
McHenry Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Woodstock Environmental Commission met March 2

City of Woodstock Environmental Commission met March 2

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

The Regular Meeting of the City of Woodstock Environmental Commission was called to order by Chairperson Erica Poremba at 5:36 PM on Thursday, March 2, 2023.



COMMISSION MEMBERS ATTENDING: E. Ellinghausen, Laura Kacmar, Margaret Schneemann, Steve Wenzel and Chairperson Erica Poremba.


STAFF ATTENDING: Public Works Director Brent Aymond and Chief Deputy City Clerk Jane Howie.



Motion by S. Wenzel, second by L. Kacmar, to accept the minutes from the January 5, 2023 meeting. Ayes: E. Ellinghausen, L. Kacmar, M. Schneemann, S. Wenzel and Chair Poremba. Nays: none. Absentees: none. Abstentions: none. Motion carried;


Anyone wishing to address the Commission on an item not already on the agenda may do so at this time.

a. Public Comments: none.

b. Commission Comments: none.

5. TRANSMITTALS (no discussion or action requested)


a. Update on Pesticide/Herbicide Applications

B. Aymond said the City uses all the products that he shared in this evening’s documents, which contain both herbicide and nutrients. S. Wenzel mentioned that there may be options available for landscaping that include nutrients and beneficial bacteria. M. Schneemann asked if the City is testing the soil in areas that are being treated. B. Aymond said the only soil the City tests are in the bumpouts around the Square for plantings. M. Schneemann expressed her concern that the City is adding fertilizer without testing the soil. In response, B. Aymond said TruGreen Lawn Care applies these products; the City is not aware if soil testing is being done. S. Wenzel asked if TruGreen could do some soil testing and provide the results to the City. He knows of companies that perform soil testing; he added further information pertaining to maintenance testing. Chair Poremba asked about possible grants for soil testing. Discussion ensued. B. Aymond said he’ll contact Scott Kuykendall for information and direction.

M. Schneemann said the transition period (moving away from herbicides/pesticides) can be difficult and costly. Chair Poremba suggested that the City select a test area and determine what costs would be for transitioning away from herbicides/pesticides. Discussion ensued pertaining to finding a company that will apply natural lawncare vs. training Public Works staff on the applications. Commissioners also asked if there could be a grant for the transition process, or could the City find a company that would give a cost reduction for this pilot program. M. Schneemann said she’d contact the EPA, Region 5, for information and funding. S. Wenzel suggested “Build Back Better” funding, perhaps, as well as checking with McHenry County to find out if they have any available ARPA funds. Commissioners stated they would like to document the transition process to share the process, and progress, with the community (social media).

b. Paper Straws/Eliminating Plastic Straws

Chair Poremba mentioned Hay! straws, made from the wheat plant. She added that they have no taste, they last for several days, and they’re biodegradable and can be added to your garden after use. She asked that this item be added to the Future Agenda and discussed in May.

c. L. Kacmar’s Public Outreach Event Idea

Commissioners asked that this item be added to April’s Agenda. There was interest in organizing a harvest celebration this fall. Details will be discussed at the next commission meeting. There was some discussion about using a portion of Kohl’s parking lot for parking and then having transportation in place to bring people to the garden site.

d. 2023 Community Gardens Application

B. Aymond said Public Works is already getting calls about the community garden. One of the changes being put in place for gardeners will be the requirement for them to weed their garden along with 1’ perimeter around their plot; the City will help to maintain the common areas. S. Wenzel suggested creating an outreach document/flyer that would include the responsibilities of each gardener as well as the City responsibilities. In addition, this document could share how do deal with your compost pile. Commissioners approved of the application changes presented. They asked B. Aymond to finalize and proceed.

L. Kacmar briefly discussed Morton Arboretum’s 66-page document (initiative), and shared Northbrook’s tree preservation as well as their approach in dealing with trees. She’d like to promote these types of programs here in Woodstock.

Commissioners discussed the benefit of becoming involved with Tree City USA vs. the advantage of putting a Tree Ordinance in place. There was some discussion about the four designated items, (1) have an arborist, (2) create an ordinance that establishes a board or commission that is responsible for the health of all public trees, (3) pay $2.00 per capita annually – in-kind / volunteer work qualifies, includes maintenance, and annual salaries of City staff, (4) have an annual Arbor Day Proclamation with a tree planting event. Arbor Day is on April 28th this year.

Chair Poremba asked if there’s something better than Tree City USA. S. Wenzel mentioned CRTI, Chicago Region Trees Initiative, www.chicagorti.org. Further discussion ensued. It was noted that the Tree City USA application must be submitted by September.


a. Oak Decline Syndrome/Root Rot

b. Tree Ordinance


a. Environmental Master Plan

b. Food Forest Concept

c. Food Composting Program (Fall 2023)

d. Rain Gardens

e. Stormwater Runoff & Retention Management

f. E. Ellinghausen’s Brine Study

9. ADJOURN: Adjourn to a regular meeting on Thursday, April 6, 2023 

Motion by E. Ellinghausen, seconded by M. Schneemann, to adjourn this regular meeting of the Environmental Commission. Ayes: E. Ellinghausen, L. Kacmar, M. Schneemann, S. Wenzel and Chair E. Poremba. Nays: none. Absentees: none. Abstentions: none. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:35 PM.
