke with Channel 20, because while I personally have been working with advocates and legislators on this issue for years, we need to pressure more Democrats to get on board," Weber wrote. "I understand this is a tough sell because while it is clear to me that it’s past time that DCFS sees a change in leadership, the director was chosen by Pritzker, and to admit that means to admit he chose wrong. This isn't about politics though. There is a heartbreaking, human cost when this agency is so poorly managed and the legislature doesn’t do anything."

On Friday, Weber shared a link to a Center Square article reporting that 49 more children in contact with the DCFS died in 2022 than in 2021.

"The 248-page report released by the Illinois Inspector General shows that in 2022, 49 more children died while in the custody of DCFS than in 2021," the article read. "That's a total of 171 children who died while on the department's radar or within 12 months after the department made contact with them."